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What I don't like about the new EQ magazine

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I miss the old session documentaries that appeared in the old version of EQ magazine. I really enjoyed reading about the recording process of various artists sessions. Personally I would much rather see more in depth coverage of the recording/mixing process, and less software reviews/reports. Just my opinion.
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Just so you understand, it's almost never an oversight (or malicious intent) by the magazine when a brand fails to get covered in a product guide.


Editors send out questionnaires to the companys, who must fill out the categories that have been specified. When you see someone missing from this type of list, it's usually because the manufacturer did not get the information back to the magazine on time for the article.


This has happened to me before, and by the time I was finished being yelled at by my bosses, I made an oath to never have it happen again. ;)


- Jeff

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Originally posted by Ken/Eleven Shadows:

Well, maybe the next one will have more of those reports that you like. Who knows...

I wish that were the case, but it seems to be more of a shift in priority towards highlighting software and computers. It almost seems as if EQ has become Electronic Musician II.
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That shift is true, but it's a reflection of life.


Most people getting into recording now are going straight to the computer, and the majority of those who've been doing it for a long time are shifting (or have shifted) to computer-based music recording and production. It would be remiss for EQ not to cover that aspect as they have.


That having been said, I understand your first statement about the magazine changing its method of coverage of technique rather than products and technologies. However, it's really hard to find that balance, and trust me that a bunch of people complained that EQ wasn't doing enough coverage of gear for awhile. there's always an ebb and flow to these things, and there's always the matter of the personal style of editors as they put their stamp on the magazines they create.


- Jeff

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Originally posted by Jeff Da Weasel:

However, it's really hard to find that balance, and trust me that a bunch of people complained that EQ wasn't doing enough coverage of gear for awhile. there's always an ebb and flow to these things, and there's always the matter of the personal style of editors as they put their stamp on the magazines they create.


- Jeff

I hear you Jeff. I love reading gear reviews as much as the next guy/girl, but my favorite aspect of the old EQ was the interviews with the engineers and reading about various techniques they used. Is there a way to implement more of this Craig?
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I love hearing the techniques of other engineers, too, and always hope that they continue this. I'll look again - I thought there was some of that in there, but I could be wrong.
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Selling products is what brings money to the industry that sponsors the magazine via advertising.


Articles about techniques and how to best use gear you already have, don't.


Those forces are at work whether it is a conscious decision or not.

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Originally posted by Meriphew:

I love reading gear reviews as much as the next guy/girl, but my favorite aspect of the old EQ was the interviews with the engineers and reading about various techniques they used. Is there a way to implement more of this Craig?

I've seen much more of this in Sound on Sound than I have in EQ recently, if that's what you're looking for.
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Originally posted by Meriphew:

I miss the old session documentaries that appeared in the old version of EQ magazine. I really enjoyed reading about the recording process of various artists sessions.

Most issues of Recording magazine have that.
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Actually, it's ultra-important to the advertisers that technique is covered (and EQ does, by the way, still cover technique). Here's why...


The short term thing is that it cuts back on the amount of support that the manufacturer is expected to provide. Good articles on audio techniques clear away a lot of the basic use help that would otherwise deluge tech support lines.


The longer term aspect that's appreciated is that these articles encourage folks to want to try new ways of doing things, and often that means buying more gear to augment systems or replacement aging components.


So, no...it's not advertisers who cause magazines to be more or less gear-centric.


- Jeff

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One of the reasons I dropped my multi-year subscription to EQ was because it seemed to be getting more and more personality driven. ("Vocal Pitch Processors of the Stars!")


If the monthly columns from people with something new to say about twice a year weren't bad enough, there were the celebrity personal studios. You know: he/she hires someone to spec it, hires someone to build it, hires someone to decorate it, and then has to hire someone to run it for him because he's too stupid to figure out Pro Tools or program a drum machine.


The last straw was the cover photo a few years back of the home studio of that singer from that Peal-Jam-clone band... a beautifully appointed studio filled with gear to die for, no doubt. But, let's face it, the image of Bonzo the Chimp in the captain's chair of the USS Enterprise comes to mind.


[i just re-read this a number of hours later and want to say: I was in a bad mood this morning. EQ is a fine magazine and if I had a little more more money and a lot more room I'd love to have a subscription to it and more. ;) ]

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Originally posted by Jeebus:

I've seen much more of this in Sound on Sound than I have in EQ recently, if that's what you're looking for.

Hey Jeebus - I'm an avid online reader at SOS. I dig their interviews.


Originally posted by Phil B:

Most issues of Recording magazine have that.

Thanks Phil - I'll check that out.
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Originally posted by Meriphew:


I hear you Jeff. I love reading gear reviews as much as the next guy/girl, but my favorite aspect of the old EQ was the interviews with the engineers and reading about various techniques they used. Is there a way to implement more of this Craig?


Craig's at Musikmesse, so I'll jump in....


No worries, you'll be seeing more personality coverage in EQ over the next few months. As Jeff very correctly pointed out, it's a balancing act. The balance will shift a bit back toward personalities in the coming months -- although not at the expense of our expanded techniques coverage.

the poster formerly known as MitchG formerly known as EQ_Editor
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i've read every single issue of EQ since it first debuted X years ago. (and my wife would be much happier if i threw away the huge pile of them that take up the floor space in the spare bedroom)


however, as much as i hate to say it, i enjoy it less now than i used to. (sorry craig!)


maybe it is just the fact that i'm getting old, but i much prefer reading about how things were done as opposed to reading endless reviews of gear that i probably won't purchase....

frankly, i miss al kooper and roger nichols :(


flame away if you must.


-d. gauss

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Originally posted by Meriphew:

...it seems to be more of a shift in priority towards highlighting software and computers. It almost seems as if EQ has become Electronic Musician II.

I made these same observations when the format first changed.


Some of the recent issues have been a total flip-through for me, but there have been a couple the received a second/third pass.


Funny thing about EM...it seems to be going in the opposite direction the last few issues...

...maybe they see a void that they can fill...???


And yes...the best "hands-on" articles are found in Tape Op...probably the most enjoyable read for me these days...



Ever since they made everyone re-subscribe back in the Fall...Im not getting my Tape Ops!!!

I've emailed them twice...but I don't think anyone is reading the emails over there!!!

Any of you folks having the same problems...and do you have a phone number for Tape Op 'cuz their email thing don't seem to work???!!!

miroslav - miroslavmusic.com


"Just because it happened to you, it doesn't mean it's important."

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I got a 3 month on-line e-subscription to SOS - it also opens up the past 6 issues. It's got lots of good stuff in it...


I'd probably do that with EQ if they had a similar e-deal. Maybe that would allow for more in-depth articles that include techniques or setup details or any calibration or reference tools that were used. You know - like for a monitor shootout how about room dimensions and an ETF plot at the listening position as well as reference material listened to...simple but effective details

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Originally posted by miroslav:

And yes...the best "hands-on" articles are found in Tape Op...probably the most enjoyable read for me these days...



Ever since they made everyone re-subscribe back in the Fall...Im not getting my Tape Ops!!!

I've emailed them twice...but I don't think anyone is reading the emails over there!!!

Any of you folks having the same problems...and do you have a phone number for Tape Op 'cuz their email thing don't seem to work???!!!

TapeOp is my current favorite. Lots of great stuff packed in each issue. I know the latest issue of TapeOp was running really late because of printer problems. I just got mine in the mail today.
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Originally posted by EQ Editor:

you'll be seeing more personality coverage in EQ over the next few months. As Jeff very correctly pointed out, it's a balancing act. The balance will shift a bit back toward personalities in the coming months -- although not at the expense of our expanded techniques coverage.

I'm glad to hear that Mitch, because in the past you guys have done such a great job in that department.
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Mitch, I'll second that. It's always interesting to hear people's approaches and techniques. I don't think anyone will ever tire of hearing that.


TapeOp is wonderful. I just got the latest issue two days ago. It's good as usual. They're especially good at profiling stuff. But no, they never answer their email. I've probably sent about five and all have gone unanswered, and these were subscription issues.

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Originally posted by gmstudio99:

Al Kooper

Roger Nichols

Jim Bordner


God I miss those guys. (Well, I actually am in touch with Jim quite frequently, but his EQ column is sorely missed.)


Right now Tape Op is the front runner for me regarding people and techniques.

Amen, amen, and amen.


Although I do like the fact that you'll actually see negative reviews in the mag. I loved how at one point, there was a Royer review on one page and within the article on the next page, was that add hocking 121s.


Then again, I'm not an amateur engineer and/or weekend warrior. Maybe I'm just too advanced for that mag... it's not like I read GuitarOne.

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Hmm... well, I don't know about you folks, but my new issue of EQ just showed up in my mailbox today - and every time it arrives, I feel somewhat like a kid who just got an unexpected (and cool) present. :)


But I agree - TapeOp and SOS are also good magazines.

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Originally posted by miroslav:

And yes...the best "hands-on" articles are found in Tape Op...probably the most enjoyable read for me these days...



Ever since they made everyone re-subscribe back in the Fall...Im not getting my Tape Ops!!!

I've emailed them twice...but I don't think anyone is reading the emails over there!!!

Any of you folks having the same problems...and do you have a phone number for Tape Op 'cuz their email thing don't seem to work???!!!

Same problem here!
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But I agree - TapeOp and SOS are also good magazines.

EQ and Tape Op came with in a few days of each other. We're talkin real serious enjoyable down time in the old john this week. :D

William F. Turner




Sometimes the truth is rude...

tough shit... get used to it.

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Sorry, didn't get a chance to reply because I was in Frankfurt.




We still do "Session File" (although it may drop out of an issue from time to time) and as Mitch pointed out, we'll be doing more "personality" pieces on how certain albums were engineered/mixed/etc. We simply can't fit one of everything in each issue, but hopefully we'll be able to increase the page count soon.




Articles about techniques and how to best use gear you already have, don't.>>


Actually, readers love techniques articles, and the only reason why advertisers advertise is because we have readers. And for the record, most manufacturers are glad we run techniques pieces because they feel it improves the level of the entire industry. For example, if we do something about how to use software for mastering, EVERY company that makes those types of products benefits, as opposed to a review where only one company gets some attention (whether good, bad, or indifferent).


The answer is always chicken-and-egg...if we have more pages, we can run more articles that take care of more people's needs, but we need those people to subscribe so we can have more pages...


Still, I think you'll see there are some cool things coming up in the months ahead.

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