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Hey guys--


Riroon here. I was on the boards (pretty active) until about 3 years ago until my health went south in a severe way. Back then, I was known as BOTTLE12AM. Not sure if it rings a bell to anyone...


Anyway, I'm about to ask one of those questions that made everybody squirm way back then. Please don't sling too many arrows my way, but




Back when I was an active Lowdowner, I had a sweet Ampeg mini-fridge driven by a GK800. Unfortunately, I sold it for medical bills two years ago.


I'm ready to get back into the game and I need me a backline! I've been out the loop for so long, I'm not too sure what new tech is out there, what old names got moved to China, etc.



Under $1000 new

Head/Cab or Combo okay

Needs to fill a room of 50-300

Live sound is where it's at; I have a recording setup already

Love the mids, Jaco'esque tones. I don't 'Drop D' or play the five-string.

Occasional slapper, but for the most part I head for the middle of the neck and go fingerstyle.

My weapons of choice are my MusicMan (fretted) and Carvin (fretless).


Hope that helps. Sorry for any screams this question may have produced.

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Welcome back, Bottle. :wave:

I spend my free time reading the old posts and I've read many of yours. (I started reading as far back as what still exists and I'm currently up to Jan of 07.)


I'm sure others will make the same suggestion, but look on the used market...you'll get more bang for your buck.


There's a thread here where people have been listing their current rigs. It might be helpful to know what other people are using.


If you liked the GK 800RB, look into a GK 1001RB. I have one and really like it. And there are a lot of used GK 800s out there used.

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So, why start over? I'm sure the web geeks would have found your original log on and stuff. But then, a couple of us changed at least our nicks in the last couple of years.


No help on the cab, but I can welcome you back.


Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn


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Bang for the buck? Methinks this one:



Add another cab as needed, even take the head out if you want.


Welcome home.


Things are just the way they are, and they're only going to get worse.

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Welcome back Mel(Riroon), it's good to 'see' you. I hope your health problems are history my friend.

I was in the market for a rig last year and was looking at light weight amps and 2x10 cabs. I would have spent $1300 new for Markbass, Eden, or Genz Benz. I decided to go to a Genz Benz 200W 1x15 Combo. It does well most anywhere and cost me $540 new. It handles my 5 string just fine too.

It's good to have you back.

Visit my band's new web site.









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Hey guys--


Thanks for the welcome back, guys!


Ken, I had to laugh, I think that 'bass player's mount rushmore' came about from a thread I either started or was deep into. I think I kept a jpg of that pic stuck away somewhere. (Were you the talented photoshopper that did it up? I just remember digging on that pic).


Would've kept the Bottle12am moniker, but long since lost the password, and it wasn't tied to any e-mail addresses I currently use.


As I'm now at a point where I'm ready to get back on the scene, I'll be bothering you guys a lot more. I'm assuming the boards are as civil as they ever were?


Now that I've caught up with technology, I can torture you with my tunage as well as my rants. If you guys care to dig, please check out '440 Hertz' on reverbnation.com. Probably my finest hour on bass (or 2 minutes, or whatever). The rest you can listen to at your own risk.


P.S. -- Once again, thanks for the welcome back and all the suggestions. I do dig 2x10's when they can push, and can't say I wouldn't opt for another GK head.

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yep, we're still civil.

Careful who you include in that statement. I might take offense.


Welcome back! Of course we remember one of our own!


As far as gear goes...do a lot of reading and don't trust reviews too much. Several companies have been advancing the "mini head" thing for the last few years. I currently play a GK MB2-500 (3 lb. 12 oz., 350W @ 8Ohms/500W @ 4Ohms and gobs of GK goodness!). It fits in the laptop slot of the backpack I use to cary all my cables! However, the 1001RB-II is a pretty common workhorse that sounds great as well if you're not worried about weight and portability (it's not that big and heavy).


Other noteworthy companies that are doing similar stuff with mini heads:

Eden WTX500

Markbass specifically their Little Mark series and the F1

Carvin BX500

Euphonic Audio (pretty much any of their products)

Acoustic Image (again, pretty much any of their products)


Some less common mini heads:

TecAmp Puma line

Ashdown Little Giant

TC Electronic I got to try their RH450 a few days ago at a friend's practice space and was pleasantly surprised.


This is by no means exhaustive. Just a starting point for your own research.


Also keep your eye out over here: TalkBass amp classifieds since a healthy portion of the people there are gear whores and change their gear more frequently than they change their underwear. A lot of what you'll find there is in great condition, barely used and at a much better price than buying new.


If you're interested in building your own cab, here's a link to the "fEarful" wiki on TB. Any one of these cabs (designed by greenboy if you remember him from when he used to haunt this forum) could walk all over the majority of what's on the market. PM me if you want some of the reasons why or anything like that. I've been pretty active on the fEarful threads since the beginning.


If I were starting over with a $1k budget and I didn't want to or wasn't able to build my own cabs, I'd watch TB and some stores like Bass Central, etc. to see what they have used. Right now (assuming it isn't just an old listing like much of the other stuff on their website), they have a used set of Eden 112XLTs for $300 (near the bottom of the page, it's the older series, before the D112XLT improved on the design). That's a screamin' deal! Call some of these stores and ask them what they have used at the moment. Many times they'll either cover shipping or work with you on the price just to move the product. I'd also probably keep an eye on TB for a good deal on a GK MB2-500...I've had considerable success with mine so far.


Hope that helps and doesn't make your eyes cross.

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Riroon - welcome back !! :wave:


When budget is a concern, I usually think of GK. I haven't checked the used market, but lots of people bought SWR heads that were workhorses. I find that the cab colors tone, so I'd spend more time (and money) checking that out - used as well as new.




Acoustic Color


Be practical as well as generous in your ideals. Keep your eyes on the stars and keep your feet on the ground. - Theodore Roosevelt

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Welcome back, Bottle! Glad to see you still alive & kickin'. We're still civil here, unless you mention Dream Theater.


Davio & the gang have covered a lot of my suggestions- Genz Benz, Ashdown, Carvin, Eden. I've also seen some of the Peavey Tour bass amps going for cheap. No personal experience, but read good reviews of them.


Enjoy the hunt, and post pics when you make the final selection.

"Am I enough of a freak to be worth paying to see?"- Separated Out (Marillion)

NEW band Old band


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Can't believe all you guys remember me... you don't know how that makes me feel!


Anywho, I'm glad to see the GK's still have a good rep. I've blasted through a 400rb and 800rb, so that might wind up being my brain of choice...always been a fan of theirs.


(Rev. Thanks for the heads up on the 2x12's, too.)


Tempted on the SWR WorkingPro, though. Heard that one in action and did not dissappoint.


Thanks for the advice and the long memories. My health might not ever be 100% again, but I'm having enough good new days to want to relive the good old days, if that makes sense.



P.S. -- looks like my assignment for the night is to type 'Dream Theater' in the search and see what I've really been missing.

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Hey Bottle (a.k.a. Riroon)!

Good to hear that you have recovered and are back in the game.

Of course we remember one of our own, glad to have you back with us!




Nothing is as it seems but everything is exactly what it is - B. Banzai


Life is what happens while you are busy playing in bands.

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