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Last night...


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...I acquired a 1970's era black Rickenbacker 4001 with a Toaster pick-up in the neck position. My wife was very happy for me. I played and played my new bass, nailing the style of Sir Paul from from '66 through '67. It was soooooo coooool!!!!


Then I woke up. :(

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"Work hard. Rock hard. Eat hard. Sleep hard. Grow big. Wear glasses if you need 'em."-The Webb Wilder Credo-

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Dream on, Daddy-O, dream on..................






It's been downhill since I woke up. We had our 20+ year-old furnace serviced today. The tech informed us it is officially a fire hazard and he can't leave without our signature acknowledging he has informed us. I am meeting with sales rep this afternoon and anticipate gaining an additional five or six thousand additional $$$ in debt before we're done.


That bass was pretty awesome though.


Mudcat's music on Soundclick


"Work hard. Rock hard. Eat hard. Sleep hard. Grow big. Wear glasses if you need 'em."-The Webb Wilder Credo-

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And I was getting all happy for you there for a minute.


Yeah, I kinda had that "rug pulled out from under me" feeling when I woke up.


Once I reminded myself that I have a nicely worn-in '74 P-Bass I didn't feel so bad.

Mudcat's music on Soundclick


"Work hard. Rock hard. Eat hard. Sleep hard. Grow big. Wear glasses if you need 'em."-The Webb Wilder Credo-

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5 or 6K for a furnace? How big of a place are you heating?


FWIW, you will be pleased when your energy bills come in. The new ones are way more efficient. And there might be some federal and state energy efficiency rebates to be had.


Things are just the way they are, and they're only going to get worse.

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5 or 6K for a furnace? How big of a place are you heating?


FWIW, you will be pleased when your energy bills come in. The new ones are way more efficient. And there might be some federal and state energy efficiency rebates to be had.



My buddy is the VP at an HVAC contractor - a large one. I've always gotten equipment and shop work (duct fabrication) at cost, which has been great. My current house is 100 yrs old with a boiler in the basement and radiators throughout the house. He pretty much told me flat out that it wouldn't be cost effective to replace that old boiler with something new and efficient. There is a HUGE cost associated with that type of equipment, much more than your typical furnace (which you ought to be able to do for $1000 if you can do it yourself).



Acoustic/Electric stringed instruments ranging from 4 to 230 strings, hammered, picked, fingered, slapped, and plucked. Analog and Digital Electronic instruments, reeds, and throat/mouth.

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Then I woke up. frown

Sorry your dream got ruined Mudcat. A new furnace should save you some money in the long run. A 74 P bass sounds pretty sweet.

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The bad news: I still don't have the Ric.


The good news: I still have the P-Bass.


More good news: The sales rep who came to see us is a good friend of the family. As such, 1) I know he won't job me on the price or try to sell me more than I need and 2) my purchase qualifies for their corporate "friends & family discount." :)


Now here's where it gets interesting. The upstairs furnace is located in an unfinished bonus room. We've been planning to have the room built out "someday" but continually put it off because of finances. The heating/cooling contractor also does remodeling. We've taken it as a supernatural sign that we should go ahead and build out the room since we're going to have to take on debt for the furnace & AC.


At leat that's what we think right now. I will let you know once I get the full quote. :sick::laugh:

Mudcat's music on Soundclick


"Work hard. Rock hard. Eat hard. Sleep hard. Grow big. Wear glasses if you need 'em."-The Webb Wilder Credo-

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Being a "handyman", I purchased a new furnace for my home (1,200 sq.ft.) for less than $1,000.00 and installed it myself in about 3 hours. Like setting up our own instruments, we need to learn how to do a few things around the house. My children went to a private high school. The fathers taught classes on home maintenance in whatever field they were qualified in. It was much more valuable than many of the other classes they had to take. My sons, now in their late 40's, are pretty good carpenters, electricians, plumbers and auto mechanics.


"Democracy is two wolves and a lamb, voting on what to eat for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb, contesting the vote."

Benjamin Franklin

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Rocky, that educational system would never fly these days and it's a shame. Most people don't know how to do anything for themselves any more. I'm pretty handy myself even though no one taught me how to do a thing. One thing I am smart about, that a lot of "handy" people aren't, I know when something is beyond my skills and get the right person to take care of it. The pros love those guys because that increases the amount of repairs and their bill. I wouldn't do the gas line connection to my furnace, even though I probably could if I had to. Also, there are a lot of things a typical car owner can't do to their own vehicle (less than 20 years old) if they wanted to.
If you think my playing is bad, you should hear me sing!
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I think learning handyman skills isn't something every person needs and shouldn't take up more educational funding. They're already strapped as it is. It's like blaming teachers for kids' bad behavior. Kids need parents and mentors for something.


That said, I'm usually the go-to guy for most of my friends who need minor repairs, etc. because I learned from my father and uncles and kept my eyes and ears open when I saw something being done...plus, t3h googlez h3lpz theez dayz. The closest thing my performing arts high school had to a shop class was Technical Theater where they built scenery and props.

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Mudcat - best of luck on the work in the house. I think the savings with the more-efficient system will help - a little.


Keep dreaming - maybe some day!


Chad - I keep wondering how many rabbits you have on your land to get enough pellets to heat your home.


My boiler is 60 years old, and my heating guy says that a new one will pay for itself in 5 years. When I look at the boiler cost and my bills, that's not likely. I'll have to do it some day.


And I have a Univox "toaster" pickup on my Gibson - not the same, but fun.




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Be practical as well as generous in your ideals. Keep your eyes on the stars and keep your feet on the ground. - Theodore Roosevelt

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I'm pretty handy too. I finally got round to mending our bed today after the kids jumped on it and busted it.


I wonder what dreams my first good night's sleep for ages will bring....

Feel the groove internally within your own creativity. - fingertalkin


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Chad - I keep wondering how many rabbits you have on your land to get enough pellets to heat your home.


Don't know if (wood) pellet stoves have really hit "Lawn Guyland" yet, but they're the shiznit here. Maineis still about 95% forested, an Canada is not far away either, so supplies are plentiful. We're on track to spend 50% less for pellets this season than we did for fuel oil last year. Inexpensive, renewable energy - what could be bad?



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