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OT How to get rid of these Homepage Hijackers

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I'm sure alot of you are plagued with this shit aswell. Is there a procedure, freeware, website or whatever that can help us rid our computers of it?

My Ad-aware, Spyhunter and Norton antivirus programs can't get rid of it. It always comes back after a re-boot or 2.

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Originally posted by alcohol_:

What are homepage hijackers?

Say you've got your homepage set to www.cnn.com ...a homepage hijacker is a website that weeds itself into setting yourself up as your homepage and you can't get rid of it.


Here's one...and whatEVER you do..DON'T go to this site. You'll never get rid of it...it infiltrated our systems at work, and we haven't been able to shed ourselves of it... "gueb.com" DON'T GO THERE. You won't get it off your homepage without some major surgery.

"Cisco Kid, was a friend of mine"
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Originally posted by Super 8:

Okay, is "gueb.com" selling anything? What is their motive for doing this?


I got hijacked recently, but it was simple to fix. I also sent a nasty email to them.


I really wish I had some good viruses I could plant in that email that would just crash their whole system.

I really don't know. I think it's a foreign site...possibly from Mexico or Central America, 'cause some of their page is in Spanish. I have no idea how they got on those computers, but you can't get rid of it. Bastards.
"Cisco Kid, was a friend of mine"
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So now that we all know what a homepage hijacker is, how do we frickin get rid of them.


I got (3) (that's right, 3) surviellance programs on my pc and they cannot get rid of this shit.


I wonder if some of this stuff is embedded in my fire wall somewhere.


All I know is since my homepage started getting hijacked, I feel l small but preceptible feeling of dispair and frustration associated with my lack of control over my once coveted PC domain.

It's really fucked up!!!

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oh god, this computer got hit bad about a week ago. I ran Spybot, Hijackthis (which said `your system is clean!`) and spyhunter. Nothing worked. I couldn`t see telling everyone to `back up their files, `cause we`re initiating Operation Clean Sweep`, so working with another teacher I managed to isolate the hijacked page on its own Explorer link, where it can live out its days on a little browser island without being a pest. That`s the best we can do so far.

Same old surprises, brand new cliches-


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Just another reason to use Mozilla.


I've not had a start page hijacked since starting to use it about six months ago. Prior to that I'd get one or two hijackings a month.

The few times I have to use IE haven't allowed any usurption, probably because I'm going direct to a particular site via copy/paste of an address & then close it as soon as I'm finished with that particular thing.

No freaking popups either....


I also use Thunderbird for my email & Outlook Express & Outlook sit in the background for emergency needs. None have arisen yet. In fact, I think I uninstalled Outlook Express but may have just put it to bed.


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"When you come slam bang up against trouble, it never looks half as bad if you face up to it." The Duke...

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Originally posted by Infusion:

So now that we all know what a homepage hijacker is, how do we frickin get rid of them.


I got (3) (that's right, 3) surviellance programs on my pc and they cannot get rid of this shit.


I wonder if some of this stuff is embedded in my fire wall somewhere.


All I know is since my homepage started getting hijacked, I feel l small but preceptible feeling of dispair and frustration associated with my lack of control over my once coveted PC domain.

It's really fucked up!!!

what website is it? is there an email address anwhere on the website? maybe you can email them and ask for instructions on how to remove their page from your system.


Another thing is, REGEDIT. search the registry for the website address. If there's an entry, delete it. Oh yeah, back up the registry before you do that.


good luck.

0096 2251 2110 8105
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Originally posted by Infusion:

Ad-aware, Spyhunter and Norton can't get rid of it. Resetting the browser won't do it. I actually went into the registry and deleted the files with that web address and it still came back.

That is bad bad bad!

Can't be legal to set up stuff like that, it's similar to hi-jacking and/or breaking and entering.


My computer got infested with something similar, fortunatelly I noticed almost instantly that it happened and did a search for all files that was downloaded/installed at the same date and managed to weed out the vermin.


Over here there are plenty of law suits against operators of webpages that contains code that instruct modems to disconnect and then instantly call expensive numbers. Danm racketeers!


It's probably only a matter of time until mobile phones & PDA's get contaminated.


It would be so nice if someone could nail at least a couple of these bastard REAL hard (Like 2x life + billions in fines). Also companies that host such sites should be dragged to court.




What do we want? Procrastination!

When do we want it? Later!

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Lax security in Internet Explorer allows this, usually. ActiveX Objects, plugins and various ways for programs to install themselves on your computer behind your back.


Not only is IE fully integrated to the rest of OS, but the Windows OS itself is like this through and through. Swiss cheese and marshmallow security. 64MB of spyware built into the kernel by Microsoft.


I used to dislike windows because it was junk, nowadays it str8-up frightens me.


I don't recommend Windows to anyone anymore. If they don't want to use Linux or a BSD, i tell them to just get a Mac. For their own good.


I wish you luck. Seriously.

Dr. Seuss: The Original White Rapper



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I just downloaded Suse a version of linux. It is very cool and I think it will deter these type of viruses. I am using "KDE" a GUI interface that is very intuitive and "Opera" a web browser I was able to download all of it for free! No charge It has Office like products as well. I still have an XP box for Protools but i rarely use it online.



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I just downloaded Suse a version of linux. It is very cool and I think it will deter these type of viruses. I am using "KDE" a GUI interface that is very intuitive and "Opera" a web browser I was able to download all of it for free! No charge It has Office like products as well. I still have an XP box for Protools but i rarely use it online.


SuSe is about the only version of linux i haven't tried yet. I've heard great things about it though. In the end, "Linux is Linux" but SuSe is what is called one of the "bigger" distros. This isn't saying anything bad about SuSe (or RedHat/Fedora Core, Mandrake, etc). I just prefer the "smaller" ones (such as Slackware or Debian) personally. Hence why i haven't messed with SuSe yet ;)


Good Luck, and happy computing!

Dr. Seuss: The Original White Rapper



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Super 8,

I really wish I had some good viruses I could plant in that email that would just crash their whole system.
I've got a nasty one (quantined by Symantec / Norton Antivirus).


If I knew how to SAFELY send it, I'd let you have a copy. :D




PS, I'll second the caution on regedit, my other / old / kid's computer has a corrupted registry that I can't seem to sort out. I'll wind up booting to the old drive and formatting the newer drive. :eek: Something that's not a lot of fun. :(

Gotta' geetar... got the amp. There must be SOMEthing else I... "need".
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Here's the solution I put in place a few years back. It works better than spending time thinking "why does this happen and how can I stop those guys" ("those guys being hijackers, viruses, trojans etc etc).


The online dsl pc hard drive here is on it's own removable ide bay. It's called the "junk" drive (ie: online). Despite the presence of Norton, spyhunter, ad-aware, black Ice and a few other protectors, bad stuff eventually gets through. Doesn't matter. Anything of importance is on other removable drive bays that never see the Internet. Anything of importance that is downloaded via the junk drive is security checked and then archived to dvd or cd.


Solution. Simple. Reformat & reinstall xp on the junk drive every two or three months. Gets rid of all the pesks, and there's no brainwork to it because xp installation is pretty much automatic. There are no special settings to worry about for xp because there are no special apps on the junk drive...just xp and the protection sofware.


Reinstall xp, run windows update, install adaware etc (all from 1 dvd in my case) import Internet favorites, set email, and I'm running a clean "junk" machine again in an hour or so. Another thing...when you do this a few times, you memorize the drill and can pretty much run through it without thinking.

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The other day my homepage was set up to munkey.com

I never set it up that way , nor did anyone else in my house, but there it was. It is SUPPOSED to be a search engine but I think they are just a listing of selected retailers or something. I kicked it out a few times already. I'm also using Ad-Aware. There was a new update for Ad-Aware yesterday so be sure to select "Check for updates now" and you will weed out a few more bits of spyware.





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