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OT:Poll -USA, a nation of fatties?

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I'm 6'1", and weigh about 215-220lbs. It's my wife's cooking, I'm sure. I could stand to lose a few pounds. :D
**Standard Disclaimer** Ya gotta watch da Ouizel, as he often posts complete and utter BS. In this case however, He just might be right. Eagles may soar, but Ouizels don't get sucked into jet engines.
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I was never overly "portly," and I've dropped fifteen pounds training for the marathon. Yes, we're a nation of fatties. Yes, fast food contributes to the problem, but no one forces you to EAT it. Get off your fat a$$, get some exercise, and eat foods that weren't manufactured or "processed," and you'll smile every time you step on the scale. By the way, I'm currently 6'1-1/2" and weigh in at 183 (down from 198).

The Black Knight always triumphs!


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I'm 5' 11" weigh 170lbs. I'm going on a life extension diet so I expect to lose another 20 pounds in the next few months.

"The hottest places in hell are reserved for those who in a period of moral crisis

maintain their neutrality."


[Dante Alighieri] (1265-1321)

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[quote]Originally posted by Ouizel: [b]I'm 6'1", and weigh about 215-220lbs. [/b][/quote]You're crazy... there's no way that's overweight... I'm 5'11", 230lbs. and I'm slightly over... Though, I guess build has a bit to do with it. I'm naturally... eh... broad? I bulk up if I work out. Even in shape, I'll never be slim/lithe.

"Bass isn't just for breakfast anymore..."



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[quote]Originally posted by Dan South: [b]Get off your fat a$$, get some exercise, and eat foods that weren't manufactured or "processed," and you'll smile every time you step on the scale.[/b][/quote]More importantly, teach your kids the wonders of a healthy diet. I grew up on McDonald's, as most people my age did. Yeah, we choose what we eat when we get older, but it still would've helped immensely if my Mom had given me a quart of broccoli rather than a Quarter Pounder (with cheese, hold the tomatoes).

"Bass isn't just for breakfast anymore..."



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[quote]Originally posted by Addix Metzatricity: [b]You're crazy... there's no way that's overweight...[/b][/quote]Well, maybe not in the general scheme of things, but when I met my wife, I was 6'1" and about 165-170 tops. Skinny as a rail. Comparatively speaking, I'm fat. Well, maybe not fat, but I bulked up. (got my arms muscled up driving steel trucks) I know I'll never be skinny again, but I don't really like the spare tire.
**Standard Disclaimer** Ya gotta watch da Ouizel, as he often posts complete and utter BS. In this case however, He just might be right. Eagles may soar, but Ouizels don't get sucked into jet engines.
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I'm 5 foot 8, 185 pounds. When I started college, I weighed 135 pounds at the same height. Nobody believes me when I tell them I weigh that much. I guess I look a lot smaller. I dunno. It's probably my thirty-pound johnson. Everybody's getting fat these days. Except Mama Cass.
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Yes we are a nation of fatties. However, though there are a lot of nations of the world that poke fun at the U.S. for being "rampantly ignorant and obese", i've read a few studies that places such as Canada, the U.K., and many countries of Europe are also experiencing a boom in fatness. I don't have any links, unfortunately. :-/ Also, as far as what i've seen in the U.S.... I would venture to say that [i]certain parts[/i] of the United States tend to have more um... "sturdy" people than others. I'm not saying that "Everyone In The State Of X Is A Porker", because there's large and thin in all of them. However, I can recall a number of places where i could walk around in a huge store, mall, or even a town and [i] i will swear on the grave of my dog[/i] that ever single person i've seen would need to lose somewhere between 15-100 pounds to get to the `ideal body weight'. I'm not perfect either- I'm 5' 8.5" and 150 pounds, but at least i *know* that i need to lose a couple of pounds. Some of these folks have offered excuses to me like: "That's just the size that people are these days" "Being that skinny means you are unhealthy" "How do you expect to survive the winter without putting on another 20 pounds?" And they believe these as a form of self-justification. Serious.

Dr. Seuss: The Original White Rapper



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Yep, I'm over the edge now. 6'1" 193.5 (that's one way to tell - measuring in tenths !) I run 3 times a week - no bone slammin stuff - just 2.5-3.0 miles per run. That can hurt you too ! Currently I'm drinking too many beers, it is directly related to fat accumulation. When I say directly related I mean that I stopped drinking any beers (all alcohol) last year and shot down to 175lbs - same height - I kept that ! Then during BBQ season I picked it back up and voila - la handles' du luv ! The cycle takes many months - at least a quarter before you notice anything one way or the other. So with my gene makeup I watch the alcohol, usually trickling down my throat ! But I'm almost down to the off cycle now so I can pull the belt in a notch or 2. You gotta take these things slow - beer cold turkey is a bad one - makes my knees tremble just to think about it ! kylen
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As some of you know my "other" weekend job is as an Air Force Reservist. The entire AF got an email from one of the commanders two weeks ago, congratulating us on our performance in Afghanistan and Iraq, and chastising us for our overall poor overall physical fitness. As a result, beginning this next January our annual testing will bring back the 1.5-mile run, PLUS as many pushups and crunches as you can do in a given time period (we still don't have the details) plus the dreaded "abdominal circumference" measurement (their term). I've got some work to do this fall.... As far as the civilian populace, I believe the weight problem could be largely mitigated by forcing Nintendo to install [i]much[/i] heavier springs in their Gameboy joysticks. :D "Abdominal Circumference" would be a good name for a rock band. ;)


"Eccentric language often is symptomatic of peculiar thinking" - George Will


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[quote]Originally posted by Botch.: [b]As a result, beginning this next January our annual testing will bring back the 1.5-mile run, PLUS as many pushups and crunches as you can do in a given time period (we still don't have the details) plus the dreaded "abdominal circumference" measurement (their term).[/b][/quote]What?! You mean no more excersize bike?! Wasn't that the one that a perfectly fit person could fail because their heart rate wouldn't go high enough? I've heard about many flaws in that system.

"Bass isn't just for breakfast anymore..."



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[quote]Originally posted by Addix Metzatricity: [b][QUOTE]What?! You mean no more excersize bike?! Wasn't that the one that a perfectly fit person could fail because their heart rate wouldn't go high enough? I've heard about many flaws in that system.[/b][/quote]Amen brother! Back up at Grand Forks, when I was a 199-lb, 6'5", 15-mile-a-week, Roland A-90-toting lean/mean/fighting machine, my overweight, cig-swilling NCOIC scored not one but two classes higher than me on that damn bike!!! :mad: :freak:


"Eccentric language often is symptomatic of peculiar thinking" - George Will


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[quote]Originally posted by phaeton: [b]Yes we are a nation of fatties. However, though there are a lot of nations of the world that poke fun at the U.S. for being "rampantly ignorant and obese", i've read a few studies that places such as Canada, the U.K., and many countries of Europe are also experiencing a boom in fatness. [/b][/quote]So what about the rampant ignorance - any studies to refute that :D Last night an Oz comedy show showed a piece where they interviewed the average person on the street (I think it was Boston or Chicago from memory). The first question was "name a country starting with U". Of the eight interviewed, not one could name one (one tried Utopia, another Ugoslavia). The last woman was embarrassed when it was pointed out that USA starts with a U. The second question was "what is the primary religion in Israel" - again no correct answer (though the answers of Islam and Israeli were amusing). Third question was "what religion is a buddhist monk?". Believe it or not - not one correct answer. Of course I'm sure they edited out those who answered correctly, but it's still a worry :)
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[quote]Originally posted by Addix Metzatricity: [b] I'm 5'11", 230lbs. and I'm slightly over... Though, I guess build has a bit to do with it. I'm naturally... eh... broad? I bulk up if I work out. Even in shape, I'll never be slim/lithe.[/b][/quote]I'm the same height and around 225-230. For me, my ideal weight would be around 185 or so, I'll never see that again. A couple of things, the basic "fat guide" tells me I should be 176. Bullshit. At 205 a couple years ago, people were thinking I was sick, because I looked gaunt...my cheeks looked like they were caving in. And, I too have been known to hit the weights...I was firmly entrenched in weightlifting the last time I was 205. If I could get to that, I'd be happy. Now, on to the other part. This really puts me on a soapbox. Let me ask a question...what two things do we value most? The easy answer...sex and food. Therein lies the problem...the two don't blend. The ads tell us we need to wear the latest GQ skinny man fashions, and then offer us a flame broiled Whopper (R) to go with it!!! What the fuck? They don't go together! If you're going to sell sex...don't sell food, or vice versa. People get together socially for one reason alone, to stick shit in their mouths. When was the last time someone invited you over to watch the game and hit their new home gym? Never. It's "Come on over, watch the game, and EAT!". Let's go out and EAT! EAT EAT EAT EAT! Go to the grocery store. Walk around the aisles and take note of what percentage they sell is actual, healthy food. HA! About maybe 15-20% (if that). The rest is junk food. Europeans love to come over here and make fun of the fat Americans. We all need to change the way we think about food. Put a box of doughnuts out at the office and watch. The people won't dig in, they'll circle the box a bit like sharks going "Oh, I shouldn't". Well, if we all shouldn't, what's the fucking box doing there? And two people grab a doughnut, a fat one and a skinny one. You don't notice the skinny guy eating the doughnut, but with the fatty, it's "Hey, lookit the fat pig munchin' out". If you're heavy like me, you've got to be a "food militant". If someone offers you food, offer to remove their head. It's like offering an alcoholic a beer. Skinny people...DON'T offer food to fat people. Keep it for yourself. If the fat guy wants it, he'll ask for it. It's hard to lose weight. I'll diet and exercise my ass off for weeks to lose a measly couple of pounds. That's not very good reinforcement, as generally, when you set a goal, you like to see results soon.
"Cisco Kid, was a friend of mine"
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There is no doubt, I'm way to big. Two or Three years ago, I was in the best shape of my adult life. I excersized regularly, and was careful about how much I ate. Then we had our son. Then I got laid off. Then I had another attack of depression. Now I am in the worst shape of my adult life. Damn! Actually, I have lost a bit of the extra flab. I have been blessed with the ability to walk...walk...and walk! So I bought a dual-jogger stroller for my kids, and we walk quite a bit. This has been good for me because my walking had tapered off since we had kids due to the difficulties of lugging them around. I NEED walking in my life. It's healthy, and it lets me think -which is good for my sanity. Still, it has been difficult to get back into the swing of hitting the YMCA to workout. I've had a lot of false starts. Frustrating! Here's a recent photo [img]http://www.stephenjay.com/photos/fat.jpg[/img] Sorry girls, I am married. But thanks for the interest! :D

Super 8


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[quote] Then I got laid off. Then I had another attack of depression. [/quote]Bang zoom ! Me too ! How appropriate to mention this today, the 2nd anniversay of the attacks and events that changed my world, but that's what started this whole mess for me. That in addition to letting too many folks in the country to snatch jobs for that Y2K stuff. Hindsight - unfortunately that's what I'm talking about on this thread - too much Hind ! kylen
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I think that on average, there's a higher percentage of the US population that is overweight today than at any time in our nation's history. I myself am probably - okay, definitely - in the worst shape of my life. I'm 5'8" and around 185 lbs. I figure I could stand to lose around 15 pounds. And I will... just as soon as I start back on regular PT. But while I could stand to lose a few, I don't think I look all that fat - a lot of it is probably the individual's build. One person may be my same height and weight and look better or worse, depending on their general build. And muscle has greater density than fat - as you add muscle, you add weight. But I have no fast food chain or processed food company to blame for being overweight - my weight, my responsibility. These lawsuits are a bunch of crap.
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[quote]Originally posted by Philip O'Keefe: [b]These lawsuits are a bunch of crap.[/b][/quote]Agreed, but if the upshot is more healthful fast food menus, then perhaps some good will come of it. It's interesting that some of you have made fatalistic remarks to the effect that you'll never be thin again. That's total B.S. Being heavy is not predestined, and losing weight is not some impossible task. If you burn more calories than you consume, you'll lose weight. It's that simple. A long-term, slow, steady increase in physical activity and minor adjustments in diet - such as skipping the extra cheese on that pizza, eating one slice instead of two, and cutting consumption of processed sugars by a percentage that increases over time - will get just about anyone back to their ideal weight eventually. The key is to not overdo it. Don't head to the gym five nights a week cold turkey and drop your caloric intake overnight. That's a recipe for failure. Ease into it. Just don't ease back out of it. Most importantly, make it fun. Enjoy every healthful meal and every exercise session, even the very moderate ones. Build on this process over time, and you'll get the results that you desire.

The Black Knight always triumphs!


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[quote]Originally posted by Dan South: [b] [quote]Originally posted by Philip O'Keefe: [b]These lawsuits are a bunch of crap.[/b][/quote]Agreed, but if the upshot is more healthful fast food menus, then perhaps some good will come of it. It's interesting that some of you have made fatalistic remarks to the effect that you'll never be thin again. .[/b][/quote]I didn't necessarily say "I'll never be thin again"...I said "I'll never be 185 again"...keeping in mind that with a good weightlifting regimen, 200 would be great. I'd be quite happy with that.
"Cisco Kid, was a friend of mine"
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[quote]Originally posted by phaeton: [b]I'm not perfect either- I'm 5' 8.5" and 150 pounds, but at least i *know* that i need to lose a couple of pounds.[/b][/quote]Geez! I'm 5'6" and weigh 160 and I'm actually trying to gain weight! I work out daily both weight lifting and running. I follow a very healthy diet and don't eat any junk food. I have 13% body fat, which is not bad for 47 years old. I went to one of those "real-age" web sites where based on a bunch of questions, they tell you your "real" health age, and I was told I was obese! I think it's a mistake to go by those outdated height/weight charts. There are other factors to consider in your overall health than the number you see on a scale. Paul
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