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OT: Let's Bash Bush and Cheney Right Out Of Office

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IMHO, the Bush Devil must go. Go straight to hell, do not pass go, do not collect 200 dollars. This thread is for those who have fun bashing Bush and Cheney. Personally, I think Bush and Cheney are big time criminals who belong bars, but you are free to bash Bush and Cheney in any manner you want. So go ahead, bash away at these bastards.
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[quote]Originally posted by Super 8: [b]You realize that EVERYTIME you start one of these threads, you potentially knock a valuable music related thread off of the front page.[/b][/quote]Yup.I'll bring my hate to the voting booth.Not interested in discussing politics here at all,and it's not why I come to "Music Player.com".
"A Robot Playing Trumpet Blows"
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Yeah, that's true but people can go to the next page and bring back the music-related topic, in addition, they can use the search function and bring back a topic or just read what they find. So while it's bad to take up front page space with political topics, it's not that bad. Music is impportant to the people here, me included, but politics is important to everybody in the entire the world. Politics affects everyone of us, and having a clean and honest government vs. one that is selling out the American voters and taxpayers is something we must be vigilant in seeking and once having attained it, fighting to keep. So I'm for honest government and casting out corruption. Have you given this speech to all the Bush kiss-butts? They take as much front page space as anybody promoting or defending him. How about the one about Bush having turkey, cuz he is one. Some of this is newsworthy, these political threads keep some people's minds sharp and keeps them informed, based on all the responses to the policital threads. When was the last time you heard a song protesting the current administration on the radio played so many times that it was a hit record? So bashing Bush out of office can be good in the sense that it could open up the public's airwaves again for free thinkers. And in a very real sense, bashing the Bush Devil out of office would be good for musicians and the music community at large.
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I think President Bush is a patriotic American who, while not always perfect, does what he honestly believes in his heart is in the best interests of our country. In general, I agree with and fully support the way he has run the war on terror, and I will most certainly be voting for him AGAIN in 2004. :wave:
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[quote]Originally posted by Super 8: [b] [quote]Originally posted by nursers: [b]Jail Phil O'Keefe now!!!! :) [/b][/quote]Yes, the heretic must be neutralized before he can convince others to think for themselves!!! Let's tackle him and eat his brain... [img]http://chillrpg.virtualave.net/zombies.jpg[/img][/b][/quote]Those guys look awfully familiar - I think I worked with them once. ;)
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I like fish. [img]http://fins.actwin.com/pics/Chrysiptera_hemicyanea2.jpg[/img] [img]http://fins.actwin.com/pics/Amphiprion_ocellaris.jpg[/img] [img]http://fins.actwin.com/pics/Amphiprion_chrysopterus.jpg[/img] [img]http://fins.actwin.com/pics/Pseudochromis_aldabraensis.jpg[/img]
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[quote]Originally posted by Johnny B: [b]Now, I know how to get cool pics up here. Just slam Bush. Those fish look great. And the unthinking zombies too.[/b][/quote]Is there any way to get you to shut up? I mean, there MUST be a place more appropriate for you to spew your crap, right?
Amateur Hack
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[quote]Originally posted by shniggens: [b] [quote]Originally posted by Johnny B: [b]Now, I know how to get cool pics up here. Just slam Bush. Those fish look great. And the unthinking zombies too.[/b][/quote]Is there any way to get you to shut up? I mean, there MUST be a place more appropriate for you to spew your crap, right?[/b][/quote]:D
The story of life is quicker then the blink of an eye, the story of love is hello, goodbye.
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[quote]Originally posted by shniggens: [b]Is there any way to get you to shut up? I mean, there MUST be a place more appropriate for you to spew your crap, right?[/b][/quote]You need to check out the drum forum. Believe it or not, Johnny can be a pretty decent dude when he's not obsessing over how much he hates Bush [i](again, don't take that the wrong way ;) ).[/i]

Super 8


Hear my stuff here


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Thanks Super. I just don't like greedy, dishonest criminals holding any public office, whether it's on the local, state, or national level. It does not matter what party they are in or even if they use the "undeclared" designation. If they are crooked and corrupt liars, I don't like 'em. I want them either in jail or, at a minimum, out of office. Small lies like "I swear I did not sleep with that woman," I can tolerate to some degree because the harm to the public-at-large is minimal, but when the lies leap into the "big lie category," and huge sums of money are leaving the public's treasury, that really ticks me off. As my Marine friends said to me, "These corporate guys rape the entire nation, they rape every man, woman and child" and I regard the big time payoffs as a complete and total violation of the public trust. So you start at the top, and set an example, and you work your way down and try to eliminate the corruption. Sending a few of these top guys to jail can send a powerful message: "We, the American citizens, are not going to let you get away with felonies and corrupt practices. You not going to cover your crimes by trying to wrap a flag around yourself. We see through that old trick." I think around 225 guys went to prison from the Reagan Admistration. I'm not sure of the numbers for Bush Srs' years or of the Clinton years. But it would be my hope that if there were any criminal activity found there, that the perpetrators of the big time theft or fraud went to prison. I will say that duing Bush Sr and Clinton's years it was not quite so glaring and "in your face" like it is now under Jr's watch. Jr, the "Bush Devil," does not care because he's part of it, he's getting his cut, and no one is watching him rob the till. And that's the biggest problem facing America. No accountability. So we have rampant crime in the suites. "Mutual Funds" anyone?
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[quote] I have figured it out, if you want to END a johnny watermelon thread, just ask him/her to comment on: saddam arafat al qaeda and johnny shuts up QUICK. RIDE THE DONKEY JOHNNY WATERMELON. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [/quote]Were waiting.
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-saddam Has no WMD; had plenty of oil. Suckered Bush into demolishing and modernizing his country (again!) as North Korea wants us to do. -arafat Why isn't Bush doing anything about the situation? -al qaeda Now appearing in Iraq, thanks to Bush.
Give me the ANALOG and no one gets HURT
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[quote]Originally posted by peake@pacificnet.net: [b]-al qaeda Now appearing in Iraq, thanks to Bush.[/b][/quote]Better they appear and fight over there than over here. It's called "opening a second front". While the thought of the USA having the capability of fighting two major wars AND dealing with a minor regional conflict simultaneously (which was the standard US military policy position for decades) has always been a bit of a myth, we still have more capabilities than anyone else - including al Qaeda. And of course, the terrorists are going to try to make us look bad in Afghanistan and Iraq, and it's a lot easier logistically for them since it's right where they live. Fine. I'd still rather have the majority of the fighting going on over there than over here.
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[quote]Originally posted by Philip O'Keefe: [b] [quote]Originally posted by peake@pacificnet.net: [qb]-al qaeda Now appearing in Iraq, thanks to Bush.[/b][/quote]Better they appear and fight over there than over here. It's called "opening a second front". [/quote]Sounds more like "Operation Sitting Duck".
Give me the ANALOG and no one gets HURT
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