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Sorry....But it's that time again!


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This will be the SIXTEENTH annual presentation of...


The Thanksgiving Joke



A man and his wife were talking one July evening when the man came up with an idea. Every year for Thanksgiving, we get a frozen turkey thats been frozen for who knows how long and is hard as a rock and takes three days to thaw to where you can cook it. This year, Id like to try something different.

Why dont we get a live turkey this year? I could build a little pen in the backyard, and I know of a turkey farmer I could get the bird from. We could spend the next three months fattening it up and Thanksgiving morning, I could chop its head off and you could do the rest. How about it?

His wife said she thought it was a wonderful idea, so the man set off to make it happen. He built a small pen out of old wood from his garage and some chicken wire he got at a local hardware store. Then went to the farmer and got a good sized Tom turkey and some corn feed.

Come Thanksgiving morning, the man went out to his yard, picked up the turkey out of its pen and carried it to a cement block he set up for the kill. After chopping off its head and giving it time to drain, he took it into his wife, who had read up on how to remove the feathers, and went off elsewhere to await dinner.

After dinner, while sitting at the table in front of a clean turkey skeleton, the man said, Man! That was the best tasting turkey dinner I ever had. This live turkey idea was a winner! And the stuffing. Fantastic. What did you make it out of? What dear? asked his wife. The stuffing. It was great. I asked what did you use for stuffing? And his wife replied,

Oh, I didnt have to stuff it. It WASNT EMPTY.


Y'all have a nice dinner anyway. ;)



I started out with NOTHING...and I still have most of it left!
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I will also issue my regular advisory-if you happen to have friends from Australia visiting and you don`t want to cause a choking incident, be careful around the phrase `I`m stuffed`. It has a whole `nother meaning in the land of Oz...

Same old surprises, brand new cliches-


Skipsounds on Soundclick:


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Yeah, that's probably more of what he might have meant, otherwise it's pretty harmless as a phrase. But I guess the difference might be as different as what "shagging flies" means to an American and what it might mean to a Brit. :o:blush::laugh:


I started out with NOTHING...and I still have most of it left!
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