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Official NBA 2008-2009 Thread

Dave Bryce

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Thank you.


Don't forget Geoff.



Thanks, Ken. It's not a bad consolation prize for me when my second favorite team wins, but I don't expect to be on anyone's congratulations list.


Still, I've got a pretty big smile on my face right about now. :)






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Ooops, sorry Ken. Forgot to congratulate you. It's just that you are so well mannered, I sometimes forget you are a Laker fan.


[insert emoticon of choice]




I slip in a few zingers under the radar.


I've been a Lakers fan for a looooong time, even when I was living in Illinois. I don't know why that is, but ever since I was a little kid, I've been a Lakers fan. Cubs, Bears, sure, but Lakers.


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What a terrible, terrible loss for Orlando, and their own damn fault through and through. Free throws. No, scratch that: Free THROW. One. One by Howard puts it out of reach.


Ah well. Series. Shoulda been a better one. Congratulations, steadyb and Jeff and Steve, on your 2009 NBA Championship.

Shoulda been a better one? These are the two worst teams we've seen in an NBA finals in ages.
A ROMpler is just a polyphonic turntable.
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What a terrible, terrible loss for Orlando, and their own damn fault through and through. Free throws. No, scratch that: Free THROW. One. One by Howard puts it out of reach.


Ah well. Series. Shoulda been a better one. Congratulations, steadyb and Jeff and Steve, on your 2009 NBA Championship.

Shoulda been a better one? These are the two worst teams we've seen in an NBA finals in ages.




Young and sloppy, meet super-talented and arrogant.


Dwight Howard should NOT work on his post game this offseason.


He should spend every waking minute shooting free throws.


I recall reading, a long time ago, in a book about Larry Bird. He used to go to the gym after every game and shoot 100 free throws for every one he missed the night before.


Not surprising he was one of the best FT shooters in the history of the league.


For Dwight, it's a no-brainer.


All the post game in the world ain't gonna help him if he can't make FT's.


He has to give people a reason to NOT want to foul him down low, so he can actually use what game he has.

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You know, Jameer Nelson could have injured Kobe's elbow with his face. I mean, what's more valuable? He should be more careful out there. :idea::D


Thankfully, Kobe's elbow seems to be okay. Whewwwww!!!

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The Lakers are clearly better than the Magic this year.


That said, the Magic are the most disorganized, undisciplined team that I've ever seen in an NBA Finals. How did these guys even get here? When I think back to all of the great teams that I've see in the Finals, the Olajuwon Rockets, the Duncan Spurs, the Wallace & Wallace Pistons, these Orlando clowns look like amateurs. No, scratch that. They look like a pick up team. All talent and no coordination. The Stan Van Gundy Heat looked like a well-oiled machine compare to these bozos. The Lakers will win the series, but they'll do it against the lamest competition I've ever seen.


Howard's been a huge disappointment. Did someone bring kryptonite into the arena? All that size and strength and he can't jam in a shot under the basket. Patrick Ewing must go home and throw up after watching a pathetic performance like that.


Best wishes to Derek Fisher. I hope he wins the Finals MVP. He's been the difference maker in clutch situations. He brought the Lakers back from the brink in two games out of four.


Kobe's elbow. Nice non-call, refs! Cost the Magic the game. Erase Fish's three and give the Magic two free throws. That would have shifted the momentum. Oops, not with these refs. Everybody knows that the NBA wants the Lakers to win. Now we have photographic evidence. Nice work!


The Black Knight always triumphs!


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Yep. We figured he was dead, the way he stank up the place the first three games, but he showed everyone tonight he's got some flop left in him! :D




Anyway, nawww, Fish ain't dead, he just smells funny! :D


In all seriousness, he's a great guy, one of my favorites easily, a total class act and a smart ball player, and I'm happy to see him be one of the big heroes of this game.

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Ah well. Series. Shoulda been a better one.

Granted 3-1 series isn't all that good on the face of it -- unless you're a Lakers fan.


But on the other hand, only one of those games was a blowout; and this is the first Finals with two overtime games in 25 years!


When you look at that side of the coin, it's a pretty competitive series!





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These are the two worst teams we've seen in an NBA finals in ages.


Amen, brother! This is the first time I can remember being disgusted with the Finals. Even when the Lakers were winning, at least those were some good teams (because of Shaq), and they had some good competition.

The Black Knight always triumphs!


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Best wishes to Derek Fisher. I hope he wins the Finals MVP. He's been the difference maker in clutch situations. He brought the Lakers back from the brink in two games out of four.


Well, he won't win Finals MVP, but I'm very happy he made those shots. Very cool.


Kobe's elbow. Nice non-call, refs! Cost the Magic the game. Erase Fish's three and give the Magic two free throws. That would have shifted the momentum. Oops, not with these refs. Everybody knows that the NBA wants the Lakers to win. Now we have photographic evidence. Nice work!


Yeah, that was a crappy non-call, agreed. But there were a lot more bad calls against the Lakers than the Magic. I mean, I have nothing to gain by saying one thing or the other, and call it like it is...and it was just one bad call after another. We have a Magic fan that was here - well, more of a Laker hater than a Magic fan - and even he was admitting that the officiating was slanted towards the Magic. And believe me, that was hard for him to admit!!!! :D


The Magic made some dumb mistakes, and Howard definitely needs to improve, but I see how they got to the Finals...they're a dangerous shooting team and a pretty good defensive team as well, even taking away Howard's NINE blocked shots. They're just inexperienced. They'll be a contender next year.


And I know the Lakers are up 3-1, but bear in mind that two of these games have gone OT, and three of these games have been close. 3-1 doesn't quite reflect how competitive these Finals have been. It's two young talented teams going at it.

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Jameer got hit for sure but the elbow seemed mostly incidental to me. Jameer's face was in the wrong place at the wrong time. I'm sure the refs would have called it an offensive foul if the clock wasn't running down but considering Kobe was just trying to keep the ball up and made the pass, it's not an easy call.
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And I know the Lakers are up 3-1, but bear in mind that two of these games have gone OT, and three of these games have been close. 3-1 doesn't quite reflect how competitive these Finals have been.

I see I'm in good company! :)






:D Yeah, I noticed that too.


Really, I just am not down on the Magic like others here. I see a really good but inexperienced team that made some errors late in the game (why is Pietrus taking the last shot instead of Turkoglu? Why is Nelson sagging off Fisher when he was hitting the 3 in regulation?). Brain farts. Really talented team. They'll learn from this. I know I keep saying this, but I truly believe that if Orlando stays relatively intact, they will be a contender for years to come.

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When you look at that side of the coin, it's a pretty competitive series!


The problem is, it's only a competitive series because one team is playing like a bunch of rookies and the other is playing like a team that expects the other team to roll over and die.


The Lakers were sleepwalking through most of this game, and the Magic just failed in every possible capacity on offense. Turnovers, FT's, missing open shots, failing to take open shots when presented...


And this is how the series has gone. Game 2, that was a good game. The rest? Crap.

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Jameer got hit for sure but the elbow seemed mostly incidental to me. Jameer's face was in the wrong place at the wrong time. I'm sure the refs would have called it an offensive foul if the clock wasn't running down but considering Kobe was just trying to keep the ball up and made the pass, it's not an easy call.


If it'd been anyone but Kobe Bryant, it would have been a charge.


Same deal in the 3rd quarter when Bryant didn't just hack Courtney Lee, but hacked him parallel (as in, his whole arm came down on Courtney's whole arm) when Lee slipped down on that drive to the basket.


For all the fouls other Lakers took that were questionable, Kobe got away with a ton.

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For all the fouls other Lakers took that were questionable, Kobe got away with a ton.


Oh please. Lakers went to the line 20 times, Orlando 37 times. The refs were trying to extend the series as hard as they could.


And speaking of non-calls, in the OT period, Kobe got completely hacked by Pietrus. If anything, the refs were giving a make-good on that screw up when Nelson assaulted Kobe's elbow with his face on the following possession. :)

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