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Need Your Help on SIX THAT SUCK/SIX THAT RULE Column in GP

Editor Boy

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I don't think it's a matter of "balls," I think it's a matter of maturity and responsibility.


How has John Mayer's Rolling Stone cover at the moment advanced his standing as a musician and guitarist? He's playing the celebrity sex angle, which puts him in the Paris and Kim Kardashian club. A drag to those of us who've defended his talent and artistic merit (even if we're not fans per se) to those who insist he's just a fluff heartthrob with nothing else going for him. Thumbs down to that particular incident.




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Fluff heartthrobs suck. No I ain't jealous - while not having dozens of young girls throwing themselves, I have a beautiful wife!


But GP doesn't seem to specialize in fluff heartthrobs too much... Do you think it's because Editor Boy lacks cojones? I don't think that's the reason, at least not the MAIN reason...


(Mike, if you read this, I'M JUST KIDDING!!)


At least, most interviews are about the person's guitar playing, not love life - at least so far!

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GEAR RULES: The latest amp cabinet impulse response library from Recabinet (now for $14.99!!!!) >>>> recabi.net


Seriously Mike - It would be great to see some reviews on some of the guitar cabinet IR libraries being offered for sale these days. They're make it so much easier for bedroom recordists (and pros as well)to get great amp sounds without micing up a cabinet. These Recabinet IRs make an other wise mediocre sounding ampsim plugin cut through with the heft of a well miced amp.

Mudcat's music on Soundclick


"Work hard. Rock hard. Eat hard. Sleep hard. Grow big. Wear glasses if you need 'em."-The Webb Wilder Credo-

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Gear Rules!/ Danelectro Transparent Overdrive: An acquiantance offered to let me borrow some gear and even though I wasn't really interested in trying them I took some so I wouldn't offend him. I was having trouble finding the right tone for a track. None of my five, fairly popular distortion pedals were doin the trick. I decided to try the slew of Danelectro pedals he gave me. The rest of the pedals were very disappointing, but this one was just perfect for what I was lookin for. The price is great. I'd never use it for a live situation, but I was very impressed with the results here.
We cannot accelerate the growth of a tree by pulling on its branches. - Ricardo Iznaola
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Gear Rules: (In no particular order)


Fuchs Lucky 7 7 watt all-tube 1xEL34 single-ended/Class-A head


Cornell Plexi and Romany low-watt "plexi" and "tweed" style amps, respectively (A very good friend has one of each)


Foxrox Octron octave-fuzz (blendable oct-up, direct, oct-down)


J. Everman Octave-X octave-fuzz (upgraded Octavia-style)


Radial Tonebone Plexitube hybrid tube/SS distortion


Fulltone Clyde Deluxe wah


Option 5 Destination: Rotation - Single all-analog Leslie/rotary sim (Only pedal listed here that I don't own yet, but have tried)


Boss RT-20 Rotary Ensemble digital Leslie/rotary sim


Maniac Music's Sustainiac Model C "Acoustic-energy" Feedback Sustainer (phew, mouthful of nomenclature, huh?) mad-scientist feedback inducer

Ask yourself- What Would Ren and Stimpy Do?


~ Caevan James-Michael Miller-O'Shite ~

_ ___ _ Leprechaun, Esquire _ ___ _

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Gear Rules/ Guitar Rig 4 I've been using 2 for a few years and I've learned a lot through it. I set up one of my older students with a small home studio and we went over how to use the software today. It was the first I'd been able to spend time with it since receiving my upgrade a few weeks ago. The upgrade is much better. More amps/effects modeled and much richer tone. My student was incredibly excited and we had some fun jammin with "citrus" amps!
We cannot accelerate the growth of a tree by pulling on its branches. - Ricardo Iznaola
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Gear Rule - The Mastery Bridge for Jazzmasters and Jaguars.


Just installed it, and man what a difference! I'd been content with a BuzzStop for years (and making it a habit to adjust the bridge right before every show). Played a show a few weeks ago, went into the studio the next morning and the string tension had stripped the screws in the vibrato plate that held the BuzzStop. I'll see how things go without the BuzzStop, the MB seems to fix the string tension JM problem on its own, but I've noticed some people (Nils Lofgrin, for instance) seem to use both.



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Great stuff, gang!!! Truly fabulous.


I'll start compiling bits for the May 2010 Community section as promised. This section is all yours -- the readers rule. I hope it's something readers dig, and that contributions will continue to come in. I mean, YOU are writing it, so it doesn't work unless you submit cool topics.


I still need a great GIG NIGHTMARE, by the way.


Also, could someone please photograph their favorite rig and send it to me at mmolenda@musicplayer.com, along with their name, location, all gear model names, and why you love that particular setup. Short, sweet, and chock full 'o' info.


Thanks again,,,





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p90jr -- Yes. You got it right. I don't mind printing a reader's opinion that a certain piece of gear sucks at all -- I just want a reason (and I think the readers will want to know why you think something isn't up to snuff, as well).


So to all...


Please feel free to say:



PRODUCT is way expensive but workmanship is shoddy.





AMP X tone is thinner than Paris Hilton


and so on...


Short, concise, and yet descriptive snippets about all suckage is the ideal move for this chart.


Thanks to all,



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p90jr -- Yes. You got it right. I don't mind printing a reader's opinion that a certain piece of gear sucks at all -- I just want a reason (and I think the readers will want to know why you think something isn't up to snuff, as well).



Good idea to include reasons why something sucks or rules. Also, good idea to make it a "reader's opinion" story as it can get you off the hook with gear advertisers.






"Imagination is more important than knowledge." - Albert Einstein





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I object to the concept of "sucks". How about "Thumbs Up/Thumbs Down"? Personal taste is, well...personal. :D But saying something "sucks" because it doesn't appeal to your taste is not productive.


rulz sucks its d vrnac u lr of d yute 2day ;|)

Ask yourself- What Would Ren and Stimpy Do?


~ Caevan James-Michael Miller-O'Shite ~

_ ___ _ Leprechaun, Esquire _ ___ _

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I just think this whole "Six That Suck/Rule" idea is total crap. Sorry. It's juvenile. It's not Guitar Player. Leave that to the mags that put the wank/noodle-meisters on the cover every month.


Y'know, I can see your point (and that of others who've made similar statements here), and largely actually agree with you; but, maybe the current state of the market and economic survival require some compromise there. Could be worse- could be a LOT worse.


What are your thoughts on this, Mr. Molenda?

Ask yourself- What Would Ren and Stimpy Do?


~ Caevan James-Michael Miller-O'Shite ~

_ ___ _ Leprechaun, Esquire _ ___ _

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Feel free to paraphrase as needed if used as contribution:


Sucks - John Mayer. In all ways. Douche bag, racist, egocentric, over-hyped mediocre player. WHY does anyone keep interviewing him? How did he get signed??


Rules - Peavey's new line of Vypyr modeling amps. Cheap enough to be disposable (I just leave one at a regular gig), versatile enough to use like a swiss army knife. Tweak the JTM setting and be pretty stunned.


Sucks - Monster cables with lifetime warranties... that need 20+ exchanges because they keep breaking.


Rules - X2 wireless units. Do your homework on the guys that developed 'em. Their original unit (X-wire, pre 'no-complete' clause) was bought out and *erased* from the web by a larger competitor. 'Nuf said.


Sucks - Covers of original songs, where the producers basically copy every nuance of the original - including solos, when the original was, and is, still better. *sigh*


Rules - Strength of DAWs and vitual instrument software. True recording capability right in the living room.


Sucks - audible Autotunage - If the labels are willing to sign them and roll the dice, can they not simply find even ONE who can sing?


Rules - That my 70s Fenders and Gibsons are now bringing over three grand. WooHOO!


Sucks - Buying a new upper-end Gibson... with workmanship so shoddy that the guitar is virtually unusable in a basic pro setting -- and has to be given the boot.


Rules - Smaller luthiers that do the job right - the first time.


Sucks - 99 tracks of Pro Tools over-production on a simple ballad. A Kelly Clarkson tune I listened to recently pegged all frequencies of the digital graphic EQ... the ENTIRE SONG. *rolls eyes*


Rules - Simple arrangements that still have musicality, dynamic change, and quality performers. Ahh, the good ol' days. And I'm not that old! Just 'splain to me why my 11 yr old guitar students still keep asking for the early 70's songs.


Sucks - Rock tunes so compressed and brickwall limited that they sound like mush. We DO HAVE volume knobs Mr. Producer.


Rules - The BAND on American Idol.


Sucks - The singers on American Idol.

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Six that suck/rule (my opinions only - YMMV)


Suck - Directional cables, battery hog stompboxes, small frets, weak amp/cabinet handles, tube amps that have to be run at 11.95 all the time to sound decent, bass amps that require 2 8x10 cabs to sound decent.


Rule - Roland amps, Boss EFX, PRS guitars, PRS pickups (yes, you can buy some of them separately), Carr amps, Roland amps, Roland amps, Roland amps...oh, gosh, is that more than six?


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Rules: G&L guitars

Parker guitars

Line 6 Spidervalve series, and POD XT X3.

Dr. Z, THD, Orange, LOTS of cool amps available.


Santa Cruz




Mark Tremonti--overrated, average, mediocre--cmon, why is he a 'guitar hero'?


The marketing of expensive boutique amps. I say this because though it is important to play through a worthy amplifier, --its giving the wrong message. You do NOT need a $2000 amp to sound good. You need to be able to PLAY GUITAR to sound good--tone starts from your vision, and ends with your hands--Then the amp/speaker cabinet.


The marketing of expensive electrics. Eddie Van Halen made a guitar for under $300--and changed the course of history--regarding rock guitar.


The hypocrisy of transistor based pedals, and boutique tube amps. Don't get high and mighty about 'modeling' when you use transistors through the front of your amp. I have yet to play through a pedal that doesn't sound compressed and sterile--but as you know I am not a pedal guy.


I believe you can get a good tone from most things if you can play, but a real tube amp sounds like a real tube amp when you are driving the amp hard/loud. Not from cramming the front end with transistors. That is more solid state than tube. At least to my ears/hands.


But whatever--tons of guys get great tones. Just my problem I guess.


That I can't get light beer in Taiwan!!!!







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RULES - Muse. Their new album The Resistance is uber-cool, has incredible musicality and melody, and features top production, a perfect melding of the classic and the modern. This album made me go and get a few more of their albums like Black Holes And Revelations - more rock oriented, but just as good.


SUCKS - that GP has yet to feature Muse's Matt Bellamy in any part of the magazine - he made Keyboard, and BP featured Chris Wolstenholme as their cover artist a few months ago. What's up with that?


GEAR RULES - V-Stack Tweedy. Don't know if the version now manufactured by First Act is as good, but this cool little Canadian-made pedal nails the sound of a dimed 50s Fender Deluxe, complete with the sag in the bottom end. And it's all analogue, no digital!


GEAR SUCK - the prices asked for signature models of traditional designs offered by Fender and Gibson. Really, they're made from the same wire and wood as the American models they're based on, and I doubt that even if the DNA of the artist in question was mixed in with the paint that it would make it any more valuable. Case in point - Gibson's $10,000 Jeff Beck signature Les Paul. Another - Fender charging a MSRP of $950 CDN for an Indonesian-made Telecaster (the JA-90) because it was the "Jimmy Eat World" guitarist's signature model (their Squier line is made in Indonesia).


RULES - Digitech offering a free ROM upgrade to users of their RP-500 floor modeler that gives them the looper that comes standard with the more expensive RP-1000. Now that's class!


SUCKS - John Mayer's unfortunate burblings in Rolling Stone and Playboy regarding his raging libido. No matter how one feels about Jessica Simpson and Jennifer Aniston, they didn't deserve to have intimate secrets shared with John aired in public - and his boorish comments about women make him a pratt in my book. Mothers, you lock up your daughters!

"I used to be "with it", but then they changed what "it" was! Now what I'm with isn't "it", and what is "it" is weird and scary to me. IT'LL HAPPEN TO YOU!" - Grampa Simpson
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Gear Rules:

Egnater Rebel 20 and Renegade. Great sounds, size, and price!

Tungsten Amplification - Cortez amp/5E3 clone. Hand wired, maticulous quality, great price, unbelievable sound!


Fulltone pedals. Simply sound fantastic


Fender Am. Strats & Teles. What more can I say?

"Just play!"
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