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Where you wear your bass - a scientific view.


Bass position  

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  1. 1. Bass position

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I've just found some fantastic research into the height that bassists wear their basses. I think the reference is the Phat Scientist, which is a well respected publication in US. PS has devised a position to bass height categorisation, i.e. where you play your bass in proportion to your body.


They have developed the following system and illustrated with bassist stereotypes for each position.


Position 1 is low. If you lean over to bow the bass touches the ground. Popular if you have spots and have a strange fixation with piercings and black.


Position 2 is mid-low if you were a male you could get your pecker out and it would rest nicely on the upper cutaway. Strangely, this act is not uncommon and this position is supported by the lanky and gangly fraternity cutting across music genre.


Position 3 is groin protection. The bass serves to save Ryan's privates. Very useful position for those that play in wild clubs and pubs favoured by the older generation trying to look cool.


Position 4 is buckle-rash arena. This is the central position in this ranking and proves to be the most common position. Difficult to stereotype as it cuts across so many music and character types.


Position 5 is tummy protection. This is found to be favoured by our more portly bassists, who struggle to see their bass with positions 1 to 4. Quite an endearing position and likely to get the bassist cuddled rather than shagged.


Position 6 is chest friendly. For those that consider the low notes a nuisance and who really should be playing a piccolo bass. Can look odd unless you're a virtuoso.


Position 7 is the strangled look. These bassists are in serious danger of coming unstuck. Favoured amongst ageing Mark King fans and those with eyesight problems.


Just thought you guys would be interested in this latest research and we haven't polled much recently.


Which position are you?



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It depends?


When I'm playing The Rock I tend to be a position 3 kind of player. When I need to actually PLAY I am a position 6ish kind of player. Gotta get to all those extry notes and whatnot and access to the high notes on the E and B string.


When Mr A String decided to quit on me last Saturday night I was at position 6 for the rest of that set. A lot of stuff got moved up to those interesting positions up near the 10th fret on the E and B strings. Good times. I never thought I'd be playing the main riff of "Walk Like An Egyptian" quite like that.

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Strange thing for me is that I tend to use my bass just above the belt but tend to push the bass to my right side, and the neck points forward not ala Steve Harris though, I dont know why but I find this position quite comfortable but this may be because of the small curved body of the spector, the T-bass is a lot bigger and whereas Ill be using more or less at the same height I dont think it will sit well against my ribs.


see below




position 7 would be Jeff Berlin, while I used to play on position 6 most of the time, nowadays doesn't make sense because I'm playing in a rock band and it would look out of place and I don't really play a great deal above the 16th fret.




"And then the magical unicorn will come prancing down the rainbow and we'll all join hands for a rousing chorus of Kumbaya." - by davio



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Friends used to call #6 the fusion geek position, with #7 being the wannabe fusion geek position. Upon hearing this I immediately lowered my bass to something more... conventional. :blush:
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I am a Position 4, not for looks but for comfort. It's the easiest on my back and my right hand, and I can move around the best there.



"Political language... is designed to make lies sound truthful and murder respectable, and to give an appearance of solidity to pure wind"- George Orwell
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Usually 5, sometimes 6. 5 has always been most comfortable for me and, as any who have met me can attest, it's not for anything resembling portliness. I seem to use 6 more when I'm practising at home or playing solo music (I've been revisiting an arrangement of Stella By Starlight that Mike Dimin gave me a few years ago and I'll just say it's freaking awesome and a blast to play).
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I voted for position 3, even though I'm built for position 5. I guess the fact that I hate playing sitting down has something to do with it. For me, position 3 & 4 give me the best access to the entire neck with the least amount of strain, plus the attack I want with my right hand. I know others will disagree but given the condition of my joints, that's what works.
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I wouldn't consider myself one with a big rolling gut, but I play in position 5 anyway. Anything lower than that just seems like reduction in how well I can play. When I was 17 and I got picked up by a metal band for my first bass gig I probably played at 3.5-4. A year ago I played 4-4.5 and it's slowly working it's way up. My fretless might be set more like 5.5.
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I used to play at 3, a couple years ago I switched to 4 due to CTS. Turned out my strap was adjustable. Who knew?

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I have nothing nice to say so . . .


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I'm a position 4 kind of guy.

It lets me jump around and act stupid without busting my chin or my nads and still have access to play.


Edit: Actually, just looked at my avatar and that seems about right.



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I'm actually a 4.5



I was gonna give you a hard time about going into the ".5" specification, and then I looked at a photo of me playing and felt like 4.5 probably was most accurate. I voted 4 and I'm probably a wannabe 5...although not gut-related.







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Seems like I' m a 5.6 guy. Not too much, not too little. But quite fusion-y anyway.


The nice folks at BP gave us the solution to this on April 2003's issue:






the T-bass is a lot bigger and whereas Ill be using more or less at the same height I dont think it will sit well against my ribs.


Now... you aren't cheating are you? I believe you were told to leave that thing alone at the tree's foot... :P

Brought to you by Juancarlin.




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Position 5 I guess. This is a bad pic but the bass looks a little higher than I normally wear it. At the time it was taken the strap was new and I was about 20lbs heavier than I am now.



Nothing is as it seems but everything is exactly what it is - B. Banzai


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Marvellous. This thread and poll has cheared me up no end.


I love the fact that everyone has taken the question/poll so seriously. I'm thinking that BP magazine might be interested in the poll findings. Also maybe strap manufacturers. I have come across straps that don't cover the #5 range let alone #6 and #7.


Interesting distribution as well.


I started life at #4 moved up to #5 and teetered dangerously close to #6 then started the slow climb down back to #4.5 or #4 again. At this rate I will be #1 by the time I'm 60.




"We will make you bob your head whether you want to or not". - David Sisk
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the T-bass is a lot bigger and whereas Ill be using more or less at the same height I dont think it will sit well against my ribs.


Now... you aren't cheating are you? I believe you were told to leave that thing alone at the tree's foot... :P


I have but when I tested it I adjusted a strap to my desired height.




"And then the magical unicorn will come prancing down the rainbow and we'll all join hands for a rousing chorus of Kumbaya." - by davio



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Hmmmm maybe I'm a 5 then....






"And then the magical unicorn will come prancing down the rainbow and we'll all join hands for a rousing chorus of Kumbaya." - by davio



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