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POLL: Which posting environment would you prefer?


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This topic has been under discussion in the What's in a Name thread. However, it seems to me that it deserves a thread of its own.


QUESTION: What kind of posting environment would you prefer? One in which adherence to the original subject is strictly adhered to and any deviation or expansion is discouraged?


Or one that embraces a more fluid, open-ended, dynamic in which the thread may be changed or expanded upon based upon the natural ebb and flow of conversation and a free exchange of ideas?


You can read my input as well as the input from SEHPicker and Scott Frazer in the other thread.


Let's discuss and decide which environment we prefer.


Let us know what you think.



If you play cool, you are cool.
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I think since a lot of people besides the OP read a thread possibly with similar but not exact scenarios, I think there is value in discussing tangents so long as there is stil an eye on helping the OP. Caveats wrt the OP's scenario should be identified.




OP: I'm looking for a pedalboard for my pedals. I have X, Y, Z.....etc.

Member1: I use the Digitech GSP1101 in my rack with a MIDI foot controller and I love it.

OP: I like my pedals, I just need a board.

Member2: I prefer the TC Electric G major 2

OP: I really want to stick to pedals.

Member1: I'll never buy anything from TC Electric again, their service is terrible.

Member2: I've never had a problem with them, and it sounds great.

Member1: have you seen the other thread on them?

OP: can anybody suggest a pedalboard?



A better way:


Member1: I use a midi foot controller with a rackmount unit. I prefer it because X/Y/Z. Is that something you'd consider?


If OP says yes, commence discussion. If they say no but you still really want to talk about it anyway, start a new thread. Maybe post a link - for those interested, I started a new thread on it....click.



Acoustic/Electric stringed instruments ranging from 4 to 230 strings, hammered, picked, fingered, slapped, and plucked. Analog and Digital Electronic instruments, reeds, and throat/mouth.

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Here's what I think. I think you old guys love to grump and groan about all kinds of insignificant stuff.


Get off my lawn!



Acoustic/Electric stringed instruments ranging from 4 to 230 strings, hammered, picked, fingered, slapped, and plucked. Analog and Digital Electronic instruments, reeds, and throat/mouth.

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I prefer reasonable ebb and flow. You know if I ask about echos and get a lot of information on midi guitar interfaces it's kind of strange. But who knows I may decide I really need a midi interface. So no big deal. If it's someone who has not posted before stay on topic and be as helpful as you can. No need to freak out a new member with information they don't need or want.
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Ebb & flow is great, and wandering away from the initial topic is both inevitable and can even be enlightening. However, intentionally directing the conversation down a rabbit hole is pretty bad form.


And in other news:


Sturgeon's 2nd Law, a.k.a. Sturgeon's Revelation: âNinety percent of everything is crapâ


My FLMS- Murphy's Music in Irving, Tx



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I guess I'M the "culprit" in much of this. So, lemme 'splane why it bugs me the way it does.....


First off, when a thread wanders a LITTLE off the track, as the "What's in a name" thread DID wander off a bit from ambiguous SONG TITLES, and DID poke it's head in the door of the wondering IF an instrumental piece of music CAN actually BE thought of as a "song", or should we call them "tunes" instead, THAT sort of thing was somewhat acceptable. I was OK with it up to a point, But, oddly enough even THAT "derailment" got derailed! :D (incidentally, on the jazz station I listen to sometimes, they introduced a recording by some particular artist by saying..."The NEXT 'work' we're going to hear is...")


My frustration with this sort of thing comes from, no surprise, my experience with FACEBOOK. I once, on a FB page that dealt with the rememberences of my hometown's current, long time and/or past citizens, asked a question about what type(or the name ) of business was on a particular corner of two main roads in my town where a Spartan store had been for years. I simply asked, "What was on the corner of (so-and-so) street and (whatcha callit) street BEFORE( and, I DID capitalize it) the Spartan store?" Seemed simple enough, right?




The replies were inundated with so many people informing me as to which businesses occupied the spot AFTER the Spartan Store closed up and moved out that I wanted to pull my hair out! And I HAVE NONE TO SPARE! :D


Now, SOME of you may wish to call THAT "fluid". I call it "Water on the brain"!


I started out with NOTHING...and I still have most of it left!
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QUESTION: What kind of posting environment would you prefer? One in which adherence to the original subject is strictly adhered to and any deviation or expansion is discouraged?


Or one that embraces a more fluid, open-ended, dynamic in which the thread may be changed or expanded upon based upon the natural ebb and flow of conversation and a free exchange of ideas?



Put me down for the more fluid, open-ended dynamic one that may be changed or expanded on the natural ebb and flow of conversation and a free exchange of ideas..."Well said, well written". I like to enjoy a cup of coffee and feel comfortable among friends, as that's what a forum is. The topics, once posted no longer belong to the person who brought it up IMHO. It belongs to the forum members that are free to express their ideas. This forum should welcome new guys and gals, young and old. I don't think anyone should purposely try to derail a thread. If it happens, you can use the Wizard of Oz method (i.e. pay no attention to that man behind the curtain) and your next comment should be back on-topic...


Starting a new thread is a great way to go and I appreciate you doing so Fred! To the new guys/gals, instead of resurrecting an old thread, start a new one. If the old thread contains important information already, that should be an exception. I for one appreciate the Mods, who let us talk about more than just Strats and LP's. There is a whole lot of musical ideas out there to discuss and I enjoy the freedom to do so.


ps. Report Spam and or Promotional Products by hitting the "notify" button ASAP. Thanks! :cool:

Take care, Larryz
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I think if somebody comes to the forum with a specific problem or looking for specific recommendations, the goal should be to try to help the OP in whatever way possible.


A bit of a more generic comment or discussion I think can wander into some diverse territory.


An OT topic that's not about guitars, gigging, bands, sound reinforcement, or recording....I think all bets are off, the door's wide open.



Acoustic/Electric stringed instruments ranging from 4 to 230 strings, hammered, picked, fingered, slapped, and plucked. Analog and Digital Electronic instruments, reeds, and throat/mouth.

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Let things take their natural, conversational flow. It's a group conversation; it will go where it will.

If it strays a tad*, so be it. Gently nudge it back on track if it's really taking the conversation elsewhere.


And Dannyalcatraz - I'm so glad to see that bunny finally got the pancake off of his head.


*Exactly how much is a tad?

In space terms, that's about a half a million miles.

-Airplane II: The Sequel

"Am I enough of a freak to be worth paying to see?"- Separated Out (Marillion)

NEW band Old band


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Well, yeah, a "natural" conversational "flow" is ONE thing. outright and seemingly INTENTIONAL cluelessness is another. Let's DO take my "What we like" thread for example---


The intent COULD be considered ambiguous, as "what we like" could mean anything, but if noticed, I often tried to steer it in specific directions. Like, guitars. Their shapes, colors, brands, styles, or whatEVER it is we LIKE about the guitars we DO like? WHY do we like THOSE particular things about them, etc.


I tried to do the same with music;


WHAT kind of music DO you LIKE? and....WHY do you like it?


I saw it as an opportunity for introspection and the self discovery, or discovery by other forum members to see what makes us TICK. But then along comes SHARKMAN----


Don't get me wrong, I have absolutely nothing AGAINST the guy, but ya gotta admit...


Someone who enters a thread titled "What we LIKE" and goes off telling us about what he DOESN'T like, well, ya gotta wonder about that. Let's say, for instance, Fred, you wish to start a thread in hopes of discussing Gibson guitars. What's so great about them, or NOT so great. THEN some people nose in and start posting about how much they like STROMBERG guitars! Now, it might be OK if at first, they mention that having TRIED some(or several, or maybe just ONE) Gibsons, but found they prefer Stromberg's BECAUSE of something about them NOT found in Gibsons, THEN that would be alright.


You claim to be an educated man. I'm not going to attempt to refute that(I have no right to, nor anything to refute it WITH), but I WILL appeal to it insomuch as to BE "educated", to me, seems to require the ability to FOCUS. I certainly never thought you'd have anything against THAT.


I started out with NOTHING...and I still have most of it left!
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I have no problem with Focus.


I would make the observation that some of the goals of higher education would include advanced analytical and critical skills as well as a historical perspective that enable a person to see new and different relationships other than the typical, mundane and straightforward meanings that are obvious to a less sophisticated intellect.


Why are you picking on me? Is it because I initiated the thread? That was caused by intellectual curiosity. It seems to me that every member who responded indicated a preference for a more fluid and dynamic environment. Why haven't you called them to task as opposed to just me?



If you play cool, you are cool.
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But then along comes SHARKMAN----


Don't get me wrong, I have absolutely nothing AGAINST the guy, but ya gotta admit...



Along Comes Sharkman. That would make a great title for a great tv show. Thanks Whitefang. I knew there was a reason why I liked you, besides you living in the Detroit area. I'm glad you post a lot of messages here. You really liven this place up. :cool:

I rock; therefore, I am.
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But then along comes SHARKMAN----


Don't get me wrong, I have absolutely nothing AGAINST the guy, but ya gotta admit...





Along Comes Sharkman. That would make a great title for a great tv show. Thanks Whitefang. I knew there was a reason why I liked you, besides you living in the Detroit area. I'm glad you post a lot of messages here. You really liven this place up. :cool:


I don't think he was being complimentary

If you play cool, you are cool.
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I picture "Along Comes Sharkman" to be sung to the tune of The Association's "Along comes Mary"! :D


And, rest assured FRED---


If I WAS "picking on you", it all would be FAR more nasty than what you've read so far. But, my having a bit of fun with this goes back to my childhood.


When my mom remarried, my stepfather(who in future referrences will, by me, be called "My Dad") once told a story about having to walk home from work. It WAS a long walk, and a hot day(his usual ride took off on him) He thought he was having a gas attack, and figured he would just let loose and pass it, but to his dismay, it turned out he had the runs! Since then, he always referred to it as the "Fart with a FLUID DRIVE!" :D


Unfortunately, your choice of using "Fluid dynamic" makes those two words together(and in lieu of recalling that old story) take on a whole DIFFERENT meaning for me! :D


And, I'm in one of those moods... ;)


No real offense meant, and have a peaceful rest of the day.


I started out with NOTHING...and I still have most of it left!
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OT BUTT: I would find all of this very funny if I were not headed in for a colonoscopy in the morning. I am definitely experiencing "fluid open-ended dynamics" right now LOL! :cool:
Take care, Larryz
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I have no problem with open-ended discussions I`m not convinced of the value of `I think___sucks. What do YOU think?` type threads, but I have the option to not participate. I also agree with LarryZ that, help for a specific question or request should take precedence. After that, anything interesting to add is okay by me.

Same old surprises, brand new cliches-


Skipsounds on Soundclick:


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OT BUTT: I would find all of this very funny if I were not headed in for a colonoscopy in the morning. I am definitely experiencing "fluid open-ended dynamics" right now LOL! :cool:


Vaya colon Dios.

Sturgeon's 2nd Law, a.k.a. Sturgeon's Revelation: âNinety percent of everything is crapâ


My FLMS- Murphy's Music in Irving, Tx



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So, from this day forward, we should all associate a wet fart with Whitefang, and vice versa. So let it be written; so let it be done.


THAT would only work if it were ME insisting on the "fluid dynamic" ;)


@LARRYZ: Good luck with that. May the WORSE news you hear be:


"Uh-OH! It's STUCK!" :D



I started out with NOTHING...and I still have most of it left!
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@ Brother Fred, I have to go through this every 5 years and this will be my 3rd go round...so far, so good...thanks!


@ Danny, very funny LOL!


@ Fang, oh, I hope he don't say that LOL!


Looking forward to the drugs, thanks guys! :cool:

Take care, Larryz
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To be honest, I usually don't mind when threads "branch" out into areas that at least in SOME way can relate back to the original intent.


But to start, for instance, a thread about guitar strings and a few pages later, find posts about somebody's guitar teacher's wing-tipped SHOES or something IS a bit off putting.( this never really happened, but just elaborating a point). :)


I started out with NOTHING...and I still have most of it left!
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