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http://www.sweetwater.com/store/detail/CubeStEX <---picked up one of these babies and plugged it in last night and the night before...


At first glance, it's a keeper! I have a Fishman Solo amp that really sounds great with just a mic and an acoustic guitar that I use for solo stuff. This little Cube Street sounds just as good and weighs half as much at 16 lbs. I'm taking it to an acoustic jam this afternoon and will see how it works out along side by buddies (one of them has the same amp, and the other has the smaller version). It will be interesting to see what settings they are using with their mic's and acoustic guitars...


Can't really give a review just yet, as I haven't cranked it with one of my electrics. So far it's a great little lightweight traveling PA/guitar amp, practice amp, monitor, etc. I really like the two outputs that can be sent to the mixer or used for recording. Since it runs on batteries it will travel with me to any open mic, as they usually have no monitors and I have no idea how the guitar sounds. With this baby I can go up and when the sound guy hands me a chord, I'll just plug his chord into this amp and voila! I'll have a monitor up there! Also, it will make a great camping companion for playing out in the woods, or at deck parties in town...


I have another buddy that I mentioned this amp to a few months ago and he went out and bought one without telling me! When I told him I ordered one he said he loves his and only had one complaint and that was he would like the same effects on both channels...I have no idea why as he doesn't sing and just plays guitar, I think he's pulling my leg on the effects bit...


Anyway, if any of you forumites have one of these amps, I would love to hear your comments (good or bad) as I'm just getting started with it...There's no doubt in my mind that it will keep up with the band LOL! :cool:






Take care, Larryz
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Bro. Larry,



Although I don't own this particular amp, I do own a Cube 40XL. The clean channel of which models the tone of the highly respected Roland JC-120 amp with admirable results. In addition several years ago I had an adult guitar student who purchased an earlier model, the Cube 30 on my recommendation and it sounded great.


IMO, the Roland Cube series is a superb value. They represent an optimal mix of useable features and great tone at very reasonable prices. I own an ABY switch and plugged in my Cube 40 and my Ampeg GVT15-112 (a no-nonsense, single channel tube amp) which has the ability to switch from 15w Tetrode to 7.5w Triode operation. I'm telling you that the Cube 40XL held its own very well against the "vintage tone" of the Ampeg GVT15.


Recently, Roland has announced two new amplifiers, The "Blues Cube Stage" and "Blues Cube Artist". Evidently, these new amplifiers are currently available in the UK, but are not yet available in the U.S.


The Cube series has been around for several years. Did you know that Roland has sold over a Million Cube amplifiers?


I am absolutely certain that you will enjoy your new Roland.


Have fun with it and make beautiful music.


Bro. Fred



If you play cool, you are cool.
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Congratulations! Enjoy that in good health! I was impressed by the Roland Blues Cube amps that I'd plugged into years ago. Are they considered a part of the "Cube Series" line? This was in the late '90s...

Ask yourself- What Would Ren and Stimpy Do?


~ Caevan James-Michael Miller-O'Shite ~

_ ___ _ Leprechaun, Esquire _ ___ _

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Just made it home from the jam/practice and the Cube Street did really well (for not knowing what I'm doing yet LOL!). I've only had mine two days the guy with the same amp has had his about 6 months or so. Funny, we both wound up with almost the same exact settings when using an acoustic and a mic.


On the dedicated mic side you have no delay or chorus just reverb (although you can run an acoustic through it if you want to). Both channels use the 2 8" speakers but the mic side also uses the 2 2" tweeters.


On the guitar dedicated side ( although you can run a mic though it if you want to) you have delay, chorus and reverb and you do not use the 2 2" tweeters. So you do not have to worry about the magnetic or peizo types of pups or effects. You can crank up an electric via whatever pedals you want and go for it! It does not have an effects loop which may be a drawback of some, but I don't use one anyway. This set up is going to work great for my Taylor T3 and my Taylor T5 and my other Taylor and Takamine acoustics and I hope it will work great with my dobro and Nylon acoustics! I have no worries...


Anyway, I'm a happy camper [pun intended] as I'm anxious to hear how well it works on the 8 double A's. My buddies were using batteries and I was using the 13v dc power supply as I haven't purchased the batteries yet. The amp(s) performed great either way. The batteries will run about 4 hours Max 50w, 10 hours normal on 25w and 16 hours on Economise 10w (approximate figures) which is more than you will ever use in the boonies. At home, you can just use the power supply...You want to crank up your boom box at 50 watts stereo, and leave your guitar at home or what? The battery indicator will tell you when it's time to go to Sams club or Walmart for a fresh supply of batteries...You'll keep every one entertained for a very long time at a minimum out of pocket cost...


Anyway, aside from all the above BS...I think this baby is going to work for me for my jazz and rockabilly. I've already of been accused of sounding like Elvis tonight LOL!


As far as being part of the "cube street" Caevan, I think this one fits right in. It's not the blues cube and it's probably best intended for the solo act singer song writer types. The one buddy I mentioned from the bay area (the guy that forgot to tell me he picked one up HA HA!) had an old Roland Cube many years ago. He brought it up to a camp in my neck of the woods. It was basically a battery with an amp on top that would probably power a Harley or two LOL! But, it sounded fantastic compared to my battery operated PigNose...My battery finally went out in my PigNose after about 10 years which is a good little 30w SS amp. It will cost me about $40 bucks (as that's what my harmonica player had to pay for his a few years back). So, I would much rather buy the double A's if needed and this amp makes a lot more sense...


Well that's the run down so far and there is a ton of other stuff I have to experiment. But thanks guys, for your early comments and good wishes. I'll keep you posted if I discover some other important features! :2thu:

Take care, Larryz
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Update: Fired the Cube Street up last night using 8 double A batteries. Plugged in a mic and 2 acoustic guitars on the 10w economy setting. The amp worked great and had plenty of volume. Last thing to try is an electric guitar, which I'll try and get to tomorrow and report back... :cool:


ps. The batteries should last 16 hours on the 10w economy setting, 8 hours on the 25w Normal setting and 4 hours on the 50w max setting.

Take care, Larryz
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I know it's a very different beast, but I go my daughter a micro cube when I thought she'd pick up guitar. At the time she was 6-7 and I got a mini-strat as well. She took lessons for a while and dropped it after a year or so,


Anyway, I hadn't played guitar in a band for a while and picked up some gigs as a sub on keys and Rhythym guitar. Rather than bust out my rig, I plugged my Explorer inter her little microcube. It's got the COSM modeling and some effects, I wasn't expecting much except just something I could practice through, but it actually sounded pretty decent. I actually was kind of enjoying it. I wouldn't gig with it, but great for practice, and I'd sit around a campfire and jam with it.



Acoustic/Electric stringed instruments ranging from 4 to 230 strings, hammered, picked, fingered, slapped, and plucked. Analog and Digital Electronic instruments, reeds, and throat/mouth.

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I used to have a Cube 80XL - fantastic amp for a solid state - sold it to help buy my Germino Masonette (my dream amp) - I also have a Micro Cube that ROCKS!

The Cube Amp series is one of the best values out there. I would not hesitate to recommend one to a beginner or advanced player.

I have a friend that plays through a Blues Cube 3x12 and it sounds really, really good.



The further a society drifts from truth the more it will hate those who speak it." George Orwell


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I have a Cube 60 that I use for rehearsals and some gigs working in stereo. I use it as an effects return on the other side of the stage for bigger sound when I don't want the weight of 2 tube amps.


Exceptional products from Roland always - sounds sort-of like a JC-120 when clean (mentioned above also) but they were never really able to make SS feel like tubes.


Getting another one when that happens for real.

Been round the block but am not over the hill...



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Update: I fired the amp up last night with a couple of electrics plugged in to the wall and on batteries. It worked great and will be a great little amp for my use whether using acoustics or electrics. It's got plenty of volume and gets some overdriven blues sounds along with some real nice clean rockabilly and jazzy sounds too...The reverb using an electric guitar is a little lacking until you add some of the amps delay with it...I'm a happy camper... :cool:
Take care, Larryz
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Update: Took the Cube Street EX 4 to a jam last night. My buddy had his playing a US Fender Tele via his Fender Floor for a clean boost on lead. He ran his mic to the PA.


I had my Cube Street EX 4 with the mic plugged in and did not use the PA. I was running my Taylor T5. I wasn't just using it as a monitor, although it would have worked great in that regard too...


The Bass player (who provided the house and the small practice room with the PA) got a chance to sing through the Cube Street as did I. We were all impressed with the ability of the little Cube Street to keep up with the PA and it sounded really good and provided some cool clean vocals...plus the guitar sounded great up against my buddies Tele going through the same exact amp(s).


Before going to the jam while I was still at home, I had taken a mono line out on the Cube Street and sent the guitar and mic to my Fishman Solo PA amp. The Cube Street did a great job working as a monitor and pre mixing and controlling the volumes and sound of both the mic and guitar. Very impressive all the way around...the headphone plug worked great with my headphones and I used them to cut the amp speakers on/off while listening to the PA like using an AB/Y switch...


I'm giving this little amp an A+ for singer/guitar players, and would recommend it to my buddies, but some of them already have them LOL! :cool:


ps. Roland has a 3 year parts / 2 year labor warranty on their amps...

Take care, Larryz
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  • 2 weeks later...

Did my 1st gig today with the amp and it performed as good as I could ask for. It was an all day outdoors benefit gig for a grade school K through 6th grade. My two buddies and I were dressed up as cowboys (hats, scarfs, boots, chaps, spurs, vests, the works) and we were all playing a singing through our 3 Rolands. We booked ourselves as The Singing Cowboys LOL!


We started at 8:30am and played till 11:30am, BBQ lunch 11:30 to 12:00pm then played again from 12 to 1:45. 2 six strings and a 12 string acoustic with mics (and no other electricity in sight which really impressed the musicians that came up and talked to us). All 3 amps held up well and only one of us ran out of batteries. But, that's because he hadn't changed the batteries since he bought his amp 6 months ago...Me and the 12 stringer did a song and he had his batteries changed before we started the next one...


We were all on the low volume low watt economy setting as the kids were brought by our station in groups of 10 and could sit on a couple of hay bales out in front of our pop-up. A great time was had by all and it sounds like we'll be invited back next year if our old backs can take it. It's fun to do a freebie benefit once in awhile for the kids. We got good reviews from the kids and the adults liked us too... :cool:

Take care, Larryz
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