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Official NBA 2008-2009 Thread

Dave Bryce

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The Quote by Magic in the beginning is priceless.


When I played, Larry Bird was the only one I really feared... Larry Bird was so good, it was frightening...


And this guy faced Jordan...


And Bird's favorite player in the league is... Kobe.





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I've definitely seen a few bad calls against the Lakers.


Trevor Ariza was great in the 3rd Quarter!

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Both teams had shot 18 free throws going into the 4th qtr.


Now the Magic have shot 35. The Lakers 18... still.


What a well called 4th qtr.


This is just a thought, but do you think that had something to do with the Lakers repeatedly wrapping their arms around Magic players?

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Both teams had shot 18 free throws going into the 4th qtr.


Now the Magic have shot 35. The Lakers 18... still.


What a well called 4th qtr.


This is just a thought, but do you think that had something to do with the Lakers repeatedly wrapping their arms around Magic players?


Not 19-0 worth.

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Was the Chamberlain-in-nutbunchers-open-crotch-shot really necessary?

Or is this the "I only banged 12 chicks before the game. I need a private moment with this this ball in the paint fellas" look?
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What a terrible, terrible loss for Orlando, and their own damn fault through and through. Free throws. No, scratch that: Free THROW. One. One by Howard puts it out of reach.


Ah well. Series. Shoulda been a better one. Congratulations, steadyb and Jeff and Steve, on your 2009 NBA Championship.

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Wow. We are getting f#@%ed by the refs so far...


Yeah, man, that call on Kobe for elbowing Jameer Nelson in the jaw on the double team was total crap!


Oh wait - they didn't call that? My bad... :snax:



Yeah, that was a crappy non-call. That should have been a foul.


The officiating was by far the worst of the four games in the Finals so far. Really bad. Obviously, the Lakers were wrapping up Howard quite a bit, and Bynum was a Fouling Machine as usual. But there were a lot of bad calls, most of them going against the Lakers. I'm glad that the Lakers were able to still win against a really good game by Orlando and some piss-poor calls.

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