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Van Halen, Roth reunion tour


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Eddie Van Halen and drummer Alex Van Halen, along with original lead singer David Lee Roth and Eddie's son, Wolfgang, on bass. Tickets go on sale Jan 10.


What do you think - worth seeing?



The further a society drifts from truth the more it will hate those who speak it." George Orwell


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Good luck to them, I always admired Eddie's innovation back in the early days, but I have a theory on famous musicians. Once they achieve success they ain't hungry anymore, and if they ain't hungry, they ain't relevant (most of them)(there are exceptions).
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I have a theory on famous musicians. Once they achieve success they ain't hungry anymore, and if they ain't hungry, they ain't relevant (most of them)(there are exceptions).


Yup. Pretty much, once you've attained all you can imagine as far as enormous wealth goes, all the friction involved in trying to get ahead, trying to meet someone who is unattainable, struggling with day to day details, all that is over & a pampered privileged life just doesn't lead to interesting teen angst-y love songs anymore. A few guys have been able to keep evolving as interesting musicians who are still learning new things & still creating innovative new music. Most, not so much.

Scott Fraser
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They are going to release a new CD in Feb. according to reports.


The Van Halen News Desk (VHND.com) has breaking news on all things surrounding the much anticipated new Van Halen album! Heres the schedule of events leading up to the new albums release:



*CONCERT DATES & CITIES ANNOUNCED for first wave of tour.










ALBUM TITLE: The Future is not the album title, as rumored. Stay tuned to VHND.com for an update on the actual album and song titles.

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Even though I respect Eddie's skill as a player, my problem with him is he sounds like he's still in the 80's.


What ever they do, my guess is it won't sound much different then anything else in their back catalog.



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Saw the reunion tour in 2007 - it was awesome! So I'm in, for the new one. Seriously, it was a better show than the ones they put on in 1983 and 1984, mainly because they were all sober.


One good thing about having Wolfie in the band is that Eddie is less likely to go on a bender and torpedo the tour. Having said that, though, they really need to get Mike back in the band - especially for his vocals, which are a big part of the VH sound. Maybe they can give Wolfie a tambourine or set of maracas to shake.


I don't care that Eddie et al still sound like they're in the 1980's - they pretty much invented their genre of music (back in the 1970's!), and if they want to stick with it, that's fine with me. Better that than to have a bunch of older men try to ape "modern," overly produced vanilla rock, like the youngsters are creating now.


Fact is, VH had more fire and originality in their day than any band since. When they were hot, they were on fire and unstoppable. Like most volatile mixtures, it eventually destroyed itself. But as Eddie said way back in 1985, "I'd rather be a has been than a never was."


I'll be there, no matter what. How can you not honor and respect the band that gave you the soundtrack to your youth?

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It's not a VH tour w/o Michael Anthony - EVH is immature for kicking him out. Like Sammy Hagar said: DLR looked like he was in the circus on the last tour. The last songs they wrote for their first reunion were poor. I don't think they can replicate anything like VHI, VHII or 1985 again. DLR is just a buffoon in my eyes.
We came here to entertain you, Leaving here we aggravate you, Don't you know it means the same to me...
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I feel bad for Mike Anthony, and I think Eddie could be doing better by him. But if having Wolfie around is what Eddie needs to keep him sober, that's just too bad. For an alcoholic, staying off the booze is seriously a matter of life & death. Eddie's gotta do what he has to or alcohol kills him, sooner or later.

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Much as I'd love to see these guys, if ticket prices equal the cost of building my own Frankenguitar, I'm going for the guitar - I think Eddie would understand.

"Monsters are real, and Ghosts are real too. They live inside us, and sometimes, they win." Stephen King





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Much as I'd love to see these guys, if ticket prices equal the cost of building my own Frankenguitar, I'm going for the guitar - I think Eddie would understand.


+1, judging by the prices for the 2007 tour, I can see several other bands for the price of one VH ticket, and have a few beers besides. Sorry to say, but IMO, VH is just cashing in on nostalgia and the fact that most of their original fans can probably afford to pay more for tickets now, they didn't sound that great in 2007, DLR is out of energy, can't remember the words to the songs, and Eddie is just phoning it in from 1984, as though he'd run out of ideas.

"Call me what instrument you will, though you can fret me, yet you cannot play upon me.'-Hamlet


Guitar solos last 30 seconds, the bass line lasts for the whole song.



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But is he really staying sober?


If Sammy Hagar's account is true, EVH and AVH really screwed Mike.


Well, the big flap about Anthony's hot sauce seemed pretty small-time for Ed & Al. Sammy's account may be true. But Sammy seems pretty self-serving in a lot of what he says. And the VH Bros didn't have to be drunk to screw Mike over anything, and the word is that Wolfie keeps his dad pretty honest about his sobriety.

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The reason why I questioned Eddie's sobriety was due to the ongoing statements from Sammy that Eddie has never been sober. If Wolfie is keeping him clean then that is great for the both of them.


What happened with Mike and his hot sauce?



"I hate what I've become, trying to escape who I am..."



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Cincinnati is the bermuda triangle of concerts so I doubt they'll play here, but naturally Eddie'll stop by the house for some blues and shots. "How's it goin' Lefty, hey check out this new stompbox I scored in Chicago..."
I was born at night but I wasn't born last night...
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I watched plenty of clips from concerts from the 2007 tour and Eddie played HORRIBLE compared to the old days. Perhaps now they he had surgery on his hand he will actually play some of the licks that made him cool--not the shobiz licks from the Hagar era.


I disagree with the poster who said that they sounded better than they did in the 80's. In the 80's Eddie was on fire. He was the hottest player in rock. He still had something to prove. His solos were all improvised.


I won't see them because I live in Taiwan--but even if they did come here I won't see them because they kicked out M.A. To me that is reason enough not to see them


He was an integral part of their sound, his backup vocals can't be matched because he sounds like himself..


Just the attitude of reuniting and then cheating their fans from a real reunion makes them not worthy of my attention. This reunion with MA involved would have excited me in th 1990's when they could still be relevant.


Now they are just obsolete.


Thats coming from probably the forum's #1 Eddie fan.

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Well, if you are curious to how Eddie is playing, here are videos from I believe last Thursday night... The sound isn't that great as they were recorded by cell phone most likely...




And of course, their new song was released today...




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I'd go see them... although I'd prefer to see Mike back with them, especially his backing vocals.

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I don't know that song CAN grow on me - and the video, well...


I know what you mean. I was trying to be nice with just saying that much about it. :D

"Treat your wife with honor, respect, and understanding as you live together so that you can pray effectively as husband and wife." 1 Peter 3:7


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Sounds like late Hagar-era, which totally doesn't connect with Dave's voice.



Yeah, I get that vibe too.


Eddie's playing, however is fantastic - great solo and a long one, too (by current standards anyway)


Guitar Speak Podcast








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Oh, the song itself - it would need to grow on me too.


I think what set apart VH back in the day was that they had great songs AND guitar stuff. Lots of other bands had incredible soloists playing over lame songs...


Guitar Speak Podcast








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Yeah, dunno if I can get into that. It seems to be missing a certain vibe. Sorry but when you replace an integral part of any band, that is what happens. It misses that energy.


I don't like Eddie's tone. I mean, it sounds like the new Eddie.


Kind of compressed, and soupy. Doesn't really punch out of the mix which is weird in a 1 guitar band

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