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Jupiter 80 or Motif xf Useful In My Setup?


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I am such a gears***, I admit..

I now own montage, kronos, kurz forte and the Integra 7. But I was just told that both the jupiter 80 and motif are available for an absolutely big sale (used). But I don't know which one to go for. I'm sure both will overlap a lot with what I currently have, but it's really the price that got me into considering it.. I was originally saving up cash to get myself a nord lead or jd-xa. If I do end up getting either the jupiter or the motif, I would rely on u-he diva for analog stuff in the meantime which I do not mind at all tbh.


So.. if I do happen to end up buying one, which one, jupiter or motif, would be more ideal to get? I know jupiter is a performance synth but Im a studio composer/producer. But at the same time, the onboard sequencer on motif isn't necessary in my workflow.


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Really don't think you need either. The Montage and Integra pretty much have most of the sounds on the two boards you're looking at (if not all of them or even more). So if I were you, I would pass and keep saving for something that doesn't have all that sonic overlap.
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if I were you, I would pass


Save your money, period. You don't need anything else--you definitely have the bases covered for sounds. Perhaps that's counter-productive to most advice you'll receive, but you will be happier in the future.


I know from experience; it's no fun having synths gathering dust at the bottom of the closet.

When an eel hits your eye like a big pizza pie, that's a Moray.
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I am such a gears***, I admit..

I now own montage, kronos, kurz forte and the Integra 7. But I was just told that both the jupiter 80 and motif are available for an absolutely big sale (used). But I don't know which one to go for. I'm sure both will overlap a lot with what I currently have, but it's really the price that got me into considering it.. I was originally saving up cash to get myself a nord lead or jd-xa. If I do end up getting either the jupiter or the motif, I would rely on u-he diva for analog stuff in the meantime which I do not mind at all tbh.


So.. if I do happen to end up buying one, which one, jupiter or motif, would be more ideal to get? I know jupiter is a performance synth but Im a studio composer/producer. But at the same time, the onboard sequencer on motif isn't necessary in my workflow.


I am a minimalist. Kronos 88. With all the boards plus even more, my take is that there is way too much overlap on sounds plus it gets cumbersome to manage it. You only have 2 hands and 1 brain. I don't get having 20,000 sounds, etc. How I manage my time with my gear is very important.

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Of the 2 the JP 80 probably offers the most potential for a unique voice using the registration based architecture. But I would not bother with a purchase either. Only reason adding a JP80 to my Kronos appeals to me is adding a performance synth with a good synth action to my 88. You got that all covered.


Get the Schmidt.

"It doesn't have to be difficult to be cool" - Mitch Towne


"A great musician can bring tears to your eyes!!!

So can a auto Mechanic." - Stokes Hunt


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Thanks for many suggestions! Yeah I pretty much expected that none of them would be necessary at all but the price did attract me for a slight moment.


I'm currently not too open-minded about VA synths, as I've never done sound designing or synthesizing. So I kind of eyeball on forum posts and just trust it.. and those were nord lead, studiologic sledge, JD-XA and prophet 08. I should probably change the direction of my question towards what would be recommended out of these. I know JD-XA is somewhat like a hybrid, but the sound did get me for sure, so I'm putting it into my options.

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This is a tough comparison. I don't have the sledge, but I have a Blowfeld desktop along with a JD-XA and Prophet 08. They all have a different sound.


There are a lot of arguments on the web about the Sledge 2 being a crippled Blofeld with dedicated controls. The Blofeld has a really nice sound but is not easy to program.


The Prophet 08 is the easiest to program of my three, but also has the simplest sound. You can get it as a desktop which is a bonus for me. The main issue with the Prophet 08 is that it is not a Prophet 6.


The JD-XA has a really nice sound. I get tired of all the lights and the hard to read labels but otherwise I have no complaints. For me, it is a great pad machine. I do wish the keyboard was the same that is on the JP-80.


No digital VA keyboard is going to compare well with the better computer VA's like the stuff from Uh-He. For that reason I would probably go with analog or hybrid.

This post edited for speling.

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Based upon your current arsenal and your stated usage (studio composer / producer), I would concur with the others that a slamming price doesn't equate to a wise purchase, in this case.


What you seem to be missing in your gear list is real analog. Montage, Kronos and Forte and Integra already have a great deal of overlap in multiple areas, but none of these will really do the same flavor as, say, a Prophet 6, OB6 or similar.


True, no slamming deals to be had on those units - but I'm guessing if you saved up and soon your arsenal was:








There would be a lot of flavors you could lay down.



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If you aren't in a big yank to get something immediately you may want to wait a bit to see what comes down the pike over the next 4-6 months. Roland is announcing 5 new synths in a couple of weeks for the "Hallmark Holiday" 909 DAY, Behringer new 12 voice analog is due out around Christmas, and of course the NAMM Show is in January.
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Roland is announcing 5 new synths in a couple of weeks for the "Hallmark Holiday" 909 DAY


Don't forget to send everyone a card. :)




When an eel hits your eye like a big pizza pie, that's a Moray.
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Roland is announcing 5 new synths in a couple of weeks for the "Hallmark Holiday" 909 DAY


Don't forget to send everyone a card. :)





That's the spirit! I'm going to convince the Missus that this is now an official non-official holiday and I need to buy a new piece of gear to support the industry.


Also going to push for holidays on March 3rd, May 5th, June 6th, July 7th, and August 8th next year. Just doing my part to help the economy keep chugging along.

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Funny timing on this post. I have been considering buying a JP80 again. It is one of only a few keyboards that I have really regretted selling. The system architecture is a bit odd, but makes sense from a performance standpoint. I wonder if Roland is still manufacturing these? The retail price has dropped significantly, which makes me think perhaps not. Anyway, I'd still have to agree with the others. If you've got the Integra and Kronos, it would be redundant.
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Thanks for many suggestions! Yeah I pretty much expected that none of them would be necessary at all but the price did attract me for a slight moment.


I'm currently not too open-minded about VA synths, as I've never done sound designing or synthesizing. So I kind of eyeball on forum posts and just trust it.. and those were nord lead, studiologic sledge, JD-XA and prophet 08. I should probably change the direction of my question towards what would be recommended out of these. I know JD-XA is somewhat like a hybrid, but the sound did get me for sure, so I'm putting it into my options.


Personally, I prefer the Prophet 08 of that group. You would want an external effect unit if you want reverb or delay. The P-08 has a nice modulation matrix driven by 4 LFOs.


I think the action on the JD-XA sucks. Especially for a $2000+ board.


I really value nice hardware and actions.


The Sledge would be a great learning board. The interface is laid out perfectly.


The Nord Lead looks cool. It has built in effects. That may be your best option of that group.

"It doesn't have to be difficult to be cool" - Mitch Towne


"A great musician can bring tears to your eyes!!!

So can a auto Mechanic." - Stokes Hunt


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If you aren't in a big yank to get something immediately you may want to wait a bit to see what comes down the pike over the next 4-6 months. Roland is announcing 5 new synths in a couple of weeks for the "Hallmark Holiday" 909 DAY, Behringer new 12 voice analog is due out around Christmas, and of course the NAMM Show is in January.


Thanks for the heads up on the roland products, I didnt encounter it until seeing your post.


I had a chance to quickly look through their new webpage http://tfr.roland.com/global/909-celebration


I am only seeing 4 new synths. What's the other one? I'm leaning towards JD-XA right now. I'm not sure if these 'boutique synths' would be able to replace the jd-xa since they're mini synths and would serve different purposes anyways.

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