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A VST box for sounds. Totally Noob Question


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OTOH, difference between one mouse click and few mouse clicks? Nothing much at all. Difference between one mouse click and zero mouse clicks? Considerable ;). Your mileage may vary.


Ha, ha,- you may consider the program is made to use more than one plugin and I myself, even in the case using only VB 3, I´ve seen the configurations:


Cantabile lite as a host:

Slot #1: VB3 (no Leslie)

Slot #2: any FX (wah, phasor, flanger, ring mod etc.)

Slot #3: VB3 leslie FX

Slot #4: tape style delay


another one:

Slot #1: VB3 (no Leslie)

Slot #2: any FX (see above)

Slot #3: tube amphead sim (p.ex LePou or ACME Bargig))

Slot #4: impulse speaker cab simulator (LePou-LeCab)


What´s up then ?

SAVIhost ?







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I'm interested in Cantabile because it will give me access to quickly editable sounds I wouldn't otherwise have in my ROMpler...

Thanks, Griff... but I didn't quite understand what you mean by 'editable' sounds...?


Cantabile has some serious competition. I remember being wowed by the demo version of Brainspawne Forte 2. There's also Bloxpander. Both of these seem to be powerful, user-friendly, polished products designed solely for live professionals.


I'm aware of other host products for PC. I'm already in love with Cantabile's quick-access interface.


I was just saying Cantabile gives me easy access to load up my dusty old VSTi's like FM8 and B4, which I find much easier to edit and program than the board I'll be using to control them. ;)

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Correct me if I'm wrong but VB3 doesn't run on iOS devices.


No, you´re right for the time being,- but maybe it will come(???).

The imagination, running audio/MIDI from a iPad, this managing the GUI in realtime in addition and in a combination w/ hardware keys and the RME UCX is alluring.

We´ll see more powerful iPads which is a much smaller form factor and cheaper than a laptop.

VB3 runs easily on a 1-2 GHz processor, so it´s the time to port it over to iOS IMO.



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Ha, ha,- you may consider the program is made to use more than one plugin and I myself, even in the case using only VB 3, I´ve seen the configurations:

What´s up then ?

SAVIhost ?






Touche... conceded http://www.sympato.ch/smileys/prostern.gif !




This is really what MIDI was originally about encouraging cooperation between companies that make the world a more creative place." - Dave Smith
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There's also some yet-to-be tested (vaporware?) stuff like the Groove XR and the MuseBox

Correction - the Groove XR is not vaporware; it's available for 1,560.90. Integrated touchscreen :cool:. This is a serious contender.


This is really what MIDI was originally about encouraging cooperation between companies that make the world a more creative place." - Dave Smith
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- the Groove XR is not vaporware; it's available for 1,560.90. Integrated touchscreen :cool:. This is a serious contender.


I´m urgently waiting for a report from Peter of Sonic Projects since month.

OPX Pro II is been sold w/ the Groove XR and AFAIK, the unit never arrived at him up to now.

That would be a great comparison because he also owns a Receptor for OPX-Pro II.

Is there anyone who buyed the Groove XR already or some demos/tests coming from somewhere else except the manufacturer?



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A.C., I think you'll be interested in this piece of news from Korg Forums :



"My company Corcyra Global Ltd is no longer trading with Lionstracs and we offered all our customers who purchased a Groove X-R a refund. I believe the Groove X-R is still being promoted by Lionstracs, at a heavily discounted price, but Corcyra Global Ltd is no longer involved and that is why we closed our own web site.


We are developing a new product ourselves - without Lionstracs' involvement. The new product is called "Open Studio Live" and it is a heavily customized 2U high 19 inch cabinet system running Windows 7 64 bit. We provide a 17 inch touch screen as standard. It has optimized hardware and software for musicians including a full 8 x 8 digital mixer and DAW capability with combi XLR/quarter inch sockets supporting both balanced and unbalanced 8x-inputs and 8x-outputs. There is a Firewire 400/800 option for those who need it, and S/PDIF and Word Clock inputs and outputs are standard. All DAW products for Windows 7 64 bit can be used. All Windows 64-bit and 32-bit plug in software can be used. All encryption systems work unmodified.


Integrated with the product and shipped as standard is the fantastic sound library that James (Sharp) originally developed for use with the Groove X-R. Also we ship Sonic Projects OP-X-Pro-II as standard. Users will of course install their own software and plug-ins as well. We also provide installation and configuration support for the "One Man Band" arranger which works well on our system, for those who want an arranger.


No details have been released to the public before now. This is the first time I've talked about it on a public forum.


The temporary link to Open Octave's web site will be removed this month. Open Octave software is not part of the Open Studio Live product, although the two teams did collaborate together for a short time to explore that option before we agreed that it was not something we would pursue further. Currently Open Octave is available for Linux enthusiasts, but Corcyra Global Ltd will not be providing a Linux system.


I am also willing to publish some pictures of the new unit if there is sufficient demand from forum members. However I don't want to upset those who regard this forum as "Korg products only". So if someone wants to start a thread called "Would you like to see pictures of "Open Studio Live?" then when there is enough support, I will publish pictures and a full specification ...


The new product is expected to be available in March, and a press event is being organized in London. If you live in the UK and want an invitation to the press launch event, just ask me?


Best regards,

Rob Sherratt


Corcyra Global Ltd

trading as "Open Studio Live""[/font]

This is really what MIDI was originally about encouraging cooperation between companies that make the world a more creative place." - Dave Smith
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How much gigging do you do (or have you done in the past)?


There's some good stuff on here (and in the links to other threads).


My tuppence worth - If you've got the readies - two Receptors (one as an A/B backup) - or one Receptor and hardware.


I did just over a hundred gigs with a computer - couple of crashes in maybe 300 hours of playing - that's all but still very annoying.


Most annoying thing was the questions and nonsense I got from audience members (or drunk revellers) who clocked the screen and spent the night telling anyone who would listen that the band sounds really good because it's all "the computer" and no one is playing anything.


Receptor is in your rack - no monitor needed for live.


Very expensive.

I'm the piano player "off of" Borrowed Books.
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A.C., I think you'll be interested in this piece of news from ... Korg Forums:



Well, that tells it all.

Visited the website ...



I think, we have seen and will see a lot of vaporware in that department because it´s a difficult market.

For anyone looking for a softwareplayer offering 19" rack format and frontpanel operation, the Muse Receptor is the only piece of gear worth to buy even there are drawbacks too,- or building a 19" format computer and living w/ the comprimize, frontpanel operation not being available.


This new "openstudiolive" product will be only a compromize also.

Why an Athlon triple core processor when everyone knows the Intels are the best and most compatible for a Windows based system.

Why (sometimes tons of) pre-installed plugins (in demo mode) or loops and sample libraries I´ll never need because I have my own for custom installation ?


It´s all not worth the wait, so I´ll upgrade my existing rackmount w/ Intel i7 2600K, a mobo/chipset supporting it´s GPU, fast RAM, SSD, slipstream my OS w/ nLite, install my software and live with 4HU,- but have the horsepower and all for half the price.



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Let's say, I do go with the laptop route, what is the absolute easiest host to use. Just drop the vst .dll file in and go.


Possibly this...



Maybe this is the best place for a shameless plug! Our now not-so-new new video at https://youtu.be/3ZRC3b4p4EI is a 40 minute adaptation of T. S. Eliot's "Prufrock" - check it out! And hopefully I'll have something new here this year. ;-)

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