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Whats With Ted Nugent Hunting Folks on MTV

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[quote]Originally posted by GZsound: [b] You are looking at my comment in a much too shortsighted way. Extremist liberals are not those who are critical of the administration. They are not those who disagree with tax policies, the patriot act, etc. You are taking way to narrow a view as to what an "extremist" liberal is...at least in my opinion. Extremist liberals are those who make statements like "we deserved 9/11". Extremist liberals are those like the ACLU who want to remove every trace of the traditions and history of our country. Extremist liberals are those who hope our country fails in the war on terror, who hope our economy tanks so "their" guy can get elected, who hope any and all behavior is made legal and no one is held responsible, who want to open our country to everyone who wants to come here and expects the rest of us to pay for housing, medical care, food, etc. regardless of legal status. And on and on and on. To be critical of the administration, of problems in our society, etc. is a very American thing to do. To support our enemies and hope they destroy our country is an extremist liberal position. To protest at an anti war rally is a very American thing to do. To burn buildings, destroy property, attack the police, etc. is a very extremist liberal thing to do... see the difference?[/b][/quote]I certainly see the difference. However you mentioned someone like the Dixie Chicks whom as far as I know are vilified only for a comment pertaining to our current president. As far as the ACLU, I don't see where they trying to "remove every trace of the traditions and history of our country." I don't say I personally agree with every stance taken by the ACLU or totally agree with anything the Dixie Chicks may have said but to put them all in some 'extremist' category is an extremist point of view to me. As far as relevance to this thread. I really couldn't care less about Nugent and the stupid TV show. It's a free country, you can air just about anything on cable. It's the veiwers choice to watch or not.
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I like Ted. I don't always agree with his politics or his hunting. So what, you silly poops? I like his music and sly sense of humor. Always have. To me, Ted's exactly what Zakk Wylde is to me, minus the political leanings. They both have kids, play killer guitar music, and are quite faithful to their spouses. If you've ever seen/met their SO's, you'll know why they'll never leave them. :thu: That alone says a lot more to me than any of their rants. They also don't mind cleaning up when asked by the missus. Us guys could get some hints about marriage from them. (No, I haven't met either Zakk or Ted's SO's, or the guys themselves, but I haven't heard anything bad come out from either camp, so it must be all good. :) )
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I will say that the Nuge went to bat for a friend of mine a few years back...offered to help him with legal help if needed. It was a case whereby the guy I know owned a music store. His store had been repeatedly broken into, the cops did nothing. He got a sleeping bag and a gun, and camped out in his store. The burglar broke in again, and went to the hospital with an ass full of lead (not fatal). Needless to say, the "law" was more concerned with pressing charges against my friend than the "poor, misunderstood guy" who broke in to his store. The Nuge offered to help my buddy with legal assistance. Must have worked, Don never spent any time in the slammer.
"Cisco Kid, was a friend of mine"
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[quote]Originally posted by Tedster Claus: [b]I will say that the Nuge went to bat for a friend of mine a few years back...offered to help him with legal help if needed. It was a case whereby the guy I know owned a music store. His store had been repeatedly broken into, the cops did nothing. He got a sleeping bag and a gun, and camped out in his store. The burglar broke in again, and went to the hospital with an ass full of lead (not fatal). Needless to say, the "law" was more concerned with pressing charges against my friend than the "poor, misunderstood guy" who broke in to his store. The Nuge offered to help my buddy with legal assistance. Must have worked, Don never spent any time in the slammer.[/b][/quote]This is why I like Ted Nugent. Not for his music or his vocabulary, or his public attitude or stage persona. He stands up for what he believes, and that's rare in this day and age.


a.k.a. "El Guapo" ;)


...Better fuzz through science...



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[quote]Originally posted by alcohol_: [b]Darklava, 53 isn't old. A 53 year old person who takes care of himself is probably in better shape than 90% of the people in their twenties. Nugent was a clown when he emerged on the scene. Now he's a 53 year old clown. Pathetic[/b][/quote]Listen here Alcohol, you need to stick with booze and get off the crack. You wish you had even a portion of what Ted has. His women, his toys, his house , his money, ect. You sound to me like a jealous clown. Ted may be a clown but he is a clown with a great life and your just a LOSER CLOWN!!!!!
It's like my daddy always said "err whatever"
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[quote]Originally posted by alcohol_: [b]Darklava, 53 isn't old. A 53 year old person who takes care of himself is probably in better shape than 90% of the people in their twenties. Nugent was a clown when he emerged on the scene. Now he's a 53 year old clown. Pathetic[/b][/quote]Do you like anybody alkehal?Why are you always mean? :confused:
The story of life is quicker then the blink of an eye, the story of love is hello, goodbye.
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One time I was driving along and I saw some kid standing in front of a mattress store dressed as a mattress waving people into the parkint lot. There's some point when no matter how much money you make you should not stoop. Like those people on Fear Factor that eat bull's testicles for $50,000. You become what you do. Those persons who ate the bull's testicles will forever be known for that. $50,000 could never make up for that kind of debasement. I don't care how much money, women or whatever Nugent owns, he reminds me of that guy dressed like a mattress. Nugent is a professional clown, that's his choice, I would never trade places.
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some of you guys are missing the whole point of the thread, you'd probably let kobe off the hook for rape just because he's good at basketball. I don't care if Ted...oops scuse me, 'The Nuge' makes great beef jerky from animals he kills himself, or if he speaks his mind there are alot of knuckleheads who speak there mind. I thought some of the show was funny and I thought the rest of it was uncalled for, is 'the stuge' uh..Nuge the only person that you don't mind demeaning women on mtv or are there others that you don't mind calling your mother, wife, sister, or daughter a bitch and a wench on tv? hey i got an idea somebody call 50cent, he's got alotta guns and would probably love a show on mtv where he could call you all bi-atches and the contestants would probably win more money and a better car ta boot....haaaaaa I know what you're thinkin, 'dang nammit naw is right, I loves me some 50cent cuzin he always speaks his mind. mtv is marketed to children, I think some better judgement wouldn't hurt.
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[quote]Originally posted by Nawledge: [b]Nuge the only person that you don't mind demeaning women on mtv or are there others that you don't mind calling your mother, wife, sister, or daughter a bitch and a wench on tv?[/b][/quote]Eminem calls women bitchs and ho's, says horrible things about gays, calls his own mother a whore and wishs he could kill her, etc. Yet, music critics will look right into the camera and tell you he is the great artist of our time. A genius. A brilliant [b]artist[/b] :rolleyes: Welcome to the 21st century. Bi-och ;) :D
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[quote]Originally posted by Nawledge: [b]some of you guys are missing the whole point of the thread, you'd probably let kobe off the hook for rape just because he's good at basketball. I don't care if Ted...oops scuse me, 'The Nuge' makes great beef jerky from animals he kills himself, or if he speaks his mind there are alot of knuckleheads who speak there mind. I thought some of the show was funny and I thought the rest of it was uncalled for, is 'the stuge' uh..Nuge the only person that you don't mind demeaning women on mtv or are there others that you don't mind calling your mother, wife, sister, or daughter a bitch and a wench on tv? hey i got an idea somebody call 50cent, he's got alotta guns and would probably love a show on mtv where he could call you all bi-atches and the contestants would probably win more money and a better car ta boot....haaaaaa I know what you're thinkin, 'dang nammit naw is right, I loves me some 50cent cuzin he always speaks his mind. mtv is marketed to children, I think some better judgement wouldn't hurt.[/b][/quote]I'll bet your little racist 50 cent comment is better than bitches right?The slang "i loves me" Man you need to check yourself.Their's alot of mean hateful people in this forum,that have real problems. :confused:
The story of life is quicker then the blink of an eye, the story of love is hello, goodbye.
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[quote]Originally posted by antimatter66: [b]Give Ted some credit! What great love songs the man has written. Wang Dang Sweet PoonTang - I think the title says it all Cat Scratch Fever - When Ted says he can make a pussy purr with a stroke of his hand!?? Dang he talks purty! Wango Tango - WTF! The man invented that! The show was FUNNY. He is a Character. Send him to Iraq/Afgan./Pakistan and let him find that Osama Bitch!! Stranglehold!!! Yeah!!![/b][/quote]LOL! Absolutely! :thu:
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