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OT: Drunk drivers are worthless pieces of shit

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One of them killed a friend of mine today. He was sitting at a stoplight on his Harley, minding his own business, when some drunk piece of shit plowed over him at about 50 mph. Never saw the light, much less the bike. Now a good man is dead, cut down at the happiest time of his life - he'd bought a bike for his girlfriend, too. Picked his up yesterday. His brother said Jim was happier than he'd ever seen him. Jim had raised four kids all by himself after his wife (a drunk piece of shit - oh, the irony) ran out on him. Now, he had four successful grown children, a special woman in his life, and two new bikes. He was on his way to New York next weekend to visit his son Glenn, who is attending one of the top architecture schools in the country. Now Glenn is coming down here instead. Some of you reading this get behind the wheel of a car after you've been tipping your elbow. You know who you are. I say that you are all selfish, mindless fuckheads, and you should all die in horrendous single-car accidents after suffering undiscovered in a ditch somewhere for several hours. The waste of DNA who killed my friend will be going to prison for a very long time, but that won't bring Jim back. Maybe they'll hang his picture in the guy's cell as part of his sentence.

"I had to have something, and it wasn't there. I couldn't go down the street and buy it, so I built it."


Les Paul

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That's horrible, Jode. I hate drunk drivers too. My father used to seat behind a car's wheel while absolutely drunk. Luckily he didn't kill or harm anyone. (Just smashed a couple of his own cars.) ... My condolences.
I am back.
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Sorry to hear this and my condolences.Even when I used to drink a lot years ago,I always had this rule never to drive,but these day's I see plenty of people who might as well be drunk the way I see them drive.I hate to say it in the face of this tragedy,but when You drive a motorcylce in this day and age the way traffic is these days,you are putting your life in the hands of others and adversity be they sober or drunk.I sold my bike years ago after almost getting killed twice,once after taking a turn too fast and another when an elderly woman stopped suddenly in front of me for no apparent reason in a fairly busy highway.Sorry for that particular rant but I had to say it.However,that doesn't give the guy who carelessly took your friends life a green light in any shape or form,anyone who drives under the influence in this day and age is taking life for granted and will probably pay the price if that's possible.1 life ended and 1 life ruined.Again,my condolences.
"A Robot Playing Trumpet Blows"
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My condolences brother..Drunk drivers are pieces of shit.Alcohol is nasty nast stuff yet it's legal..Causes more death than any other drug...And they want to put you away and throw away the key if you possess a little weed. Fuckd up country..Anway, I've had too many friends and aquaintences killed on Bikes..Too many jerkoffs on the road anymore to be safe to ride other then out in the open desert...This really really sucks.. :(

Sean Michael Mormelo


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[quote] Jim had raised four kids all by himself after his wife (a drunk piece of shit - oh, the irony) ran out on him. [/quote]Truly a sad day indeed. I've never been one to drink and drive while under the influence. There's not enough one can say to extend the comfort needed; hopefully his family and friends can find some peace. Unfortunately, bikes are not the safest means of transportation, although a freedom ride. I was watching the news yesterday and a man 32 years old with a new born was headed to work and got plowed into by some kids just getting out of school and peeling out of the school's drive; he was decapitated. My heartfelt condolences... take care Jode.
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I'd like to suggest that you change the title of this thread to "My Friend Was Killed By A Drunk Driver Today". I have two reasons for this: 1. I'd like for the focus to be on your friend rather than on drunk drivers. 2. I'd like to see the message of what happens when people insist that they are fine to drive after they have been drinking get out to as many people as possible -even if they don't click on the link to read the post, they STILL know what the post is about. I am so sorry to hear about your friend. My heart goes out to you and his family. As far as I am concerned, today we are M.A.D.D (Musicians Against Drunk Driving) You guys have my prayers. Take care of each other during this rough time. And thank you for sharing this with us so we can care about it too.

Super 8


Hear my stuff here


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Damn, I'm sorry to hear that, Jode. That sucks. Myself, I drink. I drive. But never, ever do I drive while I'm under the influence. At all. I think everyone should follow that rule. I wish that they did.
**Standard Disclaimer** Ya gotta watch da Ouizel, as he often posts complete and utter BS. In this case however, He just might be right. Eagles may soar, but Ouizels don't get sucked into jet engines.
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I don't know what to say, except condolences, and I think every asshole who gets behind the wheel drunk should have to face you and a whole bunch of people who have lost loved ones to shitheads.
"Cisco Kid, was a friend of mine"
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Man! what a sad message you bring us! My condolences. I'll burn a candle for Jim. Peace, Han
The alchemy of the masters moving molecules of air, we capture by moving particles of iron, so that the poetry of the ancients will echo into the future.
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As a rider, and with two small children, this cuts deep. Very sorry for the loss of your friend. I hope everyone on the forum reads your post and takes it to heart. We've all done foolish things in our time, but the measure of us as adults is that, when faced with irrefutable evidence of our own stupidity, we mend our ways.

J. Eliot Howe (Chief Gear-Pimp)


Guitaravenue L.L.C.

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Update: There's some schmuck in the Baldwin County Jail today sitting under a charge of manslaughter, driving under the influence, and possession. He flunked a breath test and had a bag of weed in the car. He will go to big time jail, for a long time. And Super, I appreciate you wanting to focus on my friend instead of the guy that killed him, but the message here is not that my friend is dead. The message here is that some cocksucker KILLED him. I put this post up to say, don't be that guy. I want everyone to think about what HE did, and to not do it themselves.

"I had to have something, and it wasn't there. I couldn't go down the street and buy it, so I built it."


Les Paul

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I feel for you. I had a friend killed by a drunk driver last year. My friend was driving along when sme dumb mother fucker ran a red light and plowed right into the driver's side at 65mph. Shit like this shouldn't happen to good people.
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I didn't think of it until my mom mentioned it, but this is the second time in six months that someone from my hometown was killed the same way. My childhood best friend's mother was sitting at a stoplight on a four-lane highway, with his son in a car seat, when a drunk piece of shit in a Corvette hammered them from behind at about 80 mph. She died instantly of a broken neck, but miraculously, her grandson had not a scratch. God indeed works in mysterious ways. He's got some 'splaining to do.

"I had to have something, and it wasn't there. I couldn't go down the street and buy it, so I built it."


Les Paul

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Same thing almost happened to me a year and a half ago, except the person was falling asleep and not drunk at all. Fortunately I wasn't hurt but the asshole ran the red light and plowed into me right in the driver's side. I was really lucky. My point? Drunk driving is only one of many possible ways people with cars are very dangerous. Which doesn't make the point any less valid, but on the other hand I have to ask myself, why do we have such a dangerous and flawed system for something as simple as getting people from one place to another??? We have bars that are only accessible by car, then at 2am or whenever everyone is pushed out of the bar and into the parking lot. What the hell do we expect to happen? Personal responsibility is the bottom line, but we also have to realize that the system is fucked as well, and humans aren't perfect. IOW there is plenty of blame to go around, and if we want things to change we need to look at the system itself as well as the individuals that use it. Human nature probably isn't going to change anytime soon....
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My condolences to you and yours, Jode. That really is fucked up. Salman: I was one of those people pushed out the door of the bar, too drunk to drive, at 2am before. You know what I did? I sat there, in the parking lot, talking with the rest of my buddies, until 4:30 - when a cop came around and made us all blow - when I passed the breath test, he told me to load everyone up and get on. By waiting that extra couple hours, even though I knew the rest of the guys were WAY more fucked up than I was, I got the time I needed to sober up before I got behind the wheel. Being drunk doesn't excuse you of the liability you take up by putting that key in the ignition. I'd rather sleep in my back seat and explain it to my wife in the morning than try to drive home drunk. As far as I'm concerned, if you don't share that attitude, then you have no business drinking [b]or[/b] driving to begin with.
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Scott I agree with you. I hope you don't think I am excusing anyone from responsibility. Just being realistic. Many people have suspect judgment in the first place, get them drunk and whatever sense they had is likely to go out the window... Putting all that responsibility solely on those individuals doesn't help achieve the best outcome for the rest of us. Combining personal responsibility with a responsible societal structure is more effective.
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Salman, I really don't know how you can pin this on "The System". That's really kind of a cop out. When in doubt, blame the system? It's not that the system is 'flawed and dangerous', it's that LIFE is flawed and dangerous. We're all gonna die, it's just a matter of when. [quote]Originally posted by salman: [b] My point? Drunk driving is only one of many possible ways people with cars are very dangerous.[/b][/quote]That's true. But drunk driving is responsible for MANY MANY more deaths and injuries than falling asleep. And drunk driving is SOOOOOO very preventable... Just don't drink and drive. Simple!

Super 8


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