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New toy... Prophet 5 plus remote ... PHOTO avail


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just got hold of a Prophet 5 plus original remote.ie wearable sling on [keytar] plus all original manuals and cassete


Was actually looking at Creamwares Minimax [was about to buy it] and then noticed plugiator which made me hesitate ...but while buying something else came across the prophet 5 and was transfixed because it had the remote..and being a sling on [keytar] fan had to have it because of the remote.[to be honest the remote made me not walk away]


overal a reasonably nice unit [not perfect but very original] with a lot of known Aussie rock history associated to it.recording and some live.


And no dought this particular keyboard made a huge amount of money for this producer in the studio so it comes with a studio working pedigree I hope will rub off on me...tee hee.


It's my first prophet and probably an experiment at owning...I must say I was probably more looking at an emulation but this one is fitted with midi so is rather usable in a midi studio.


I will say the producer who had owned it from new, sold it to buy a prophet 08...I figured he was doing that before i bought it and was wondering if I was doing the right thing.My thought was should I go for classic or modern.Ironically as I was leaving he had to rub it in he was going out to buy the 08..hee hee.Good on him...if it was me I would want my customer to think his choice was sound..tee hee.But it was good to to have been given plenty of time by him to make my decision..nice guy and not pushy.I was almost ready to walk away from it but that damn remote just looked so beautiful...what a classic...tee hee.


My main test for fun attributes will be to compare it to my Oberheim OB12 a modern seudo analogue emulation..which I like its rareity and wonderful knob on approach.


Although this OB12 has been slammed by many it offers features and fun beyond many other fake analogues. I figure it will reach a rareity status and be appluaded by certain people in the know.I have collected a few interesting keyboards that may have been a little off centre but now are rare but sought after beasts,,eg..technics WSA 1...I like the weird ones rather than classic from the start ones.


Whether I keep the prophet in the future is to be decided if it integrates well into my studio...or do I just have it for a while as a "i had one once" thing..doesnt matter....


my plan now is to sell off a lot of my other 80's/90's keyboards , and try a few different classics or weird ones.[wish I still had my chroma polaris]....but will I ultimately end up with the ease of use of an emulation..time will tell.


Who here owns both old and new prophets [or emulations ie creamware] presently and what have you found in using both for recording.


just interested in thoughts...not trying to make any decisions here..just inteterested in chewing the fat on comparisons etc.


or anyone who actually gigged with the remote...this one doesnt looked used...and the rare few I have seen on the net mostly say they are mint..which leaves me to believe they were not used..obviously before the times or just not hip enough at the time..a few years later and sling ons were accepted....some say they look too boxy at the time..i think rather cool looking with wooden ends..looks rather like the prophet without knobs 'sept you wear it.


now if i could get a moog liberator......




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oh yes it surely is...

had it up for sale recently but now maybe i should hold onto it, but really the prophet is a little too big a footprint depthwise

it fits monosyths much better perhaps a Korg MS 10 /20 etc much better.Still it looks nice together.

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here is my valve keyboard that used to sit on my Korg Lamda

and is so much older than any other keyboard that I have..

this is true vintage portable music machine


can anybody Identify it


if you can go to its own thread and put in your thoughts


note it has its own roadcase in crocodille type skin and it comes with a whammy bar to attach underneath...the keyboard is removable and operates remotely, it has a built in speaker


seems I have a thing for remotes...could this be the worlds first sling on...oh if you must...keytar.


ps those are the full length of the keys you see


predates yamahas short keys on their keytar by decades.




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hi noah


no.........ah.........its a univox


mate check out the other thread with it on


I gave a short history on it

oh may a well put it in here



Jennings UNIVOX


actual year model unknown but were designed after the war and produced from late 40's thru the 50's


Manufactured by Tom Jennings J. M. I. Company, which was to become VOX, Designed in 1946 by Derek Underdown and Tom Jennings, portable keyboard that a pianist could add to his piano to simulate the sound of various acoustic instruments and the human voice. a monophonic organ with a range of tone selections and vibrato effects,

1962...the Tornadoes single Telstar became a massive hit internationally


see link to MELMUSIC australia for history





this one worked when i got it..just

but didnt last time i tried it, the keys are all loose..

it is complete and in great cosmetic condition

sorry cannot tell you how it sounds.





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It is interesting how people are seeking out the older technology and buying old synths. A number of years ago, I sold most of my older analog stuff and replaced it with digital. I can kick myself for getting rid of some of this stuff. Nostalgia has kicked in and now I've been looking to buy some of the older technology again. I just purchased some stuff off of Ebay. The boards aren't in the Prophet 5 class but will make me happy anyway. I got a Roland JX-10, Sequential Circuits Six Trak and a Korg Poly 800. Good prices too.
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