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OT - The Trip: Pictures

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Hello everybody It's been a long time coming but I have finally uploaded some pictures from this summer's travels. [url=http://uk.f1.pg.photos.yahoo.com/flyscots]Click here for the index[/url] and look at whatever you like. You can browse the thumbnails, click the ones you wanna see or watch the slideshows. For those who don't know, I spent a lot of time on the road [img]http://us.f1.yahoofs.com/users/3f8c5f4c_137c5/bc/Arizona/__tn_/Desert+Road.jpg?bcYePj_AjyJgMNbd[/img] which included driving through the Canyonlands [img]http://us.f1.yahoofs.com/users/3f8c5f4c_137c5/bc/Utah/__tn_/More+Canyonlands.jpg?bcYePj_Ai_D.sNVo[/img] on my way from the East Coast to the Pacific [img]http://us.f1.yahoofs.com/users/3f8c5f4c_137c5/bc/California/__tn_/Big+Sur.jpg?bcYePj_AtAAx3dy7[/img] Then I ventured up to the Volcanoes [img]http://us.f1.yahoofs.com/users/3f8c5f4c_137c5/bc/NorthWest/__tn_/Wizard+Island.jpg?bcYePj_ATsQgYzXo[/img] and toured some more. Enjoy! John Scot
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Thanks for uploading and posting these, John. You took some nice shots, and I've hardly scratched the surface of the albums. BTW - The building you dubbed, "Old Chicago" is the Tribune Tower, named for the venerable Chicago Tribune newspaper company which owns it. The pic looking down the Chicago River shows the Tribune's offices and production building on the right.

It's easiest to find me on Facebook. Neil Bergman




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Thanks guys Neil Chicago - Thanks, I just threw them up without trying to figure out what was what! Neil DC - they're still in my camera! I've got Advantex, not digital. Nothing special about DC pics anyway, you've seen them all before, at least that's the feeling I got while I was walking around the city. John
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I'm sure I've probably seen most of the things you took pictures of, but it's always interesting to see a visitor's take on it. I basically drive past the Capitol Building every day on my way to work, but I hardly ever [i]notice[/i] it. A visitor (or tourist) makes me kinda [i]look[/i] again. Anyway, I'm glad you had a good time here, and I hope you can make it back again soon. I've got no idea when I might make it to Glasgow again (and that "Country Roads" thing is still a little scary ;) :D ), but when I do you'll have to show the good places to hang out!

May all your thoughts be random!

- Neil






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I'm sure Yosemite will dampen up soon, it sure did when I was there. I'd seen no rain for almost 2 months then got soaked in a downpour at Yosemite. The plenty of rain here in Pennsylvania and its really making me not look forward to being back in Scotland. Up until Wednesday, I hadnt seen rain since early August in Seattle, infact I'd only had 3 days of rain in 4 months. Now coming from a country where it rains more than half the time, that was pretty incredible! Rim, Taz - I dont carry my camera ALL the time! Yes Rim, there are times when taking pictures is not suitable or at least not on my mind! ;) I do have some people pictures, but I'd have to ask the people in them if its cool for me to post them publicly. Actually Jess has most of the people pics from the travelling. She's a girl, she has a bag, so she was able to carry her camera and I left mine behind. Due to various reasons I dont have those pictures yet. Addix - I have Vegas pictures, just didnt get round to uploading them, I will & I'll let you know. None of the night time pics really worked out though unfortunately. I'll also eventually repost pics from last year when I was in Philadelphia & New York. I'm glad people are enjoying the pics! John
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