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OT: iTunes Playlists

J. Dan

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Either I'm an idiot or the later versions of iTunes are ridiculous.


I've always created playlists of a set I want to practice, in order, and played along to practice jumping right away song to song through a set.


I upgraded my iTunes so I could updated it with my purchased music from another computer, not it seems I can only sort by the column headers: name, artist, album, etc. I don't see anything in the column choices that would just be a playlist order. I suppose I could edit the track number or something - but I don't really want to do it for the song, just change the order of THAT playlist. Am I missing something? The old iTunes had the first column just the number and it would increment in the order you added them to the playlist, and you could just drag them around from there.



Acoustic/Electric stringed instruments ranging from 4 to 230 strings, hammered, picked, fingered, slapped, and plucked. Analog and Digital Electronic instruments, reeds, and throat/mouth.

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I just noticed something. I created another playlist and dragged songs in, and it put the numbers on the left ordering them, and I can drag songs around and re-order. On any of the playlists where I selected songs in the library (multi-select) and right-clicked and selected "create playlist from selection", it doesn't give me the column with the order, and doesn't let me re-order them. I right clicked to see the column selections on both playlists to see if the one with the order of songs had another heading that wasn't selected in the playlist without it, and there is not...the columns checked are the same on both. Weird.



Acoustic/Electric stringed instruments ranging from 4 to 230 strings, hammered, picked, fingered, slapped, and plucked. Analog and Digital Electronic instruments, reeds, and throat/mouth.

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Yeah, I get that - but that column doesn't exist on playlists that I made by "create playlist from selection" and I can't find a way to add that column. See below:


Created, then songs added by dragging - HAS the sort column:



Created by selecting multiple in library and choosing "create playlist from selection" - no sort column, won't let me drag them around:



The Left-Most column in this case is "Album". I right-clicked the columns to see the choices of columns to show, and there is no difference between the two playlists.



Acoustic/Electric stringed instruments ranging from 4 to 230 strings, hammered, picked, fingered, slapped, and plucked. Analog and Digital Electronic instruments, reeds, and throat/mouth.

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Yeah, it looks like it's putting album in there Twice instead of the item number (actually, Album AND Track number in place of the first column) - must be a bug. I just need to create the playlist and drag. It's just a lot easier to select everything you want and create it at once...but i can work around it. Thought I was losing my mind until I caught the difference in the different playlists.



Acoustic/Electric stringed instruments ranging from 4 to 230 strings, hammered, picked, fingered, slapped, and plucked. Analog and Digital Electronic instruments, reeds, and throat/mouth.

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Dan, I'm unfortunately too slammed to give you detailed help at this time, but am going through massive iTunes pain myself for the past few months. I did something to re-enable playlists, but still have to jump to get there.


There are four fatal flaws in recent iTunes updates, even after you spend hours customizing and Googling for workarounds to annoyances:


1. It no longer is good at noticing duplicate entries, and also misidentifies entries that are NOT duplicates (unlike before) -- e.g. a live take that just happens to be the same length as a studio take


2. You can no longer click to another view to look through your library or start play on an album or playlist while you are uploading a CD


3. The ability to sort by both artist (or other criteria) AND composer is gone, gone, gone -- which is quite bad for us folk who listen to and/or produce classical and jazz


4. Sorry, already forgot what this one was -- I've been working up to 20 hours a day at my "day job" and have gigged 20 times in the past 6 weeks and am also up against the wall with movie soundtrack deadlines, so am having short-term memory issues if I am multi-tasking (as I am doing at the moment).


If you get or stay stuck, send me a PM and as long as you can wait two weeks, I can probably help (I'll be on a much-needed break starting late next week, 100% off the grid which is my current style as it's the only way to get rest anymore).

Eugenio Upright, 60th Anniversary P-Bass, USA Geddy Lee J-Bass, Yamaha BBP35, D'angelico SS Bari, EXL1,

Select Strat, 70th Anniversary Esquire, LP 57, Eastman T486, T64, Ibanez PM2, Hammond XK4, Moog Voyager

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Another "improvement" in iTunes 11: You can no longer double-click a playlist to open it in a new window and then drag songs from that window into another playlist.


What really bugs me about iTunes 11 is the fact that I'll quit in the playlist view and when I restart it opens in the album view, with all the stupid album icons. I don't want the freakin' album icons, I want the playlist. iTunes 11 has created a lot of disappointment with power users, many of whom are downgrading back to iTunes 10. Apparently, all these "improvements" were made for iPhone users, who appear to be the only user base Apple is interested in.

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Another "improvement" in iTunes 11: You can no longer double-click a playlist to open it in a new window and then drag songs from that window into another playlist.

I know iTunes 11 is getting a lot of flack from power users, and I resisted at first, too. But as for dragging songs from one playlist to another, that works just fine for me. I just open a playlist and drag the songs over to the left targeting the playlist I want to add it to. Again, maybe I'm missing something?

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Another "improvement" in iTunes 11: You can no longer double-click a playlist to open it in a new window and then drag songs from that window into another playlist.

I know iTunes 11 is getting a lot of flack from power users, and I resisted at first, too. But as for dragging songs from one playlist to another, that works just fine for me. I just open a playlist and drag the songs over to the left targeting the playlist I want to add it to. Again, maybe I'm missing something?


Try reading what I posted - what you are saying is not at all the problem I'm having. I explained it after your last post, including screenshots. Look at the screenshots,


I'll try to say it one more time as clearly as possible.


This works fine:

1) create playlist

2) drag songs to playlist

3) numbers are in left column and you can arrange them however you want


This does NOT work fine:

1) go to library

2) select multiple songs by ctl-click

3) right-click and select "create playlist from selection"

4) playlist does NOT have numbers in left column and will NOT let you rearrange the order of songs in the playlist except by ordering by one of the other columns (title, artist, album, etc)...but you cannot drag into whatever order you choose by dragging WITHIN the playlist if it was created using the "Create Playlist From Selection" method.


Am i being unclear?


Yes, I DID eventually figure out that it works if I create the playlist FIRST, then drag songs to it. I found that out through troubleshooting AFTER I started this thread. That does not change the fact that there's a BUG that if you create it by selecting "create playlist from selection" where instead of the first column with the number indicating your desired playlist song order, it duplicates the "Album" heading and puts "track number" heading as well (except with no title in that column indicating what it is". In this case, it WILL NOT let you rearrange them at will. That's a bug.



Acoustic/Electric stringed instruments ranging from 4 to 230 strings, hammered, picked, fingered, slapped, and plucked. Analog and Digital Electronic instruments, reeds, and throat/mouth.

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Try reading what I posted - what you are saying is not at all the problem I'm having.

Sorry for the confusion... I was responding to a different problem posted by uncledunc.


That particular problem arises when the user wants to add songs from one playlist to another and place them in a certain position - like all at the top, or all at the bottom, or wherever. Apparently, you could do this in iTunes 10, but not iTunes 11.

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Try reading what I posted - what you are saying is not at all the problem I'm having.

Sorry for the confusion... I was responding to a different problem posted by uncledunc.


Sorry, I...

1) was confused when you said you STILL didn't get it, thinking you were referring to te first time you said you didn't get it in response to my initial post

2) just got done putting my 8yr old daughter in time out and was REALLY pissy!





Acoustic/Electric stringed instruments ranging from 4 to 230 strings, hammered, picked, fingered, slapped, and plucked. Analog and Digital Electronic instruments, reeds, and throat/mouth.

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Yeah, I get that - but that column doesn't exist on playlists that I made by "create playlist from selection" and I can't find a way to add that column....

With the specific Playlist window open, under View => View Options, can you choose what columns to show? Sometimes you have to (re)choose for each folder you are looking at because it either limits it by default or at one time it was customized.

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