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show biz is still bizniz & still abt da show

d  halfnote

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As JH once said, "May you never hear smurf music again"


:D:thu: Do Smurfs play Blue notes?



Nice. :cool: I got to witness similar slick stage movery by him a few times.


May we never hear abt some lame, non-musical celebrity's death again while cats like this are tryna make a living.


While a little harsh, I can certainly relate.

Ask yourself- What Would Ren and Stimpy Do?


~ Caevan James-Michael Miller-O'Shite ~

_ ___ _ Leprechaun, Esquire _ ___ _

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Oh, knock it off, d....


I DID designate the thread as "OT", and NObody actually twisted your arm off to read it, did they?


And it seems both King and Khan handled that break and change a LOT smoother than Ritchie Havens did in "Woodstock". ;)


I started out with NOTHING...and I still have most of it left!
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I think the two videos demonstrate why it's a good idea to have a spare guitar at the gig...I would play through the song and then switch guitars before the next song if I broke a string. (I'm not as fast as SRV with a roadie LOL!) Then by the next break, I would have a new string on the main axe. I seldom if ever break a string these days but I remember my gigging days and would still pack a spare guitar... :cool:


ps. @ Fang, I think d [is] the OP on this thread LOL! :facepalm:

Take care, Larryz
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Yeah, I always have a backup guitar... but I break strings during songs onstage all the time... just play through the song. I've lost strings on the acoustic and electric 12 strings (which I don't have backups for) and just went on with the gig, and 11 strings was fine.


Just go to different voicings, play different licks, work around what isn't there all of a sudden.


I did once hear about a gig where Big Head Todd broke a string in the middle of a solo, and his tech ran out and changed the string WHILE he was still playing the solo...

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@Larry--Sure, d's the OP on THIS thread, but he DID make a snide referrence to the Florence Henderson thread, if you noticed(or not).


@p90---Tech changed it while the man was PLAYING? THERE'S a situation I'd NEED to see a video of before I beleive it!


I started out with NOTHING...and I still have most of it left!
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S'alright Larry.


Anyway, I've never been too big on "showy" stuff like that at concerts. Saw plenty of flashy showmanship done at concerts while at the same time, the MUSIC sucked. I've always said:


I go to a concert with the mindset: "Ok. So, I'm STEVIE WONDER here at this concert and I can't SEE the pyrotechnics, lasers and costuming and flashy gimmicks. So, what's gonna impress ME?"


I started out with NOTHING...and I still have most of it left!
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The Trans Siberian Orchestra puts on a wonderful pyro/laser show with great music...however, after an hour or two I do start to lose interest. I too try to look through all of the showy stuff. I would still recommend their Christmas show for all to see at least once... :cool:
Take care, Larryz
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Thanks, DanAlc, that's an even better example of reacting to what's , as some say, "in the now" !


1 thing I'd point out is that SRV's crew didn't just execute that but had the pre-sight to practice it in advance.

[Don't think that took place spurred by the moment, didja ?]...


& the SRV vid's not an example of "showy effects" but of being ready to keep the show going.

Do ya think SRV was able to actually break one of those 13 + gauge strings at will?

[Well, gotta admit that he were really crafty he might've but I knew that guy...he was smart but not that sly]


Oh, knock it off, d....


a snide referrence to the Florence Henderson thread...

Sorry, bud but y'named yerself, I didn't.

As far as what's proper here at my fave music discussion site....I dunno but maybe it's music....






So, what's gonna impress ME?"


Flo Henderson, I guess.

Rock on, Sister!

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The most impressive bit of "playing through adversity" I have personally witnessed was at a small club show in San Antonio. The band was King's X. The consummate pro was lead vocalist & bass player, Doug (now, Dug) Pinnick.


They were doing the big instrumental break in their finale, and Doug started spinning in a tight circle while playing his bass. Eventually, his instrument cable wrapped up his legs and took him down. He didn't miss a note. He even managed to extricate himself and return to vertical in time to sing the closing stanzas.


Hats off, Doug!

Sturgeon's 2nd Law, a.k.a. Sturgeon's Revelation: âNinety percent of everything is crapâ


My FLMS- Murphy's Music in Irving, Tx



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A somewhat similar thing but w/ a VERY different out come occurred at on of my early shows.


I was to play a song as featured soloist while wearing a complicated costume as an Egyptian mythological figure, Anubis.

As I strode forward to deliver my stunning "Memphis :D style" gtr part,

I pulled my amp over.

The gtr cord pulled loose.

I couldn't really hear b/c I was concentrating on playing my part.

Vocalist, attempting to reconnect me, followed me around the stage tryna grab the gtr cable.


Too bad vids don't exist !

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I was to play a song as featured soloist while wearing a complicated costume as an Egyptian mythological figure, Anubis.


As I strode forward to deliver my stunning "Memphis :Dstyle" gtr part...


:rimshot: Nice... :D:cool:

Ask yourself- What Would Ren and Stimpy Do?


~ Caevan James-Michael Miller-O'Shite ~

_ ___ _ Leprechaun, Esquire _ ___ _

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Here's a story about the power of the confluence of inspiration, talent, and a broken guitar string:



Sturgeon's 2nd Law, a.k.a. Sturgeon's Revelation: âNinety percent of everything is crapâ


My FLMS- Murphy's Music in Irving, Tx



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So, where would you say all this sort of thing started?


Elvis' pelvis? or....Chuck's duck walk?


Incidentally, just for kicks, I once tried to do Chuck's thing, but Chuck's "Duck Walk" turned into Fang's "Butt Bounce" :D


I read in Chucks Autobiography that HE called it the "duck" walk because as a tyke, to prevent hitting his head while walking under the kitchen table, he would "duck" down and walk that way. It cracked up his mom and her friends. He thought of trying it out for fun while playing somewhere and the crowd LOVED it, so it became his trademark after that.


I started out with NOTHING...and I still have most of it left!
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Yeah, I always have a backup guitar... but I break strings during songs onstage all the time... just play through the song. I've lost strings on the acoustic and electric 12 strings (which I don't have backups for) and just went on with the gig, and 11 strings was fine.


Just go to different voicings, play different licks, work around what isn't there all of a sudden.


I did once hear about a gig where Big Head Todd broke a string in the middle of a solo, and his tech ran out and changed the string WHILE he was still playing the solo...


Big Head Todd & The Monsters got good airplay on radio Woodstock back in the day, I like that band.

Same old surprises, brand new cliches-


Skipsounds on Soundclick:


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