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My Big News - Homeward Bound

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Hello everybody As some of you already know, my time is up. On October 18th I have to return to Scotland. I've had a great time over the last 5-6 months but unfortunately this country's laws restrict me as to how long I can stay (6 months each year) I was hoping to find a position that could extend my Visa but unfortunately that hasnt happened this time round. Maybe I spent too much time travelling rather than job hunting, but I wouldnt change my experiences for anything. I was travelling with a purpose after all! Its really not fair, I'm doing what I love doing. I understand the country's tough stance on immigration but I'm doing no harm, infact I'm in the entertainment business - I'm helping entertain the nation! I'm not doing it for the money, I'm doing it because I love doing it, its my passion. I'm not giving up by any means, I will be back. I have met a lot of great people here in LA and all across the country. I feel that this is where I'm meant to be. I KNOW that this is what I'm meant to be doing - whenever I'm working with audio I'm 10 times happier and everything about my life is lifted. I'm nowhere near as gutted as I was last year, my attitude is totally different. I have seen and done an incredible amount of things already, time is on my side, maybe I'd be worried if I was in my 30s. I've a lot to be thankful for, there's no point being negative. Well, now you know. It's very difficult mentally but with the way I choose to live my life, it's just one of those things. John Scotsman
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So I hear rabbit, excellent! Only thing is I wont have my car anymore. Any chance you could bring me some CDs? I forgot to mention the major positive about travelling back home. You have to have a return ticket to enter this country and mine is from Philadelphia, so I get to see some friends on the East Coast again before I go. Also, I'll be flying to DC from LA. I've already arranged to meet with a couple of VA/DC/MD forumites, maybe we could organize another get-together.
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You oughta stop in the Hampton Roads area, theres a large Scottish community here....and you won't even need a translator! :) My next door neighbor is Scottish and it took quite a while for me to understand her. They have quite the gatherings....lots of singing, food, and drink. I hear the economy is doing really well in Scotland as well. Travel well......
Down like a dollar comin up against a yen, doin pretty good for the shape I'm in
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If you do organize a get-together in the DC area, I'd love to be included. I've only met a couple of forumites so far, but I'd like to meet more. BTW, I was in Scotland in June. My family went over for a vacation/family reunion. My grandmother who raised me was from Glasgow, and I've still got relatives there. It's a really beautiful country.

May all your thoughts be random!

- Neil






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[quote]Originally posted by vopt: [b]Why don't you just slip into Canada for a few weeks? Everybody does it.[/b][/quote]Its kinda different for me with the 6 months a year thing. I could go to Canada, if they'd let me in, but I couldnt come back to the States until January. Thanks for the good words guys. You too Dylan, I'll mail a CD to you someday! Looks like something's goona happen in DC, cool!
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As I told him at dinner the other night, it's a shame he can't be around for at least another month so he could take me up on my offer to see a Kings hockey game with him. John, you're a class act. I'm sure you'll find success in your desire to immigrate permanently, and I hope you choose to settle back in SoCal when you do. In the meantime, we'll still see you here, where borders and distance are irrelevant! :thu: - Jeff
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[quote]Originally posted by Rim: [b]NMc and Tinder, You know I wouldn't leave you guys out. Check out the thread for the get-together: http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/ultimatebb.php?ubb=get_topic;f=1;t=015506 [/b][/quote]:thu: BTW - I found the thread, and it looks like I'll be able to make it. :D

May all your thoughts be random!

- Neil






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Thanks even more Jeff, it'll definitely be SoCal, unless someone makes me an offer I cant refuse somewhere else. So I'll hold to you that Hockey game offer! Maybe I'll nudge my timing a little next time. I really like it here. Other than not having my own place to stay, things have been getting better and better for me. LA is definitely the right place for me to be. I've enjoyed being a part of the LA area forum family, lots of great people who's company I have thoroughly enjoyed. Same goes for everyone right across the country infact. I dont wanna go! If only Wewus was female, and not the Wewus!
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Cool hangin' with you yesterday (and Sunday's dinner as well). I hope you have a happy, safe journey.
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John... WILL YOU MARRY ME???? I know I've been harpin' on dating younger men in another thread, but that's a whole different story. We're talkin marriage here :evil: We get a divorce the following day... Hell, I've been married and divorced twice... what's another piece of paper to give a great kid a residence in the Land of Opportunity. :thu: Oh Yeah.... YOU pay court costs too.... I'm not fond of divorce attorneys! :mad: [b]And.... DON'T DARE TELL ANYONE ABOUT US[/b] ************************************************* [b]On a serious note though:[/b] Do you have the financial means to continue living in America, and if so, is there a minimum standard of wage that you would have to acquire to maintain residence in the U.S.A.? Did you actually check into some of the scholarship programs offered for education by our Government, and other Entertainment Agencies for foreign students? Wouldn't education allow for continued stay? Have you checked into some of our government grants that assist foreigners in building a business in the U.S.A.? I know that you had stated that you had looked at my site for job search, but did you browse any of the educational opportunities available? Even Grammy.com offers scholarships to young entrepreneuers seeking to advance in the field of music. If this Fantasy League thing finalizes and something becomes of it, being recognized at the Producer from Scotland on a Multi-National / International Project might open up some doors for a ticket back. Dream big, and don't ever doubt your ability to make those dreams your reality. It was very nice meeting you and your travel friend when you guys came through Kansas City. It will be even nicer sitting across the table from one of the International Representatives that helped bring the Fantasy League Project into existence. I "KNOW" you and Big K will finish your teams' songs... and if it means doing it on Scotland soil.......... it adds flavor to the pot... YOU'LL BE BACK!!! Do hesitate to look at those opportunities extended to business representatives from other nations. If you need help, don't hesitate to ask.

You can take the man away from his music, but you can't take the music out of the man.


Books by Craig Anderton through Amazon


Sweetwater: Bruce Swedien\'s "Make Mine Music"

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