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Operation Blue Strat Update


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Some of you have shown genuine interest, which I appreciate, in my MIM strat refin. I had the luxury of dry sunny weather Friday (only the 4th sunny day in April here - ugh) AND took the day off work for an awards luncheon with my wife. I wet sanded the strat in the morning then late afternoon sprayed two light coats and what I hoped was the finish coat. Got one sag/run below the lower bout and bumped into the upper horn dangit! Beer's funny that way.... So I'll need to wait a week and then wet sand the two boo boos and that should be the last coat of blue. I'll almost certainly give her a clear coat after she sits for a few weeks - time to order the neck! Thanks for your interest folks.


I was born at night but I wasn't born last night...
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Best of luck with fixing those unfortunate blemishes, but don't be too hard on your beer- you're right, beer's funny, but doesn't laughter lube the wheels as the world goes 'round? ;)


And yes, looking forward to some pho-tos... :thu::cool:

Ask yourself- What Would Ren and Stimpy Do?


~ Caevan James-Michael Miller-O'Shite ~

_ ___ _ Leprechaun, Esquire _ ___ _

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Don't forget the pics...


Nothing new or different Larry, still your basic blue chunk o' wood. I will post a pic once the final coat is on, probably be a few weeks as I want to shoot at least one coat of clear. All it does here is rain, so I have a feeling this project may end up on hold until fall depending on when the humid weather hits. It's not my only guitar (go figure!) so it's all good.

I was born at night but I wasn't born last night...
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Don't forget the pics...


Nothing new or different Larry, still your basic blue chunk o' wood. I will post a pic once the final coat is on, probably be a few weeks as I want to shoot at least one coat of clear. All it does here is rain, so I have a feeling this project may end up on hold until fall depending on when the humid weather hits. It's not my only guitar (go figure!) so it's all good.



I was thinking about when that neck you are ordering comes in it will change the look in the pictures just a little...looking forward to it!

Take care, Larryz
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I hear you Larry! I think Warmoth has a 4 week leadtime for ordered necks so I'm close to pulling the trigger on that sucker. Also need to find a proper Fender logo for the big headstock, and locking tuners, and shielding foil...
I was born at night but I wasn't born last night...
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