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Any love for the DSI Tetra?


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I am thinking about adding a DSI Tetra to my arsenal. Couldn't find too many reviews of serious keyboard players. YT only has a ton of videos showing annoying sequencing with awful sounds. Any serious Tetra users here? Can the tiny thingy really be used as half of a Prophet 08?




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Here is what I posted in Feb, 2015 in this forum:


"I had the Tetra for a while before deciding to upgrade to a P08 rack.



- Prophet 08 sound (+ sub-oscillator) with all that analog goodness and extensive modulation routing

- Well built

- Compact

- Good choice of parameters given limited knobs

- Multi-timbral with multiple outputs



- You have to use a computer editor to do any significant editing (somewhat a given on this form factor.)

- A couple years ago when I was using it, the SoundTower Sound Editor was fine for mono-timbral sounds, but had some flakiness in the various multi-timbral modes. This was much discussed in the Tetra dsiforum.com board. I have no idea if it has improved or not. I also don't know if there are other options now.


In summary, if most of your use will be mono-timbral, then I think it's a great little unit. This may be the case if you are mostly talking about live use. I upgraded simply because I decided that I really wanted an old-style knob-per-function analog unit. (I work on computers all day long.)"

Yamaha CK88, Arturia Keylab 61 MkII, Moog Sub 37, Yamaha U1 Upright, Casio CT-S500, Mac Logic/Mainstage, iPad Camelot, Spacestation V.3, QSC K10.2, JBL EON One Compact


There's a thin white line between fear and fury - Stickman

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The forum search is generally considered to be sub-par and it is recommended to use google with the site option. See the sticky post on searching the forum.


For example, to find my old post, I put this in google search:


site:forums.musicplayer.com tetra sam mullins soundtower


(btw, it was in a more general thread on tabletop modules or I would have simply posted the link to that thread.)

Yamaha CK88, Arturia Keylab 61 MkII, Moog Sub 37, Yamaha U1 Upright, Casio CT-S500, Mac Logic/Mainstage, iPad Camelot, Spacestation V.3, QSC K10.2, JBL EON One Compact


There's a thin white line between fear and fury - Stickman

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Thanks for your speedy reply and your review. Just wondering why the KC search function doesn't show your post from Feb 2015.


I went to the search page.


I typed in "tetra" (without quotes).


I changed the date range to "Newer than:" 2 years.


37 results, including the thread that Sam mentioned.


However, as Sam later posted, and as is posted in the topmost thread on this forum, about searching for info here, the Google method specifying the "site:" parameter is the best way to find stuff here.



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