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Just another reason why this place is so great


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I'm very glad that you were not hurt in the fall. One would think that a 5' deep pond would be very unusual to have in the midst of the yard. Some here have in-ground swimming pools, but they usually have some sort of surrounding area that is different. I'd also think that something like that should have a fence around it - many city codes here require such a thing to keep small children from being hurt.


Tom is very polite, especially considering he is a "good old boy," (which has nothing to do with one's age, btw). I expect he is surrounded by a considerable amount of frozen water (snow) now - I'm far enough east in NC to have escaped the frozen kind in this recent storm.


Howard Grand|Hamm SK1-73|Kurz PC2|PC2X|PC3|PC3X|PC361; QSC K10's

HP DAW|Epi Les Paul & LP 5-str bass|iPad mini2

"Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen."


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The pond could be fenced in such a way to keep random kids from falling in it, but yet be something to pass by depending on how you're going.


We have friends who have a coy pond in the back yard. The back yard is fenced, but the whole back is huge. The coy pond is only a small part of that. it's not fenced separately.

"I'm so crazy, I don't know this is impossible! Hoo hoo!" - Daffy Duck


"The good news is that once you start piano you never have to worry about getting laid again. More time to practice!" - MOI

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Thanks for all your good wishes, guys. To clarify a couple of points...


The gig was done and dusted by the time I took the plunge. I had packed everything in the car and was just grabbing the booklets of carol words when it happened.


I have no idea why they needed a pond that deep. It wasn't especially big - basically a central rectangle with two separate oval ends to it, about 10ft x 4ft I'd say. I went into one of the two side bits. Not sure if there were fish in it - haven't found one in my dried-out clothes.


It was totally unprotected and had no surrounding lip - the couple have no young children so I guess they thought it was safe enough. But not if you don't illuminate it clearly on dark nights.


b3boy, that head torch sounds a good idea - thanks.

Studio: Yamaha P515 | Yamaha Tyros 5 | Yamaha HX1 | Moog Sub 37

Road: Yamaha YC88 | Nord Electro 5D

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Glad you did no real damage and good that you got warm and dry fast.


I did a plunge through the ice on skates when I was a kid. Total dunk in 25 degree (-6C?) weather. Folks were more amused than concerned. Got no help. That was one very long walk home. Only a mile, but the last half was up a very steep hill.

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Glad to hear you're OK. that can be very scary.


A couple years ago I posted a thread about a board dying right at the beginning of a show, and the next day I get this phone call. The Caller said "Is this Mr. Nightime? I've got one question. Is There Gas In The Car?"


Yes, it was Tom calling to see how I was. We had a great conversation, and became friends. So hearing that Tom called you is not that unusual. It just means that he, like all of us, consider you part of the "Family".



"In the beginning, Adam had the blues, 'cause he was lonesome.

So God helped him and created woman.


Now everybody's got the blues."


Willie Dixon






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My mother-in-law has a man made pond in her garden and is probably a few feet deep. I just shoveled her driveway and probably made that pond a little deeper.


Glad to hear that even though it was an unfortunate accident, it happened after the job and not before ... and am glad to hear that you're OK.

No guitarists were harmed during the making of this message.


In general, harmonic complexity is inversely proportional to the ratio between chording and non-chording instruments.


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Good morning.


Aidan, I'm glad you're OK. I was concerned, especially since you are recently recovering from back problems.


Yeah guys - I do consider us as part of an international family. And reading your thoughts on a daily basis I feel as if I've gotten to know some of you well. For those I've had the pleasure of meeting in person it's been very rewarding for me. You've never let me down. I hope that the times I've picked up the phone to call a few of you haven't seemed out of line.


It is the quality of the people here that make this forum what it is. I realized this a very long time ago. You know, you can't pick your family members. You usually can't choose your coworkers. But you certainly have some say-so regarding with whom you spend your free time and who you consider to be your friend. The fact that many of us keep posting here is a testament to that.


One more thing. As a few of you know, I lost my father earlier this year. He was 93. This will be my first Christmas without him. It may sound trite, but life is very short. If you love someone, or simply care for them as a friend, it's important to let them know. Let them know you care. Tell them you love them. Get together. Buy them a beer (or whatever they choose). This time of season, no matter which holiday you celebrate - or if you celebrate no particular holiday at all - this is an especially good opportunity to phone someone up and tell them how much they mean to you.


Merry Christmas, Happy Hannukkah, Happy Kwannza, and Happy Holidays to you!


I'm pretty sure you guys know that I'm not kidding or joking around when I say that you all mean a lot to me. Thank you for your friendship.



Is There Gas in the Car? :cool:





"Music expresses that which cannot be put into words and that which cannot remain silent." - Victor Hugo
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Thanks again, Tom - your call meant a lot to me. I'm sure your dad will be with you in spirit, somehow, somewhere, over the holiday period and far beyond.

Studio: Yamaha P515 | Yamaha Tyros 5 | Yamaha HX1 | Moog Sub 37

Road: Yamaha YC88 | Nord Electro 5D

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  • 10 years later...

Surprised to see this one revived, but it has very happy memories for me, at least now I'm warm and dry. Seriously, it was so great to hear from Tom that day, and yes in times like these it reminds us just what a great community we have created here, as well as an exchange of ideas and talent.


Hi Tom!

Studio: Yamaha P515 | Yamaha Tyros 5 | Yamaha HX1 | Moog Sub 37

Road: Yamaha YC88 | Nord Electro 5D

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