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So I quit the band (again)


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Hi everyone,


I just informed the band of my decision to quit and move on. I will do the auditions which are planned and the three gigs which are on the books so I am still "with them" until the 22nd of November.


It just stopped being fun a while ago, and when one of the singers left (whom I feel has the better voice, even though she's the lesser singer) that was the last straw for me.


I am actually going to do what I wanted to do 1.5 years ago, and that is not join a band. I got some books and some video's and maybe I will take some lessons again ... But no bands for now.


And no, I will not rejoin them next week!

"I'm a work in progress." Micky Barnes


The Ross Brown Shirt World Tour

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We're auditioning bass players next week...wanna move to the states?


No, wait, I don't want to have to get another bass player in 6 months.





Acoustic/Electric stringed instruments ranging from 4 to 230 strings, hammered, picked, fingered, slapped, and plucked. Analog and Digital Electronic instruments, reeds, and throat/mouth.

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We're auditioning bass players next week...wanna move to the states?


No, wait, I don't want to have to get another bass player in 6 months.





"When I take a stroll down Jackass Lane it is usually to see someone that is already there" Mrs. Brown
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And no, I will not rejoin them next week!


I'd give it at least 10 days. :Python:

"Call me what instrument you will, though you can fret me, yet you cannot play upon me.'-Hamlet


Guitar solos last 30 seconds, the bass line lasts for the whole song.



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Got a FB message from the guitarist of my former rockabilly band. He's started an instrumental "surf" band (read: guitar solo wank fest) and asked if I had time for it. Not because his other bass player quit, but he often does not show up and so they want a 2 bass line-up :freak: I told him I'm not

interested ....


Still haven't rejoined, people!

"I'm a work in progress." Micky Barnes


The Ross Brown Shirt World Tour

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Still haven't rejoined, people!


It's been, like, 4 days....give it time.


We should start a pool...anybody want to place bets? I give it 2-1/2 months.



Acoustic/Electric stringed instruments ranging from 4 to 230 strings, hammered, picked, fingered, slapped, and plucked. Analog and Digital Electronic instruments, reeds, and throat/mouth.

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Sorry guys, dead set on remaining quit! I even canceled the automatic monthly payment for the rehearsal space. I figured since I told them I quit, and have agreed to stay on until the 3 gigs have passed, I do not owe it to them to keep paying for the rehearsal space too.


Now if the BL is the money-grabbing SOB I have long suspected him to be, come next month he will complain about this. Anyone wanna place a little bet on me holding out until then? ;)

"I'm a work in progress." Micky Barnes


The Ross Brown Shirt World Tour

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I always try to quit a band before they can throw me out so usually before the first rehearsal ends I storm out.

You can stop now -jeremyc

STOP QUOTING EVERY THING I SAY!!! -Bass_god_offspring

lug, you should add that statement to you signature.-Tenstrum

I'm not sure any argument can top lug's. - Sweet Willie


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Yeah...We haven't heard THAT before... :rolleyes:


Guess I had that coming :)


One thing I have realized is that "being in a band" seems to be a part of how I identify (with) myself. Perhaps therein lies the reason for having rejoined the band twice (but not a third time).


I told myself I would stay away from bands for a while, yet yesterdau I found myself looking at the "musicians wanted" ads :) Nothing of interest, but I did find out that the singer/songwriter I jammed with is looking for a lead guitaris (who plays a Fender Excelsior (amp, I presume) and NO pedals, and a keyboard player. No bass player wanted, apparently. Good luck to him!


Seeing the current state of musical affairs, I think I wont do myself a disservice by staying out of the game for a few months. I picked up a copy of Jay Hungerfords Walking Jazz Lines For Bass and to my surprise there was no tab in it. So I am now working on walking bass AND sight reading at the same time. Should be fun, me thinks.


Almost one week since I quit and I still have not rejoined :P


"I'm a work in progress." Micky Barnes


The Ross Brown Shirt World Tour

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Sorry guys, dead set on remaining quit!



...staying out of the game for a few months....



Acoustic/Electric stringed instruments ranging from 4 to 230 strings, hammered, picked, fingered, slapped, and plucked. Analog and Digital Electronic instruments, reeds, and throat/mouth.

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In my defense, J.Dan, my current band is not the only "game" in town :P





Acoustic/Electric stringed instruments ranging from 4 to 230 strings, hammered, picked, fingered, slapped, and plucked. Analog and Digital Electronic instruments, reeds, and throat/mouth.

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I know you are just teasing me, Dan, but I really am dead serious about quitting this time. Looking back (hindsight, 20/20 etc) I never should have got involved, there were too many red flags. The off-key vocals were one, but those improved. Mostly, it's down to the BL being an idiot - and I have grown to dislike him for it.


It started with my audition, really. I got a mail saying: "Congrats, you're in" and when I replied with a thanks and see you Friday I got "We're gonna give you a 5-rehearsal try-out to see if you're a good fit." That made me quit the first time :)


Later he suggested we learn 2 new songs each week, while the ones we had run through at least (and in a lot of cases ONLY) once were far from gig-ready. I would gladly commit (to the best of my abilities) to such a schedule if it is finite, theres several gigs lined up shortly and the rest of the set is tight. None of this was the case. That made me quit the second time.


I suggested we learn a particular Kings Of Leon song (after hearing the audience BELT it out when we were done with another song from the same band) and it simply never happened. We all chimed in with song suggestions which he then compiled and had us rate from 1 to 5. We never saw each others ratings, we only got the final top 30 or whatever. I still suspect he bumped his own favourites though theres no way to prove it. He sure never responded to the other guitarists request to see the ratings.


I strongly suspect him scr*wing us over with regards to the monthly contributions. Each of us chips in EUR 15.- per month so assuming he also contributes thats EUR 105.- coming in each month, which covers the rent for 3 rehearsals and beverages, AND pays towards the website. Yet the band fund is almost always depleted (even after money is received from gigs which goes to the band fund 100%, and is another thing I was never told until after the first paid gig).


The final straw for me was hearing that he blatantly lied to the singer when she quit. He made her feel completely at ease and still part of the family, and told her he would not be looking to replace her anytime soon. That same day he had 1 person lined up for an audition and was arranging to throw her out of some smartphone app chat group that they all share (I do not have a smart phone).


The act itself did not bother me; like I told said ex-singer later: once you quit, youre out and you will be replaced. But the ease with which he lied to her face was just further proof to me that hes not a good person. Theres more instances but no need to go into them. So yeah, between me disliking his behaviour more and more and the fact that we lost our main asset (this singer has a gift for backing vocals, shes very inventive and added a LOT to our sound, and she was getting a lot better at lead vocals too) made me decide to quit a third and final time.


I want to focus on myself, come November. Learn stuff I have been meaning to learn (cos I simply dont do it when I am in a band) and work on the weaknesses I pinpointed in recent months / years. It probably wont be long before Ill be in another band, but it will be an OTHER band :)


"I'm a work in progress." Micky Barnes


The Ross Brown Shirt World Tour

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Sounds like you need to be a bit more critical/picky about a band before you join it. Those are all things that could probably be figured out before you joined.


As for the money, back when I was in charge of my old band and handled all of the money (which was big money...about $250,000.00 gross per year for the whole band), I kept a very, very detailed spreadsheet of every penny in and out of the band account. If I spent $10 on copies of posters, it went in there. The exact balance of band savings was always available as well as money spent on the web hosting, guitar pics, stickers, sound guys, booking agents...every penny accounted for and available for anyone to see at anytime. Anybody not willing to do that - WALK AWAY!!!


Aside from that, always remember that you are auditioning a band as much as they are auditioning you. Just because they "accept" you doesn't mean you have to accept them. Always make sure you know exactly what you're getting into before you join. Whenever possible, talk to past members, check out shows, talk to other musicians who know them, etc.


Being in a band is like being married. You don't want a mail-order bride, you want to get to know her first.



Acoustic/Electric stringed instruments ranging from 4 to 230 strings, hammered, picked, fingered, slapped, and plucked. Analog and Digital Electronic instruments, reeds, and throat/mouth.

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I wish it were different, but I am terribly naive. Seriously, I'm a pretty smart person, but at the same time probably the most gullible person you'll ever meet. I simply figured ALL bands would operate the way all bands I'd previously been in, would operate: split gig money equally. Live and learn, I guess.


Being that this is a band in a different country to where I live (and go out etc), I had no way of reaching out to previous members or talk to musicians who know these people - I don't know any musicians around those parts :) And they'd been without a bassist for a while so they did not have shows planned. I know, another red flag.


It has been said often here, that I should probably try my hand at running my own band. I am currently thinking of what I want to do (and how many bands would be required to do it). Back with the blues band I handled a part of the band's affairs, and I've been "in the game" long enough to know what's what - despite the impression my previous post may give you :)


Additionally, I am going to "put my face out there" again. Going to see the former singer and guitarist of my blues band perform with their band tomorrow, which means mingling with some blues aficionado's and getting the word out that I'll be "on the market" again soon. Then hit some jam sessions here and there (much as I hate doing those) and maybe ask around for referrals - I'd love to get a blues trio going.

"I'm a work in progress." Micky Barnes


The Ross Brown Shirt World Tour

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"We're gonna give you a 5-rehearsal try-out to see if you're a good fit."

Just like an offer for employment, it should be pretty much understood that if things don't work out with a new addition to a band either that person will be let go (fired) or will walk away (quit). Why even mention it?


Yes, it can be belittling to hear it said that way. If he wanted to motivate you and make sure you were on the same page he could have just as easily said, "We'd like to have you up to speed in 5 rehearsals or less."


Or he could have said nothing at all and just booked a gig 8 weeks out, but that would have required him knowing suitable subs that he could book 3 weeks out if the new guy panned.

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He made her feel completely at ease and still part of the family, and told her he would not be looking to replace her anytime soon.

You never want to burn bridges. Someone may quit the band, regret that decision and decide to rejoin. ;) More generally, though, it can be a small world and you may end up working together again in another band, get/give referrals, etc.


You're right, though, he could have been more honest and said, "Should you change your mind we'd really like to have you back" and just left it at that. With shows already booked it would be understood that a replacement would be sought but not necessarily found.

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I totally agree on the not burning bridges part. But he did just that... He told her he would not be looking for replacements, and two days later she sees on the drummer's FB page: "Rehearsal and an vocalist audition tonight!"


As for the 5 rehearsal thing, it should either have been told up-front since it is part of the audition process, not not be told at all. It took away the fun of passing the audition. More so since (apparently) there wasn't even any debate when I left the initial audition: it was instantaneously and unanimously decided I'd get the spot.


"I'm a work in progress." Micky Barnes


The Ross Brown Shirt World Tour

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  • 2 weeks later...

Might as well post it here: the band leader has started a small "flattery campaign" towards me, probably to change my mind. It's not gonna work, but if there's an actual pool about me rejoining, I guess this raises the stakes?


Meanwhile, I suspect that the other guitarist is passively-aggressively quitting the band. He didn't show up at last week's rehearsal and we just got a mail from the BL that he will not be present at the coming vocalist auditions either, due to an unforeseen work-related party.


Seeing as how he rescheduled his own birthday dinner AND wanted to give away theatre tickets his wife had got him for the same birthday in order not to miss two rehearsals, I find it a bit odd :) Still, not my problem anymore. 87 days to go til the final gig!

"I'm a work in progress." Micky Barnes


The Ross Brown Shirt World Tour

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This is what I don't get. 87 days? As in 3 months? Seriously? I would give maybe 30 days - and even that is pretty generous as far as notice goes.


80 days remaining!


I had agreed to 3 gigs, prior to quitting. Those gigs are in September, October and November. Hence a 3-month quitting period.


The band leader does not seem to understand that I am actually quitting, though. He feels that, since I am currently with the band, I get a say in the choice of the new vocalist. So this Friday, I will simply NOT voice any opinion about any of the candidates.


The other guitarist will likely quity after the last gig, too. I've been mailing back and forth with him and he is about as unhappy as I have been, and he's been there longer...


"I'm a work in progress." Micky Barnes


The Ross Brown Shirt World Tour

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