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Logic Pro 9: a bit OT...

Adam Burgess

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Hi everyone.


Any Logic Pro 9 users who know how to easily route 3 separate External MIDI tracks to different outs? Every time I change the output on the channel strip - it changes them all.


It's for a live setup triggered from separate MIDI files running with synced audio from QLab. (Great program, by the way)...


I need the IAC bus track sending notes on Ch10 to go to my DMX lighting program, the A output track (on a MIDISport 2x2) to my keyboards (ch16) for some patch changes and the B output to our X32 mixer for the same (ch's 1-3)


They all work separately when I change the out assignment but everything seems to hang when I set it to 'All' for testing. It's a biggish job and want to get it all working from Logic before I even involve QLab. I know I can route individual MIDI tracks no problem from QLab but wanna test a few tunes before that.


Spent ages on this and come to the conclusion I hate Logic. It's all I have at the minute. Was always a ProTools user but don't wanna iLok - and it's become too expensive, really.


May give Cubase 8 a try - but again need an iLok style device...


I dunno! Bit technical but maybe someone's better at logic than I ever will be!


Sorry for the long rambling. It's basically the first question I mentioned :-)


Thanks, Adam

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You can create 3 external midi instruments in the Environment and define their midi ports there. Then you assign your tracks to play those instruments.


I'm not in front of Logic 9 at the moment but I can share a few more details later if you haven't figured it out yet.



Yamaha CP88, Casio PX-560

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Mr. Fudd is right; the Environment is your friend. Its rather MAX-like, but simpler, as it offers you a nice toolbox. I can drop an arpeggiator into a track easily this way. The Environment is where you go for anything that isn't already up-front. I sympathize with your frustration, but take heart, because the tools are there. The deeper I go in Logic, the more I keep discovering sudden panels that basically say "Yeah, we got a fix for that." You'll have to do some more testing as you re-route things, but Logic will send the goods. Save that Environment as a snapshot and shazam, you have a template for your Right Now needs and the knowledge of how to build others. Go here and be enlightened. Good luck! Environment

"It ain't over 'til the fat despot sings."
     ~ "X-Men '97"

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Never even thought of checking the Environment out even though I've seen it talked about. Hopefully I can pull it all together tomorrow.


Kanker, i didn't know there was such a thing. Maybe that's the issue - a new external 'track' always defaults to a GM instrument... Maybe it's the 'same' instrument. And, that's why..?


Thanks everyone. Let you know if I succeed!




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Yeah, i always keep every manual, no matter how simple and small, as a PDF on my iPad. Speakers, Power amps, Software, Keys, DMX charts, even Neutrik diagrams...


Got me out of a few holes. Problem is; I didn't know what I was looking for this time ;-)


May just get this project out of the way and Cubase it, still! Thanks for the link, Steve.

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