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iTunes anyone?


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There's an Idol-ish show currently being aired in Belgium, and all of the songs are available through iTunes as full downloadable versions. Now, some of these renditions I actually really like and I am contemplating getting the full versions.


But ... I am a complete iTunes illiterate! I have no idea what will happen if I download and install said program. I hear it will index all your MP3 files? I do not want that. I have a good deal of Mp3-sourced bootlegs (not available commercially) and rehearsal stuff by my current and previous bands and I damned well want to keep it "my business" what I store or do not store on my hard drive(s).


On the other hand, I really want those songs :grin: So, I am pretty sure a good deal of you have experience with said program and I would appreciate any feedback!





"I'm a work in progress." Micky Barnes


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Just because you use iTunes, it doesn't mean that you have to use the program for all of your music files. If there are things that you don't want in your iTunes library, simply don't import them. You can always use another program for certain music files. It's really about what settings you use in iTunes. Also, the program and the iTunes store has regional licenses regarding some content. Material that is available in the US market might not be available in the EU.

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"My concern is, and I have to, uh, check with my accountant, that this might bump me into a higher, uh, tax..."

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As far as I am aware the iTunes program on your computer doesn't tell Apple what music you have on your computer.

Feel the groove internally within your own creativity. - fingertalkin


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I've got plenty of stuff on my iTunes that doesn't interact with Apple--personal recordings and videos for example, or stuff made from Garage Band. If you're at all concerned, have you checked out if the songs you like are available on Spotify? At least then you could listen to them without downloading.
"Everyone wants to change the world, but no one thinks of changing themselves." Leo Tolstoy
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As far as I am aware the iTunes program on your computer doesn't tell Apple what music you have on your computer.


Yes and no.


If you're running Genius in iTunes you're essentially giving them permission to check out your entire iTunes library for the purpose of creating playlists based on a single song.


If you've just ripped CD into your iTunes there won't be any issue. But you may find that if you want to run Genius you may not get any results back on certain items. AC/DC and Black Sabbath immediately come to mind. And that's because neither band seems to have signed a deal with the iTunes store for the distribution of their material.

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"My concern is, and I have to, uh, check with my accountant, that this might bump me into a higher, uh, tax..."

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Ok, I've never used Genius. According to their privacy policy statement they collect the data anonymously and it's an opt in feature anyway.

Feel the groove internally within your own creativity. - fingertalkin


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I've used Genius. Haven't used iTunes enough for it to be able to recommend anything particularly good yet but I have no problem sharing my data.


I always found iTunes hard to use when I used to mess with it but since I have been consistently using it it has been smooth enough.

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It will be a cold day in hell before iTunes ever touches any of my computers again.




"Paranoid? Probably. But just because you're paranoid doesn't mean there isn't an invisible demon about to eat your face."

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Constant updates. Bad interface. Tons of bugs.

Not to mention that it will try to take over any and all music on your PC. And a friend who uninstalled iTunes had it wipe out his entire collection.


Even Apple fanboys hate iTunes.


Seriously, it sucks.




"Paranoid? Probably. But just because you're paranoid doesn't mean there isn't an invisible demon about to eat your face."

Harry Dresden, Storm Front

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I like iTunes. I try to keep my information private, but it's really difficult. Everyone has software that tracks you, target advertises to you, etc., etc. You can't just give up but really, someone is tracking you all the time. It's part of being online or using your mobile device, it seems.
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unless the content is exclusively available on the itunes store, and unless you are not tethered to itunes because of an iDevice, it might be worth it to open up the search.


i have a mac and an iphone. i don't find itunes to be bad, but it's a lot better on mac than on windows. my work computer is winXP, and the windows version of itunes has more bugs and isn't as crisp. i guess it's not stellar on mac, either, but it works, and i'm not a huge "music player software" type of guy. it's better than windows media player.


amazon.com, walmart.com, ubuntu:one, and zune marketplace all come to mind as credible sources of content that are not itunes.

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Yeah, I do "drink the Kool-Aid" so to speak. I like all things Mac. I like that all my stuff works together. iPhone, iPad, iMac, MacBook, etc. I have very few issues, I am able to do what I want with these devices and software. Is it overpriced, etc., etc? Maybe. I like the simplicity and interchangeability so I'm willing to pay I guess.


FWIW, my 2 year old can take his stool, grab the iPad and unplug the charger, sit on the couch, unlock it, go to You Tube or iPhoto or whatever he wants to do, and start watching Cars, garbage truck, and other videos, etc. That's pretty cool.

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I've used it on my XP machine since 2005 and never had a problem with it other than when it installed a service that bought my machine to an absolute standstill. It asks you before it goes looking for music and practically every other piece of music/photo editing/video software also asks you if you want to associate files to it.

Feel the groove internally within your own creativity. - fingertalkin


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Yes, I know. Same with Amazon - I cannot buy MP3's from the US store.


Yes, this is why I have bought music on two other stores. The most open in Europe, sells DRM free MP3 and does not force you to use a particular program to have access. It is ovi.com, the Nokia store. I had a Windows Phone and had a very good experience with Zune.

All in all iTunes is not the only way to go, but if you live in an iPhone and a Mac it is the simplest way to organize your music.

I use iTunes on my Mac and Windows Media Player on the PC (which I rarely touch) and my main hub is my Classic iPod (you can't beat 160G of storage). It is my third iPod after loss and breakage of its predecessors.

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