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Isabel - goodbye

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BTW, Tom.. the answer to the question of your screen name appears to be, "There BETTER be gas in the car! And you better high tail it out of there soon!" :D Be safe, buddy! (I have to call my uncle. They live on the north coast of North Carolina, at the mouth of the Great Dismal Swamp. I hope his home, business, and 42' sailboat survive unscathed. :eek:

It's easiest to find me on Facebook. Neil Bergman




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[img]http://a799.g.akamai.net/3/799/388/55c94e15e3bc4f/www.msnbc.com/news/2015212.jpg[/img] [quote]Originally posted by Philip O'Keefe: [b] TOM - get the place sealed up and GET OUT OF DODGE![/b][/quote]Phil, thank you for your sentiments. I was kidding about being in a modular home (although that's really nothing to kid about). :rolleyes: My parents are 60 miles to the east of here (I'm in Raleigh). My brother is at Lake Gaston on the NC / VA line. Both are in the path. I'm actually a little West of the path. It's pretty tense around here though. And I expect it to be even moreso tomorrow. Sure, it's [i]only[/i] at category TWO (2). However, this storm is quite large and coming right for us. Sorry to beat a dead horse and such, but it's on a lot of people's minds around these parts. We expect it to be pretty close on Thursday afternoon. Mr. Wewus is in Charlotte, so he should be OK. But others of us including Geenard Skeenard, Hush, and me (and others) are pretty close to the action. Keep us in your thoughts. And if you pray, keep us in your prayers. Thank you, Tom (Gas :cool: )
"Music expresses that which cannot be put into words and that which cannot remain silent." - Victor Hugo
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My dorm is like a 1/2 mile from NOAA, so even though its Boulder, CO, this hurricane has me kind of intrigued. I guess I feel lucky to be out of its path, but for those of you who are, my greatest sympathies, and may God protect you all.
Shut up and play.
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Previous storm tracks using Java application. Very Kewl, indeed! [url=http://weather.terrapin.com/hurricane/index.jsp]Past Storms[/url]

Joe Pine (60's talk show host who sported a wooden leg) to Frank Zappa -- "So, with your long hair, I guess that makes you a woman." Frank Zappa's response -- "So, with your wooden leg, I guess that makes you a table."




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Any of you folks that have any excellent musical equipment that you want kept safe, such as sweet-sounding, vintage tube-driven guitar amplifiers, feel free to ship it to me. I won't let any of the elements get to them ;) Oh, i have plenty of room for bass guitars too, and mixing/recording equipment, fo scheezy!! DO NOT DELAY!! SHIP AND SCOOT!!

Dr. Seuss: The Original White Rapper



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[quote]Originally posted by Canefire: [b]I just realized I have all my gear just slightly below ground level. Tinderarts, got any spare Pelicans? At least one for the new API?[/b][/quote]I you think you're likely to flood (like it's happened in the past), move anything of value upstairs.
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I've got a sister, who recently moved to E. Liverpool, Ohio, which sets near the Tea Pot area between OH, W.VA and PA in the Tri-State area. The eye of the storm TO ME appears to be sweeping pretty close to that area on Friday around 2 PM... I'm on the phone with her right now and she doesn't seem to think there is any danger. She wasn't really even tuned into the specifics of the hurricane. Is she in any danger??? If so, I'll kick her butt straight through the phone lines to get it through her thick head that she's not dealing with a Land of Oz tornado.... These things are pretty predicatable from the way I understand it. The teapot is the little niche area right where the three states join together from the way she describes it to me. Some one let me know... she's got 4 little boys that live with her and I'd surely hate for Midwestern ignorance of the East Coast ways keep her in the way of harm. Anybody???

You can take the man away from his music, but you can't take the music out of the man.


Books by Craig Anderton through Amazon


Sweetwater: Bruce Swedien\'s "Make Mine Music"

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[quote]Originally posted by Anifa: [b]I've got a sister, who recently moved to E. Liverpool, Ohio, which sets near the Tea Pot area between OH, W.VA and PA in the Tri-State area. The eye of the storm TO ME appears to be sweeping pretty close to that area on Friday around 2 PM... Anybody???[/b][/quote]She should be prepared for a few things. 1. The winds will diminish a good bit by the time it's that far inland. 2. The rains will still be a bitch. Areas of PA just had an 8 inch rainfall with lots of flooding. This added rain could make things much worse. If she lives in an area prone to flood, she should have a place in mind to evacuate to if needed. 3. Water, food, batteries are all important. Should flooding close stores, or power is out for many days, it's good to have staples on hand. 4. Better to be over-prepared than under-prepared. 5. If there are old, tall trees that could hit the house if felled, stay away from parts of the house that may be hit.
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Thanks Tinder, I just read your reply to her and she said she's in high lands, but they bought an old Judges mansion 120 years old that has tons of mature trees on the property. They have Buckeye, Sugar Maples, and other various trees. She said she would be more concerned about the trees on the south side of her home... which the hurricane will be heading up from the southeast of where she is. I told her that she needs to make contingent plans as to where they might go in the event the eye of the hurricane takes a turn a little more westward... she'd be right in line with the eye. She says that the trees and the mountains in that area should help to break up the momentum of the storm. They don't seemed to be worried about much other than power outages, rain, and high winds. She said that she's stocked up on canned goods.... frozen water about 6 gallons (not much when you got 6 in the home 4 kids + 2 adults) Dang.... folks I'd think I was talking to my own flesh and blood in trying to talk to this sister of mine... PIGHEADED as can be. She got plenty of food to cook.... Spagetti... things like that, but I keep telling her that she needs WATER to cook that stuff. She's putting her faith in God.... I'm going be praying for her, as well as all you other folks that are going to be affected by this Isabel.... Thanks (my long distance bill is going to soar ... she's still GABBING, but I'm a good listener when a loved one is in danger) I've still got to call another one of my best friends that's in Ohio as well, I believe she's in Blacklick, OH.. which I believe is even more inland. Still concerned. Geenard, Tinder, Wewus, Gas in the Car, and all the other folks up that way.... please use extreme caution and let us all know you are all okay once this thing passes. I'll keep all of you in my prayers.

You can take the man away from his music, but you can't take the music out of the man.


Books by Craig Anderton through Amazon


Sweetwater: Bruce Swedien\'s "Make Mine Music"

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[quote]Originally posted by Anifa: [b](my long distance soar is going to... [/b][/quote]Ani, could you have meant "my long distance bill is going to soar..."? You're starting to talk like Yoda! :D Are you drinking red wine again? ;) Gas :cool:
"Music expresses that which cannot be put into words and that which cannot remain silent." - Victor Hugo
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Yeah, actually I was editing it before reading your post Gas. Nope to the red wine... I've been dry... and staying that way for the time being. Taking some pretty serious meds that would be next to sudden death to mix alcohol. Right now, I pawned my sister off on my daughter... She's up there away from all of her kin folk as her husband wanted to get back closer in to his homeland of Syracuse, NY.... they settled for somewhere in between KC and NY. I think she's home sick cause I can't seem to get her off the phone. They don't know anybody but each other and folks met through the church and the Brother-in-laws employment. My sister homeschools her children.

You can take the man away from his music, but you can't take the music out of the man.


Books by Craig Anderton through Amazon


Sweetwater: Bruce Swedien\'s "Make Mine Music"

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[quote]Originally posted by Anifa: [b]Yeah, actually I was editing it before reading your post Gas. Nope to the red wine... I've been dry... and staying that way for the time being. Taking some pretty serious meds that would be next to sudden death to mix alcohol. [/b][/quote]I was teasing you... ;) Thanks for your thoughts. This is a big storm and you have a right to be concerned for your family, Ani'Fa. Best wishes back your way with your health concerns. Tom (Gas) :cool:
"Music expresses that which cannot be put into words and that which cannot remain silent." - Victor Hugo
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Just now got her off the phone.......... AGGGGGGGHHH! My ear is about to fall off. :freak: She's as bullheaded, pigheaded, stubborn... mule-kicking attitude, and as IRON WILLED as I am.... dang that BRAT... She and I are only one year and two days apart in our birthdays. Too much alike :D Probably a good thing she's in Ohio... I think I talk to her more now that she's half way across the country than what I did when she was living 15 miles away. Funny how that works. Yep, I'm surely gonna love the phone bill... still need to call Barrie, but my EAR IS TIRED and she likes to talk TOO! She might be in bed by now as the East runs an hour ahead of KC. I'll try to call her tomorrow.

You can take the man away from his music, but you can't take the music out of the man.


Books by Craig Anderton through Amazon


Sweetwater: Bruce Swedien\'s "Make Mine Music"

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Man, like I need this. We're right at the north tip of that pink area. Officially in the "warning zone" again. Maybe I should ship the wife and kids off to my mom's in Philly when I go back to work on Thursday. If this thing rides up the Chesapeake, it will go right over us. And DC and Baltimore. This could get really ugly.
I really don't know what to put here.
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that hurribitch picked up a li'ull steam. Its gwan be a smacker. you know what any kid looks like after his two or three granmas all give him kisses and hair musses all at the same time like on a sunday or holiday?? he got that bright red lipstick, lip prints all over him and when they get done pattin' his head and peenchein' his cheeks, he look like a war survivor? well, Norf cak-a-lakky gwan look somthin like dat dere. boy'o! my house seems to be in the way of the path. I ain't at all far from the coast and I feel for the lubbers perched out there protectin' their interests. OF COURSE ever one of them lubbers is a'gonna clog up the roads, a'goin back and forth runnin' this way and that. I ain't goin' no where after the storm has passed except to help clear the roads for the Emergency vehicles and all the YAHOOS out there tryin' to make a dollar. billions in damage. billions I say.. a 2 sure beats a five. ever time. we can weather a 2 purty much. me hope it stays a 2. See you on the other side.

Frank Ranklin and the Ranktones



FRANKIE RANKLIN (Stanky Franks) <<<

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[quote]Originally posted by fantasticsound: [b]BTW, Tom.. the answer to the question of your screen name appears to be, "There BETTER be gas in the car! And you better high tail it out of there soon!" :D Be safe, buddy! (I have to call my uncle. They live on the north coast of North Carolina, at the mouth of the Great Dismal Swamp. I hope his home, business, and 42' sailboat survive unscathed. :eek: [/b][/quote]Hi Neil! Thanks for the heads up! Mom and Dad live in Rocky Mount, NC - right smack in the path of this storm. My oldest brother lives at Lake Gaston - on the NC/VA border near I-95 and Roanoke Rapids - again, right smack in the path of this storm. I've invited them all to come stay with us. Raleigh will not (hopefully) feel the full brundt of this storm. Mom and Dad are in their late eighties. They do well for their age, but still - hurricane Floyd was devastating to their neighborhood. Left emotional scars as well as closed a lot of businesses because of flooding. I plan to take one of my cars and put it in a parking deck downtown. I've cleaned out the gutters on my house. There's not much more I can do here. At work people were lined up to buy bottled water from the LeBleu truck. Lined up around the block! During the last storm, the owner gave us all permission to camp out in our offices! We are going to be fine. It's the people east of us (my friends and relatives) that I'm worried about. Plus much of that is farm land - pigs, tobacco, etc. I worry about the animals. Neil, thank you for your thoughts. Today will be tense as this storm is on everyone's minds. We have quite a few people at work from other areas in the USA who have not been through many of these storms. The TV, radio, and newspaper are a constant reminder that we need to be prepared, but there's only so much we can do now except wait it out and hope for the best - especially for those folks along the beaches and in Eastern North Carolina. I'll let you know how things go as we get into this tonight and tomorrow. It's not fun - especially when we lose power. Take care, Tom (Gas) :cool:
"Music expresses that which cannot be put into words and that which cannot remain silent." - Victor Hugo
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People are really freaking out in Norfolk/Virginia Beach area. I have friends on Ocracoke and on the outer banks, who are probably already evacuated. Sandbridge community is gonna take a hit whether its a storm or a full fledged hurricane. They always do. Everyone is asking me when I'm leaving, and of course I will make that decision tonight, depending on the course of the storm. Gonna put all my gear in the safest spot in the house and haul ass, when and if shit hits the fan.
Down like a dollar comin up against a yen, doin pretty good for the shape I'm in
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Here's what the TV (WRAL) is saying about the storm now: [b]Up To 90,000 Urged to Evacuate As Isabel Charges Toward East Coast[/b] Many weather-tested Outer Banks residents sniffed at a weakening Hurricane Isabel, but forecasters warned that it still had to cross the warm waters of the Gulf Stream, which one expert called "high-octane fuel" for the still dangerous storm. ------------------------- If you want to read more local news, [url=http://www.wral.com/index.html?refresh=1200]GO HERE.[/url] ...High-Octane fuel. Harumph! :mad: Gas :cool:
"Music expresses that which cannot be put into words and that which cannot remain silent." - Victor Hugo
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[quote]Originally posted by Is There Gas in the Car?: [b]Here's what the TV (WRAL) is saying about the storm now: [b]Up To 90,000 Urged to Evacuate As Isabel Charges Toward East Coast[/b] Many weather-tested Outer Banks residents sniffed at a weakening Hurricane Isabel, but forecasters warned that it still had to cross the warm waters of the Gulf Stream, which one expert called "high-octane fuel" for the still dangerous storm. ....[/b][/quote]2 examples of the "high-octane fuel" effect on recent hurricanes are Hugo and Andrew. Both hit the gulf stream and really spun up before making landfall. Hope Isabel doesn't follow their example. Michael Oster [url=http://www.f7sound.com]F7 Sound and Vision[/url]
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I was looking at that [url=http://weather.terrapin.com/hurricane/index.jsp]SITE[/url] that Lee Tyler gave a link to. I'd like to see the difference between a storm's [i]projected[/i] path and the path it actually took. I guess they are accurate most of the time, but Hugo for example was totally unexpected to hit Charlotte.
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[quote]Originally posted by TheWewus: [b] I guess they are accurate most of the time, but Hugo for example was totally unexpected to hit Charlotte.[/b][/quote]Yes. This is true. Hugo was a MONSTER. It was headed straight for Cary (NC). Then it made a turn and headed for YOU in Charlotte. I could not believe the damage that Charlotte sustained from that storm! And you guys are so much farther inland. I just called my Dad. He's backed up his computer. At 87 years old, he's quite a character. He uses Lotus 1-2-3 to track his investments & checks and double checks them everyday. He sends me dirty pictures through the email :D . And he keeps up with all his kids that way. He's talking about turning off the gas and water lines to his house. He said that if he loses power for more than a day, he'll drive to Raleigh and stay with me. Hell, we'll probably lose power too. At my brother's company they've backed up their server. They got flooded with Hurricane Floyd. It nearly wiped them out. They lost ALL their computers and office furniture. It was really sad because it was so hard for a lot of folks. That area is economically depressed anyway - nothing but pigs, tobacco, cotton, and soybeans. We'll see how it goes. I'll keep you posted. Tom :cool:
"Music expresses that which cannot be put into words and that which cannot remain silent." - Victor Hugo
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