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MEK and the synths


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My Mono Evolver Keyboard has been hanging around quite a bit lately.


I think it all started when I began using a small Roland controller to drive my modules.




I sensed some discontent, so I resumed using the MEK to play the SE-1. Youre both American, and mainly analog... you should get along well.




But I guess the MEK was still a bit in distress for the loss of the Andromeda a while ago. They were close friends...




So after a while, I caught it in close conversation with a MFB Dominion X.




I thought, well, after all they are both mono analogs.... what harm could they do?

Little did I know.... that was only the beginning. Next acquaintance was a Pro12 ASB.




Who taught you to speak German? I asked.

Why, the MFB, of course. And we can communicate via MIDI too.

...Ok.... do you realize, I suppose, that the Pro12 is all digital?

What do you mean?

Its a VA, dear.

No, its not! You cant be serious. It sounds *so* good! And all those knobs... and its POLYPHONIC! Aaahh, to hear chords playing from my keys!

You know nothing about life, my little monothing. Better for you to stay on your stand for a while.


It didnt last long. Next thing I know, the MEK was flirting with an Analogue Solutions Vostok, and emitting outlandish sounds!




Are you crazy?! I bursted.

Youre definitely getting on my nerves. Please relax.... ah, the Russian ladies!

Rus... that thing is BRITISH, you fool!

...?!?.... But the name... plus she told me...


Never mind...

Listen, thats a complex synth. Its modular, and...

*Semi*-modular, for your information. And I love her... complexity.

Good Lord... lets go home.


Next target was an AKS. This time, the lack of MIDI connections was disconcerting enough for the MEK to give up. (Although I suspect that the crazy semi-random sounds coming from the EMS had something to do with it)




Not enough bravery to even get close to this Voyager XL....




But just a few days later, the MEK seemed to be in strict confidence with an Hypersynth Xenophone.




You shouldt give confidence to strangers so quickly. I mean, its from the Middle East and...

I didnt imagine you were racist.

What you mean Im not! But you dont even know the language...

Oh yes, I do. Oscillators, envelopes, lowpass, bandpass.... did you know that Xeno has four ring modulators?

I give up.


So I gave up. And next thing I know, the MEK had left home with my Matrix-12!




I was shocked to discover that both were missing from my music room. I wish them all the best everybody has the right to choose how and where to live. But I miss them both already. Oh well.





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Am I the only one who thought that the ending was sad? Did Carlo sell his MEK and Matrix-12 despite not really wanting to?


Otherwise, I agree that it was an excellent post. Also, I can only hope that some day, my Italian is as good as Carlo's English.

"I'm so crazy, I don't know this is impossible! Hoo hoo!" - Daffy Duck


"The good news is that once you start piano you never have to worry about getting laid again. More time to practice!" - MOI

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Awesome post Marino. I hope that you can take comfort in the memories of having spent time with them and knowing that somewhere out there, the kids are all right. :cool:



"The greatest thing you'll ever learn, is just to love and be loved in return."--E. Ahbez "Nature Boy"

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My Mono Evolver Keyboard has been hanging around quite a bit lately.

And next thing I know, the MEK had left home with my Matrix-12!

I was shocked to discover that both were missing from my music room.


So Carlo, we want to know what happened to them? Were they sold or were they stolen?

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Hi all, thanks for the feedback... if I was able to make you laugh a little bit, that was all I was seeking for (Theo has seriously overrated my intents :) ).

I just gathered a few pictures taken in the course of the last couple of years to make up the story. Only a couple of those instruments are mine; the rest belongs to friends or students.


And yes, the whole thing was triggered by actual events. The MEK and Matrix-12 are not gone yet, but they will be (most likely) in the course of the next few weeks. In fact I've lent them to a potential buyer, so I do *really* miss them.

But my goal here was to take this umpteenth blow with a bit of surrealism.... in fact, writing that post has been rather therapeutic; it has helped to keep a certain sanity of mind.


What about a whole series, like "Desperate Analogs".... :D



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