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Sam Mullins

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About Sam Mullins

  • Birthday 09/16/1961


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    Music, golf, reading.
  • Location
    Iowa City, Iowa

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  1. That seems to work. The only thing I'll add is that (at least on my iPads) the Hammond B-3x folder did not show up under "On My iPad". I did a search on the file finder and it found that folder which was empty. Once I added a file to it, I could do as you said and tap/open/save. Also, that directory (now that it isn't empty) shows up under "On My iPad". Oy vey.
  2. Uggggh...no idea. Can't believe they make something so basic so difficult. update: as i said, haven't used iPad for this in a year or so. But got both my iPads out and tried air drop method that used to work for me and I had the same lack of success you report. 😒
  3. I assume by Up you mean above the keyboard. I get that but I have the opposite preference. I no longer buy keyboards where the wheels are to the left. Part of being older and minimizing the schlep effort; want things as light and short as possible.
  4. I like my mk2 a lot. New version appears to gain fancier screen and USB-C. It loses: - buttons below sliders - two additional aux pedal inputs - cv connectors I personally only use the first one above but doesn't seem like a great tradeoff to me. If they had done MPE, then it might be tempting.
  5. No idea (I responded on your other thread about my own struggles this a year ago). Basic thing that is straightforward on every other iPad synth I use. At the risk of overgeneralizing from limited data samples: this has been my experience with IK Multimedia products. Some really nice technology combined with some bad practical decisions. iRig Keys had some really nice things in a very compact, light weight 4 octave package. But also had non-standard flaky connectors.
  6. Not fresh in my mind since I have since switched to Mac Mini from iPad....but here is the process I went through over a year ago. clonk here
  7. I got one of these last winter for my duo for when we needed something quick to set up in a small space. I chose it at the time because I needed 4 channels (two mics, guitar and keys) and most of the competitors had less than that. Have used it a few times and have been pretty satisfied. Sound is good but not terribly loud. Now there are some more options I might look at (e.g. the Mackie Showbox.) Setup time is 10 minutes compared to an hour for our normal PA. 😀 Let me know if you have questions.
  8. Just arrived in Boston in time for fireworks on the Charles. My wife and I moved here for grad school 40 years ago right after we were married and are having a nostalgic anniversary trip back. Watching the arrival of thousands of people from all economic, sociological and ethnic backgrounds was a reminder of the promise of this country. And to celebrate:
  9. Not talking about the AI generated stuff. just the sounds. I can use the sounds in Logic like any other instrument plugin and would like to do same in Mainstage. But perhaps they are inextricably linked to underlying AI hooks and can’t be supported (at least yet) in MainStage. Not critical for me; got plenty of sounds but just wanted to make sure I wasn’t missing something.
  10. Did a google search and didn't find anything on this. I don't see the new Logic Session Piano and Session Bass instruments in Mainstage. I assume I should. Does anyone see them in Mainstage? Do I need to do some magic refresh somewhere in Mainstage?
  11. I enjoyed it a lot although the focus starts more with the music and increasingly is on politics and business shenanigans as it goes on. Obviously those things are important historically and as part of the story of Stax. But no William Bell? No mention of the failure in promoting one of the most influential non-soul acts Big Star. Would have liked more coverage of the actual music. But still worthwhile
  12. Yeah that’s what i was watching and would occasionally see it get into bad territory.
  13. Whether memory is an issue really depends on your use case. I typically do 3 hour-long sets and that's about 40 songs. If I was just using a moderate number of standard sounds in a few configurations, then I could do this all in one Concert and have no memory issues. But on any given night, a good chunk of the 40 have lots of splits and soft synths, etc. When I tried to do that all in one Concert, it was always pushing the memory limits. Mac OS does some magic in the background so it's never very clear if you are actually going to have problems. But I don't risk it and always put each set in it's own Concert. It's possible I'm sweating this unnecessarily. I wish Mainstage did what Camelot Pro does on the iPad; give you the option of loading/unloading the soft synths on each song change (to reduce memory consumption at any one time.) It would be fine with me to have 15-20 second loading delay between songs. The mainstage model is more like what I expect is required for musical theatre work; lots of scene changes with new sounds and no flexibility on loading time. Still it would be nice the have the option to swap in/out or not.
  14. I use a Mac Mini M1 with 16GB and 512GB. I wouldn't recommend less memory or hard disk. The M1 is plenty of CPU for running Mainstage with lots of plugins. If it's a money tradeoff between getting more memory vs. M2, opt for the memory. I know you may not want a Mini; I am using it because i already had it for Logic at home studio when I decided to start using Mainstage live. Obviously a little more hassle live than a macbook since you need external monitor and keyboard/house (which you might have already) I use a 15" cheap monitor driven by a single USB-C cable and a wireless keyboard/mousepad. So not too bad for setup and it has one clear advantage: I can use a keyboard stand tablet holder for the monitor and have it right in front of me (I have chords/lyric hints in Mainstage programs). Easier to deal with than mounting a laptop or putting it off to the side.
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