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Anderton/LA musicplayer thing - seminars 9/25 and 9/30

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[quote]Originally posted by Anderton: [b]Things are falling into place. I'll likely be available later on the 28th, I'll need to drive up from Anaheim so I may miss the soup or salad[/b][/quote]Excellent. :thu: Okay then, let's move ahead with this - 9/28 it is. I'm inclined to suggest shooting for Buca di Beppo in Santa Monica, since they specialize in large parties. Everyone okay with that? ...oh, and Craig - seeing as how you're the guest of honor, I'm thinking we can manage to hold the soup and salad until you get there. ;) dB



:keys:==> David Bryce Music • Funky Young Monks <==:rawk:


Professional Affiliations: Royer LabsMusic Player Network

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Buca works for me. I'm always up for Minnesotan born Italian quisine. :thu: Also...the post house I work for, POP Sound, is around the corner (7th and Arizona). With interest or time permmiting I'd be happy to give a tour. karl
"When I look at the smiles on all the children's faces,,...I just know they're about to jab me with something." -Homer J. Simpson
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Confirmed list: Anderton dB Valky +1 Gearmike Kaptain Karl Weasel ;) Ken/Eleven Shadows Flyscots Steve Fortner Probable: PatAzz Steve LeBlanc Possible: Phil O'Keefe Geoff Grace Daklander ...and I'm gonna make steadyb show up... :D dB



:keys:==> David Bryce Music • Funky Young Monks <==:rawk:


Professional Affiliations: Royer LabsMusic Player Network

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[quote]Originally posted by Dave Bryce: [b]See you there... :wave: [/b][/quote]Yes you will. I'll be there with bells on. Just bells. Nothing else. Okay, some boxers, maybe. It might get cold that night. - Jeff
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[quote]Originally posted by Lee Flier: [b] [quote]Originally posted by Valkyrie Sound: [b] I have a non-forum guest that wants to attend so put me down for 1 guest. ;) [/b][/quote]Oooh! Do tell! A male guest, perhaps? :) [/b][/quote]Um.... maybe.... but I wouldn't want to disappoint all my male forum fans! :D Valky

Valkyrie Sound:




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[quote]Originally posted by Valkyrie Sound: [b]Um.... maybe.... but I wouldn't want to disappoint all my male forum fans! :D [/b][/quote]Uh...er...a ha ha...uh... [i]Stop Jeff! Don't comment! Don't say anything! Let it go![/i] Aw, the damn conscience is talking again. I have to learn to shut that guy up. Never mind. - Jeff
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[quote]Originally posted by Jeff the Weasel: [b] [quote]Originally posted by Valkyrie Sound: [b]Um.... maybe.... but I wouldn't want to disappoint all my male forum fans! :D [/b][/quote]Uh...er...a ha ha...uh... [i]Stop Jeff! Don't comment! Don't say anything! Let it go![/i] Aw, the damn conscience is talking again. I have to learn to shut that guy up. Never mind. - Jeff[/b][/quote]Must... resist... urge... to... be... a... smartass... ;) :p :D Valky's got-ta boy-friend! Valky's got-ta boy-friend! :D Good for you girl! :thu:
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With geat to talk about, it should be impossible to become sidetracked with such things. (Just bring free ADAMs for everyone to distract us from politics. I'll bet you that it'll work. You're welcome!) :-)
Give me the ANALOG and no one gets HURT
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[quote]Originally posted by Valkyrie Sound: [b]Um.... maybe.... but I wouldn't want to disappoint all my male forum fans! :D [/b][/quote]Hmmm, well you'll just have to tell me privately then won't ya! Then we can get all these guys hot and bothered wondering what us girls are talkin about! :D But seriously, like Phil says, good on ya girl! :)
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Well, my show in Scottsdale confirmed. But I don't know if my flight is on Monday or Sunday. Move me to the maybe list, but I'll try my best to make it.

Seriously, what the f*ck with the candles? Where does this candle impulse come from, and in what other profession does it get expressed?

-steve albini

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[quote]Originally posted by Dave Bryce: [b]Friday and Saturday (9/26,27) aren't great for me... May I suggest the possibility of a Sunday evening (9/28) dinner event? dB[/b][/quote]Same here. I almost missed this. I'm interested. I hope the political ban is in effect for this ;)
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Updated... Confirmed list: Anderton dB Valky +1 Kaptain Karl Weasel :eek: Ken/Eleven Shadows Flyscots Steve Fortner Mike Peake Steve LeBlanc +1 Probable: PatAzz Mike Martin Jeff Leites Possible: Phil O'Keefe (+1?) Geoff Grace (+1?) Daklander Gearmike ...and I'm still gonna make steadyb show up... dB



:keys:==> David Bryce Music • Funky Young Monks <==:rawk:


Professional Affiliations: Royer LabsMusic Player Network

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[quote]Originally posted by Jeff the Weasel: [b] [quote]Originally posted by Dave Bryce: [b]Weasel :eek: [/b][/quote]Oh, now I'm an "eek"? I think I preferred the wink. :D [/b][/quote]Hey - just trying to be accommodating - you said you didn't like the wink... :p :D [quote]Originally posted by Steve LeBlanc: [b]Can I bring my wife?[/b][/quote]You can do whatever you want, my brother. I'm not in charge - I'm just coordinating. [quote][b]Looks like I'll be able to make it, you can change me from probable to 'definitely'.[/b][/quote]Done. dB



:keys:==> David Bryce Music • Funky Young Monks <==:rawk:


Professional Affiliations: Royer LabsMusic Player Network

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[quote]Originally posted by Anderton: [b]Wives are welcome, assuming the restaurant can handle the extras.[/b][/quote]Should be no problem. Buca di Beppo is all about having lots of people in your party. dB



:keys:==> David Bryce Music • Funky Young Monks <==:rawk:


Professional Affiliations: Royer LabsMusic Player Network

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[quote]Originally posted by Anderton: [b]Wives are welcome[/b][/quote]Cool, where can I get one?! Karl - I'd be up for a visit to POP Sound. Food - I'd prefer Italian, but I'd also happily go wherever the majority wants to. Weasel - you better be there. When you first found out I was coming to LA you said "[b]you can't escape the Weasel![/b]" Can't escape? Can't find the Weasel more like. You've missed 3 opportunities to meet me now, fair enough you didnt know about the second one but if you don't show up this time I'm gonna have to hunt you down! John Scotsman
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