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OT: Poll-Is Bush Selling Out To Special Interests

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[quote]Originally posted by Johnny B: [b]Isn't it now established that he is some kind of pervert? [/b][/quote]No... I'm the pervert. He's just a guy. Please see the Britney Spears thread for more info. I'm a pervert and a dumbass because I would do the Olsen twins but I turned down J-lo... I know this comes as a shock, but I feel the need to set the record straight...

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Some girls get you hot, some don't. Some feel really good to me, some don't. There's no rhyme or reason to this. J lo looks pretty good to me, but I'd need to take her for a test ride before I'd know if I'd want to keep her. Like the old song, "You'd better shop around" by the Smokey Robinson and the Miracles where the message is: "Try before you buy." I mean it really is a very personal subjective thing, it's what one wag reduces to the phrase "Looks are good but it's all about fit and finish...fit and finish." But maybe we can get back on topic. The ripping off of America by Bush and Cheney. So far, Bush looses by a landslide.
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[quote] No... I'm the pervert. He's just a guy. Please see the Britney Spears thread for more info. I'm a pervert and a dumbass because I would do the Olsen twins but I turned down J-lo... [/quote]OK, I read the post you made in the other thread, but I thought you were joking. Please set this straight for me, your NOT a pervert with kids, are you? I hope not. PLEASE come back with a no answer. I have some respect for your opinions and this would totally screw that up. Wow PS: Please go fuck yourself johnny. :wave:
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Wow, you really are thick aren't you, you need a woman for that. I still see you got your jammies on, did you learn that trick from MJ to use on little boys? That's was bad, I'm sorry. But you do have a thing for George Bush don't you? I mean why else would you keep defending a thief like him? I just does not make sense for any thinking adult to do that. Unless of course you are....nevermind. Have some happy holidays anyway, but some people will be forced to go to hand out lines to feed their families this holiday season because of that giant sucking sound. That giant sucking sound is not very pleasing for these folks. What? I guess there are 3 or 4 million of them, probably more. Face it, Bush sucks. And the poll says so.
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Johnny, I'll chime in on the politics when you post something that even looks like a conversation. The Bush sucks, bla bla bla ,jail them , and so on is not a debate, its PROPAGANDA. You can call me names all day Mr. Watermelon, but this child pervert kick you are on is just gross, so stop. Have a nice turkey day and go fuck yourself. :thu:
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[quote]Originally posted by WOW: [b] Please set this straight for me, your NOT a pervert with kids, are you? I hope not. PLEASE come back with a no answer. I have some respect for your opinions and this would totally screw that up. [/b][/quote]Hey! I took the little test, and I said I would jump the Olsen twins, but I said I'd pass on J-Lo. If that makes me a pervert, then I guess I'm guilty. Just for a frame of reference... I think the Olsen girls are of legal age. The first time I had sex I was about 17 and so was my girlfriend -both underage. If I had been 18 at the time, would that make me a pedophile? Legally, yes it probably would. But let's get real about this, shall we? BACK ON TOPIC: I think Wow and JohnnyB should just meet in a back alley somewhere and pound the shit out of each other until one of them submits, and we'll just go with the winner says. Problem solved... :rolleyes:

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Wow, now you've taken your jammies off and put on something else. Now your garb looks kind of like a funeral scene. Maybe it's subliminal for "Hasta La Vista Georgie and Dicky don't let the door hit you in your @#$ on the way out or hit Low in the head." You can keep kissing the ass of dress-up boy if you want, but someday you'll grow up and stand on your own two feet like a man. And by then, you'll be able to read things and think for yourself instead of being a childish parrot for pappa bear. But maybe you'll live your whole life in fear. Sweet dreams tonite and don't let the monsters get you. And Santa is coming soon.
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[quote]Originally posted by Johnny B: [b] But you do have a thing for George Bush don't you? I mean why else would you keep defending a thief like him? I just does not make sense for any thinking adult to do that. [/b][/quote]Johnny, He MIGHT be defending him because he believes in what he is doing. If you want respect for your viewpoint, you should try to respect the viewpoints of others -even if you don't agree with them. I understand feeing passionate about what you know is the truth. But like it or not, there are people who feel just as strongly about a truth that is contrary to your own. Sometimes you just gotta get up and walk away from this shit for awhile. It's just not worth making enemies over. Let's chill out and just try to get along.

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Mr. Low, Yes I "are." But you, sir, are an illiterate slut. You "is" a brown nose for Bush. You got no guts and no balls. You support corruption in government and ripping off of the American Taxpayer. That's 87 billion dollars that will be wasted and fraudulently diverted under an unaccountable appropriation. To support this kind of fraud is the essence of an un-American traitor. BTW, maybe you'll find some nukes and missles under your tree for X-mass. Probably not, but you do believe in the tooth fairy don't you?
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[quote]Originally posted by alcohol_: The Dems are not just as guilt. That's stupid, sophomoric, knee jerk cynicism. [/quote]Yeah, whatever. If you think you are getting adequate representation from the democrats, than I feel sorry for you. Would you like a list of special interests that the democrats cater to? This discussion isn't about the state of the budget, it's about OUR representation being sold to the highest bidder. And just for the record, reality tends to breed cynicism. Take a look at these figures and tell me what you deduct... http://www.commoncause.org/laundromat/ http://www.commoncause.org/laundromat/stat/top50.htm
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Mr Low, go and ask your slave master Georgie if you can have a big person drink, like some beer. Drink a whole bunch, and then STFU. You had your chance to vote, now please leave. Get off the grown up's political threads, you add nothing and always try to divert people's attention with childish sidebars that have nothing to do with the thread's issue. Get over it, Bush looses big in this poll.
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[quote]Originally posted by Johnny B: [b] Get off the grown up's political threads, you add nothing and always try to divert people's attention with childish sidebars that have nothing to do with the thread's issue.[/b][/quote]Uh... I think when HE leaves, you might need to leave with him. And nobody gives a shit about your poll. It's hardly scientific. Just an excuse to piss and moan.

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Stranger, just because others such as some dems also do wrong by the American people, does not provide any kind of legitimate excuse for Bush and Cheney to sell out the American people. It's sort of like saying Rush is a drug addict, therefore, it's ok to to break the law. In other words, it's never an excuse or justification to say "They're doing it, so that makes it ok." And when you are trying to clean the government up and end the corruption, you usually start at the top, 'cuz that's were the buck stops. The focus here is on Bush and Cheney, not what anyone else is doing.
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[quote]Originally posted by alcohol_: [b]Stranger, If the world appears only to be black and white, or near and far, and you're unable to detect the degrees of difference you got a handicap. Burndened by such a handicap I can understand why your cynical.[/b][/quote]I am more than capable of seeing the gray areas. I would like you to give me one reason why I should trust the dems over the repubs. Doesn't anybody consider the chance that both parties are just as corrupt? You can continue to call me names and try to classify me based on one statement, but it still doesn't change the fact that both parties are equally corrupt. I'm not even going to waste anymore time with this topic. Hasn't anybody noticed that I gave up trying to shed light into these partisan merry go rounds? So the choice is yours: Do you want the puppet on the right, or the puppet on the left? And by extension, you are also a puppet. Why not support true representation? Of course, your socialist leanings are so strong, I doubt that you believe in the idea of a representative republic. Why not just give the federal government control over every single aspect of our lives. We can't be trusted to do it ourselves, right alcohol?
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The idea that someone thinks I'm a socialist is evidence enough that that person doesn't know what socialism is. It's apparent that such a depth of ignorance is terminal and unlikely that any kind of further information that confounds their erroneous beliefs, would be reflexively rejected due to the self effacing horror of they don't really know what they are talking about nor understand the issues of the day. A horror of such an understanding would require some small amount of effort. The superficially informed might think that because both political parties receive financial support from corporate and special interests they are equally beholden. That there is a difference is revealed in the actions and policies of the respective political parties and leaders. That Clinton raised taxes primarily on the wealthy and enjoyed budget surpluses, while Bush engineered tax breaks for essentially the wealthy, and is suffering from a budget deficits, is easy enough to understand. At least one would think. Some effort at being informed would also show that during the last presidential election, many corporations actually provided more money for individual Republican congressmen and senators than for the Democratic Party presidential candidate, Al Gore. Finally, a little quote from Arianna Huffington that eloquently displays the difference: "Mike Dombeck, Forest Service chief, resigned March 27, 2001, after four years on the job. What he wrote in his resignation letter: "It was made clear in no uncertain terms that the administration wants to take the Forest Service in another direction ..." What Mike Dombeck wrote in the first draft of his resignation letter: "It was made clear in no uncertain terms that the administration needs to kiss a little logging-industry ass, having gotten nearly $300,000 in donations during the 2000 election (10 times more than Al Gore). Mr. President, after all that bark-bussing and timber-tonguing, it's a wonder you didn't get splinters in your lip or a very painful STD (Sequoia Transmitted Disease). Fact: Before the U.S. Forest Service approves a timber sale on federal land, loggers are currently required to study the impact on endangered animals and salmon runs. The Bush White House is pushing to overturn both of these requirements." http://salon.com/opinion/huffington/2003/11/27/letters/index.html
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Not to mention, these threads are all the same. And I gave up trying to determine who really cares, and who just likes to argue. I care more than I like to argue, which is why I gave up wasting my energies in these threads. For a person who really cares, these threads don't provide any sort of hope. I can turn on the TV and get all the garbage I want. I'd prefer to get a positive experience from the SSS. And once the real debate starts, these threads don't last. I can't even guess how many of these threads were raging along and once I dropped my two cents in, the threads died. Right? Wow? GZ? Super? Who's the man? :D You guys better hope I don't decide to get back into the fray and ruin these mental masturbation exercises. :p So chew on that, puppets. :D :p [signing off politics]
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