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OT: A Rotten Week For Bush?

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I hear there's a new poll out there that shows Bush and Cheney will lose a fair election in a landslide. Bye Bye! Oh, I guess if you took a world poll on the unpopularity of Bush and Cheney, it would yield similar results. Bush and Cheney are hated all around the world by sane, and rationale individuals. Unprovoked unilateral attacks on those nations who are weaker? Worldwide bullies? Dialing for Oil Dollars? Bush and Cheney's rabid suppport for Corporate Rip-Off Schemes? I suppose the list of reasons why most of the entire world so passionately hate Bush and Cheney could be easily expanded. Anyway, it was a rotten week for Resident Bush as it shows his wongful occupation of the people's White House is only temporary. Perhaps it is fitting that a rotten gang has a rotten week.
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Since I've hit 3500 posts, I've decided do an about-frace and post vitriolic political sentiments. This will be my first one. It'll be SSS' first inter-post flame war!!! :D Here goes: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Yeah, Bush sucks. They're the reason behind all our woes. We should never gone into Iraq. Screw you, Clinton lover. Bush was only trying to undo 8 years damage caused by Slick Willie. Under Clinton, we had a surplus. Now look at it. And we want to spend an additional 87 billion on Iraq while our boys are getting their hinies shot off? Look, man, the economy was already getting better under Clinton. Clinton was busy getting hummers instead of taking care of business, getting Osama bin Laden and all that. It's all about the oil. It's about control. It's about the Freemasons. C'mon, man, didn't you see all those articles with Bush carousing with the Royal Sauds? You know, it's a world economy. We get oil from who we can get oil from. Why do you commie pinko nazi liberals always have to get in our face about what we can and cannot do? If we want to buy oil from the Royal Sauds, what does it matter? And knock it off with your conspiracy theories. You sound like the X-Files, you overmoralizing bleeding heart liberal. You fascist neoconservatives are all alike. You think, "What's our oil doing under their land?", don't you? A conservative is somebody who believes that nothing should be done for the first time. Looking for WMDs. There are none, man!! Egg on your face now!! We *should* have gone in there. You some sort of Hussein supporter? Somebody had to take care of business. The U.S. is the only country that has the backbone for it, damn it!!! Look what he was doing, man - he was gassin' his own people, for chrissakes! Typical. Never mind that we were LIED to, man. We were sold a false bill of goods. We were told that there were WMDs. There were none. But I suppose that doesn't matter to you. As lons as you can find some feeble justification for what you want to do, it's all fine and good with you. And what would YOU have done? Gone and tossed a little bomb at a pharmaceutical plant? Oh, wait, someone already did that...yeah, I suppose that little pathetic play was something you found satisfying. Somebody's gotta take care of business, and it's gonna our boys. Speaking of our boys, they're getting shot up because Rumsfeld and those idiots have no clue how to rebuild a country. Sure, we can destroy one, but rebuild one? Forget it. They're too busy lining their pockets. Haliburton, man. Cheney and all of them. It's all so obvious to me, man. Pipeline. Oil. Haliburton. Typical greedy conservative. Don't you talk about Rumsfeld like that, you bleeding heart liberal. He's a true American. While you sit behind your computer monitor typing while sitting on your fat duff, he's actually trying to do something about that. He's trying to take care of our boys. Pretzels. Hummers. Drinking problems. Whitewater. Can't talk right. Married to Hillary. Screw you. Screw you, too. No, screw you first. Your momma... ................ad nauseum................ (we had a flame war so you wouldn't have to)
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Sounds like a script in the making. All we need is a producer and the cash, and some stars to play these morons. How will you film the scene of Bush leaving the White House for good? Sort of like Nixon, the disgrace thing. In tears, or best yet, some Federal Agents hauling him and Cheney off hand-cuffed to go spend some time in prison. What an ending!
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Ken, that's one of the funniest things I've read in a while now. You should post that as a "stock" response on all political threads! :thu: And maybe do a modified version for all the Mac vs PC threads and another one for the PT vs Logic vs DP vs Sonar vs Cuebase / Nuendo threads. :D
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[quote]Originally posted by Ken/Eleven Shadows: [b]Since I've hit 3500 posts, I've decided do an about-frace and post vitriolic political sentiments. This will be my first one. It'll be SSS' first inter-post flame war!!! :D Here goes: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ )[/b][/quote]Great Post! Hope you have 3500 more just like it!
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[quote]Originally posted by Johnny B: [b]I hear there's a new poll out there that shows Bush and Cheney will lose a fair election in a landslide. Bye Bye! [/b][/quote]Big deal. I took a poll at my school and majority said that Van Halen was a better guitarist than Stevie Ray Vaughn. I then asked why they thought this way, and they said it was because Van Halen played faster and with more feeling. Then asked them what an arpeggio was and they had no clue. Shows how much they know. Nice post Ken. Also thanks to GZ for keeping up the great posts and support for Bush.
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You just have to thank the Bush administration for the honorable, accountable manner in which they have run their office. http://www.csmonitor.com/2003/0708/p09s01-coop.html
Give me the ANALOG and no one gets HURT
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Ken, you managed to cover the entire discussion in just a few paragraphs. Great post..!! There is nothing left to say except it was a bad news week for Mr. Bush. His polls are down. Especially against a democratic contender yet to be named. Certainly a fairly bad news week for the 9 stooges running for president too, Hillary beat them all in a poll by 30 points. That must sting.. How frustrating is that?

Mark G.

"A man may fail many times, but he isn't a failure until he begins to blame others" -- John Burroughs


"I consider ethics, as well as religion, as supplements to law in the government of man." -- Thomas Jefferson

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[quote]Originally posted by guitplayer: [b] [quote]Originally posted by WOW: [b]Ken, Thats the best post in weeks. :thu: LOL[/b][/quote]No it isn't... [/b][/quote]Oh, it isn't? Er, darn it, I mean... YES IT IS!!! :mad:
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[quote]Originally posted by Philip O'Keefe: [b]Ken, that's one of the funniest things I've read in a while now. You should post that as a "stock" response on all political threads! :thu: And maybe do a modified version for all the Mac vs PC threads and another one for the PT vs Logic vs DP vs Sonar vs Cuebase / Nuendo threads. :D [/b][/quote]Yes, good idea, Phil! I'll just keep reposting the same tired arguments. It's better that way. People can read all the arguments in one neat little package and then get on with things. I see it as providing a service. Saves people time so they can just say, "You're full of it, mannnn....read Ken's Inter-post Flame War, Paragraph 7!!!!" That way people can get on with recording music and stuff. Mac vs. PC, I might be able to do...well, probably not. I don't know anything about computers. That's probably why I have both a Mac AND a PC - it's because I can't decide!! And as far as the last one, that's easy. It's none of those software programs...it's 2 INCH ANALOG!!! :p
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[quote]Originally posted by Unemployed: [b]I'm glad he had a rotten week. I had a rotten week too, I don't even know if I can get my kids some Christmas presents.[/b][/quote]If you're a musician, this is a GREAT season to get some extra money... :wave:

Músico, Productor, Ingeniero, Tecnólogo

Senior Product Manager, América Latina y Caribe - PreSonus

at Fender Musical Instruments Company


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And it's a good time for industrial music as well. New Killing Joke, upcoming Skinny Puppy, new Front 242... The Alternative Press editor was right all those years ago.. What industrial music needed was another Republican president.
Give me the ANALOG and no one gets HURT
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Those polls against an "unnamed oponent" are nonsense. Believe them if it makes you feel better, but trust me they say nothing. you don't run against a mythical fill-in-the-blanks candidate, and when you give the candidate a name its a far different story. If I remember correctly, Reagen polled much lower on a similar poll in '83 and he won what 49 states? Dunno if Bush's re-election numbers will be quite that high, but as things stand now, looks like 40-45 states in his column. Remember it's the electoral college, not the popular vote anyway, and we havn't had a 50% majority for a president since the 1988.
Chuck Moore
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[quote]If I remember correctly, Reagen polled much lower on a similar poll in '83 and he won what 49 states?[/quote]Not sure, but I bet Ronnie doesn't remember either.



"It's all good: Except when it's Great"

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Bush/Cheney/Rumsfeld/Ashcroft will go down in history as the Administration or Pathological Liars. I understand what Chuck is saying. Americans in all fifty states are still hopping mad about the 9/11 attacks, and they want to see some butts kicked. And Bush is kicking butts. But he's kicking the WRONG butts, and as much as people want to believe that we're responding to the terrorist attacks, the fact is that the Bush Administration has ALL BUT TURNED ITS BACK on 9/11 and al Qaeda while it focuses on oil-rich Iraq. Remember that $87 billion? Only $1.4 billion is for Afghanistan. Americans would like nothing more than to see a major ass-whoopin' of hostile terrorist organizations, but this Administration is diverting our armed forces (and billions of dollars) elsewhere. And kids are dying, and their deaths are not bringing bin Laden closer to justice. They're bringing megabucks closer to Cheney. That kind of blatant hypocrisy does not play well in ANY of the fifty states. Americans are mad as hell and they're not going to take it anymore! Send the frat boy back to Texas and put General Clark, a REAL soldier, in the White House. Bush as Commander in Chief of the armed forces is an insult to the valiant history of American service people.

The Black Knight always triumphs!


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No one has forgoten Bin Laden, and he will one day soon assume room temperature. He's most likely in the Pakistani mountains, but not even the Pakistani govt. has controll of that region, so unless you want to invade another country at the moment just to have a look n see, we will continue on with the work of setting up a free and democratic Afghanistan. He will stick his head out of his cave soon and we will be there to cut it off. But make no mistake, killing him doeas not address the problem of terrorism as a whole, and another like him will surely come along to cause us great harm when he is gone. The campaign in Iraq is a central part of the war on TERROR which is not ONLY a war on Al-Quiada, but on terrorism, which must be fought at it's source. And its source is the Arab world, not just the Islamic world. Bringing democracy to Iraq is the next step.
Chuck Moore
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Okay, Chuck, I'm beginning to worry about you. :D [quote]Originally posted by Chuck Moore: [b]No one has forgoten Bin Laden.[/b][/quote]Forgotten? No. But how much of our military is directed at finding bin Laden, and how much is directed at occupying Iraq, where bin Laden NEVER had any presence (Saddam would have had UBL and his gang shot on sight). The country deserves to have a President who will fight the guys who killed Americans on 9/11, not one who diverts resources from this task because their hard-on for oil is unquenchable. [quote][b] He's most likely in the Pakistani mountains, but not even the Pakistani govt. has controll of that region, so unless you want to invade another country at the moment just to have a look n see,[/b][/quote]Mr. Cheney said that we would work in many countries. Pakistan was giving us full co-operation. Why didn't we chase UBL into those mountains? Why did we go after Saddam, instead. It's as though Hitler had slopped across the border into Austria, and instead of chasing him, we decided to invade The Netherlands. It's unconscionable. Bush has let the American people down by letting UBL get away. [quote][b]we will continue on with the work of setting up a free and democratic Afghanistan.[/b][/quote]Oh, please! That's like setting up a free and democratic Folsom prison. Afghanistan is ruled by tribal leaders who would like nothing better than to exterminate one anothers' people. Democracy is a great concept, but it doesn't work everywhere. It doesn't work in first grade, and it doesn't work in a country like Afghanistan. Or Iraq. [quote][b]He will stick his head out of his cave soon and we will be there to cut it off.[/b][/quote]No, we'll be roaming around Iraq instead. [quote][b]But make no mistake, killing him doeas not address the problem of terrorism as a whole,[/b][/quote]You are correct. The problem is more complex than that. People turn to terrorism out of desperation when they have no other way to fight a superior power. [quote][b]The campaign in Iraq is a central part of the war on TERROR which is not ONLY a war on Al-Quiada, but on terrorism, which must be fought at it's source. And its source is the Arab world, not just the Islamic world.[/b][/quote]I'm sorry, Chuck, but that's a total crock of shit. Here are some reasons why. First of all, Arab world is a small portion of the Islamic world, not the other way around. You can't expand action from the Islamic world in to the Arab world. Most Moslems are not Arabs, they're Asians. Your lack of understanding of the makeup of the Arab and Islamic worlds is causing you some confusion. Second, terrorism has nothing to do with Arabs or Islam. There are Hindu terrorists in Sri Lanka and in India. There are Christian terrorists in Spain and in Ireland and in the USA. There are terrorists in Japan. There are terrorists in Africa and in Latin America. There are terrorists in every country and from every religion. Focusing on Arabs or Moslems is rather selective. If you are going to fight terrorism, fight terrorism. Fight it everywhere. Don't just fight it in Arab nations. The Arab world has a vested interest in dealing with the US. After all, we buy a lot of their oil, and they buy a lot of our consumer products, arts (films, etc.), clothing, medicines, etc. There are small pockets of desperate, well-organized barbarians in the Arab world, groups that want to destabilish the governments in these nations. But that's also true in Africa, Asia, Latin America, even in North America. Again, if you're interested in fighting terrorism, don't just focus on one area of the world. There is a question whether one can actually "fight" terrorism. Terrorism is like a disease. It rises up when conditions are right. If malaria is a problem, you don't just swat mosquitos, you drain their breeding grounds. Same with terrorists. Terrorism arises when people are hopeless and struggling desperately with a superior force. If you want to rid the world of terrorism, you don't drop bombs on a country. That CREATES hardship and desperation; it doesn't LIMIT desperation. Find creative ways to improve the lives of your neighbors, and those neighbors will stop shooting at you. Everyone is motivated toward gain; it's as simple as that. And it will cost less than $87 billion. [quote][b]Bringing democracy to Iraq is the next step.[/b][/quote]Baloney! Iraq had nothing to do with al Qaeda or UBL or 9/11 in the first place. It's all a smoke and mirrors presentation that our illegally elected Administration pulled on us while we were hurting in the aftermath the attacks. I said it before, I'll say it again: America deserves a leader who will address the al Qaeda problem instead of trying to get rich by invading countries that had nothing to do with 9/11. I'm sorry that you don't agree, Chuck. I'm sorry that you've been duped into believing that Iraq had something to do with 9/11 and that bombing the country and killing thousands of civilians was the appropriate answer to a bombing of THIS country that killed thousands of civilians. Further, Iraq will never survive as a democracy. It will fall apart, just as Yugoslavia did. Countless civilians will die in the process. You remember what you get when people start to feel desperate, right? Terrorism. If Iraq's recovery is botched, it will become a new breeding ground for terrorist activity, a new "swamp" in which those mosquitos may breed. The Administration has gone about this ALL WRONG, and I'm hoping that a new Administration and President will be able to right the ship before we're attacked again.

The Black Knight always triumphs!


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Peake, those are some great links you posted. The biggest terrorists in the world are Bush and Cheney. Bush and Cheney have worked their terror on innocent people who did not attack them. Bush and Cheney have worked their terror on the American people's rights, their environment, and their pocket books. Bush and Cheney have declared war on the American people. Bush and Cheney are the worst form of scum, the lowest of the low, and are nothing but lying criminals who belong in prison. According to the latest polls even a no-name candidate soundly beats them, so Bush and Cheney will soon be gone. Bye Bye Mr Bush. Bye Bye Mr Cheney. ----------------- Save the World Save America Jail Bush Now! You'll be glad you did
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[quote]Originally posted by Dan South: Remember that $87 billion? Only $1.4 billion is for Afghanistan.[/quote]They'd better hurry up. http://www.hrw.org/press/2003/07/afghan072903.htm
Give me the ANALOG and no one gets HURT
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hey Dan.....I worry about you too dude LOL. most of what you say about democracy in Iraq was said half a century ago about democracy in Japan. Last i checked we did OK there too. Bremmer may not be MacArther, but he at least has MacArthur to learn from. And yes I'm well aware that most Islamic nations are not Arab. That was the point. That is why freeing the Afghans, or even the Iranians will not do it. They are ethnically Persians, not Arabs. You HAVE to establish an Arab democracy to break the gridlock of despots and dictators which fuel the creation of terrorism in that region. Far from a sure bet, Bush is taking a large political gamble by not kicking this can down the road and stricktly dealing with the individual terrorist after they have attacked. The stratagy is to defeat terrorism as a philosophy where it forms. You can assume sinister motives to his actions if that is how you feel, I've never met Mr Bush, so I would not be so bold as to presume to know what is in his heart. I do know that most of his actions would be what I would be doing in his place, so I would have to believe he does what he beleives to be the right course of action. Is it going to work? Hell I don't know, but we had all better pray that it does. It makes no sense to me to work towards any other outcome for Iraq, especially at this point in the game, while we are there and the war on terror continues.
Chuck Moore
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[b]Originally posted by Johnny B: According to the latest polls even a no-name candidate soundly beats them, so Bush and Cheney will soon be gone.[/b] You just simply do not get it, do you? Add the democratic name of your choice and Mr. Bush beats any of them. So there is your new democratic candidate for president Johhny.. NONE OF THE ABOVE. You need to change your signature to "Defeat Bush and Cheney in 04, Vote for NOBODY". You make me laugh..

Mark G.

"A man may fail many times, but he isn't a failure until he begins to blame others" -- John Burroughs


"I consider ethics, as well as religion, as supplements to law in the government of man." -- Thomas Jefferson

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