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Official NBA 2008-2009 Thread

Dave Bryce

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Great job by Orlando. The team really seems to be firing on all cylinders, and will be an excellent match for the Lakers, who also seem to have hit their stride as well.


Should be an amazing series. The 2-3-2 format should really add an interesting dynamic, especially if the Magic manage to steal one of the first two.


Sad ending for the Cavs - pretty much the entire team except LBJ seemed to suffer playoff shock in the conference finals.





:keys:==> David Bryce Music • Funky Young Monks <==:rawk:


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The differences, for me:


1. 2-3-2...hate it


2. Orlando doesn't have a Kobe, i.e., a player who is "good for a game." LeBron has shown us that it is not the 40 pt. game that secures a win--it's the 15 or 20 pt 4th quarter that does it. And Kobe's got at least one of those in him.


But Orlando is a freaking wild card, when they get to stroking the threes. They can comeback from almost any deficit, and they can steal games.


For Orlando, one of my main concerns would be the play of Rafer Alston. He's not a game-stabilizing point--Turkoglu, oddly, seems to play that role--and he's a bit of an erratic decision-maker. Exciting player, to be sure.

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2)I'd have to take a close look at their payroll and salaries, but I think LeBron is gone--actually, I'd need to know how long Szerbiak, Wallace and Smith are signed for.


Szerbiak is up this year and Wallace next year.


Szerbiak is a hefty 13 million dollar contract. Wallace 14 million.


The Cavs could land Ben Gordon this year (at a decent price) to go with Moe Williams and Delonte West in the backcourt and go all out next year to land a Power Forward/Center to replace Wallace and play alongside Zydrunas Ilgauskas. Otherwise Lebron's off to New York.


They've got the 30th and 46th picks in the draft and I wouldn't be surprised if the move up to get a good PF in the draft. The 30th to 46th range is where the Celts got Big Baby and Leon Powe. They can get solid off the bench guys in those positions and spend the last of their money next year on a free agent PF.

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LeBron will stay in Cleveland...the love for him in that city is over-the-top. It would be nothing short of a tragedy if he left, I can't believe he would take part and/or the Cavs will allow it happen.


They'll find a way to put some better role players around him and the Cavs will do well again next year. I don't think missing the finals is the big deal that so many writers etc, seem to think. LeBron is still a young player, what he and the Cavs were able to accomplish this year is awesome and should be considered a win, not a disappointment.


It may take a couple more years for a LeBron led Cavs to win in the Finals but with a bit of patience it will be worth the wait.



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er, just a quick note on the silly Kobe/LeBron debate...


It is totally ridiculous to compare a player who has been setting the tone in his position for 13 years to a kid who is still learning how to dominate in playoff games. LeBron may end up being one of the best to ever play the game but it is way too early to put that kind of pressure on him.


Right now, any true student of the game knows that Kobe is the most knowledgeable, fundamentally sound, overall talented basketball player today. It's a no-brainer IMO.


Go Lakers!

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LeBron will stay in Cleveland...the love for him in that city is over-the-top.


I've gone back and forth on this, but I'm really starting to feel that he's going to eventually move on from Cleveland. It might be for the next contract period or the one after that, but I think he's very hungry to prove himself as a champion, and I just don't feel that Cleveland as a team has what it takes to go all the way. Especially after the disappointing end to this year's run, I actually anticipate that their season next year will be worse than this one by quite a lot. I think LeBron will get sick of the endless media question of "Can he win it all?" and will eventually buy into some plan with another team, be it the Knicks or otherwise, who will promise to build him the supporting cast he always dreamed of.


It's fun to watch such a dominant player, but this "1-versus-5" style just won't win championships. Kobe knows this, as did Jordan.

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Remember these commercials?


Off-camera voice: "Joe Montana, you've just won the Super Bowl. What are you going to do now?"


Joe Montana: "I'm going to Disneyland!"

Well, I just realized that we've got the representatives of Disneyland and Disneyworld playing each other in the NBA Finals.


Furthermore, the NBA finals will air on ABC, which is part of, you guessed it -- the Disney-ABC Television Group!


They threw us a curve ball to make us think we were going to get a Cleveland/LA series; and since that didn't happen, the NBA must not be corrupt. Right?




Wrong! The fix was in all along, but it was from a source we never expected -- Robert Iger. ;)


It's a small world, after all.





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1) the man who spoke the most of "fix" paranoia must concede that the whistles were solidly in favor of the Magic last night--surprisingly!


Well, the refs over-react to whatever heat they take the game before. Usually the best officiated game in any series is the first one, before teams have a chance to bitch about it.


2)I'd have to take a close look at their payroll and salaries, but I think LeBron is gone--actually, I'd need to know how long Szerbiak, Wallace and Smith are signed for.


I think Joe Smith was only signed through the end of the season. He was a WW pickup, remember?


3) As for the finals analysis already offered in this thread, I must admit I am surprised some people think that the Magic forwards are going to give Pau more trouble playing his finesse offensive game than Martin/Nene. I don't see it. I think Gasol is going to have a huge series--so much so that I think Howard will see a lot of time guarding him, which is not a good thing for the Magic.


I never said they'd give him more problems defensively, I said he was going to have to work harder on the defensive end guarding them, unlike against K-Mart, where he was allowed to just camp out in the paint, build a fire, toast some marshmallows, while K-Mart occasionally hoisted a jumper. He does that with Rashard Lewis and Lewis will set fire to the Staples Center with threes.


4) The Lakers will have an easier time than the Cavs closing out on the Magic's threes because of the length of Ariza, Kobe, and Shannon Brown.


You keep forgetting that two of the four 3-point threats for the Magic are 6'10". Ain't no length from Brown/Kobe/Ariza gonna help them close out on Lewis or Turkoglu.

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Suns in 2010.


Um, sorry, I thought we were sharing our wish lists. ;)




I concur,but....


While I'm at it:


What do you call 12 men watching the NBA finals?


The Boston Celtics.





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Suns in 2010.


Um, sorry, I thought we were sharing our wish lists. ;)




I concur,but....


While I'm at it:


What do you call 12 men watching the NBA finals?


The Boston Celtics.





Correct, but not the only right answer!

"Music should never be harmless."


Robbie Robertson

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What do you call 12 men watching the NBA finals?

1. Jack Nicholson

2. David Arquette

3. Snoop Doggy Dog

4. Sean 'P. Diddy' Combs

5. David Beckham

6. Flea

7. Kanye West

8. Denzel Washington

9. Adam Sandler

10. Robert Downey Jr

11. Tobey Maguire

12. Sylvester Stalone


Correct, but not the only right answer!

1. Eddie Murphy

2. Steven Speilberg

3. Jack Black

4. Jeffrey Katzenberg

5. Kevin Connolly

6. James Belushi

7. Ice Cube

8. Andre Agassi

9. Zac Efron

10. Harvey Levin

11. Robbie Williams

12. Anthony Kiedis





My Blue Someday appears on Apple Music | Spotify | YouTube | Amazon

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Right now, any true student of the game knows that Kobe is the most knowledgeable, fundamentally sound, overall talented basketball player today. It's a no-brainer IMO.
Heh - come to Indiana for a few years. You got some basketball learnin to do...
A ROMpler is just a polyphonic turntable.
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A Laker haters news flash just in....


Add an all-star PG to the Magic and what does that spell for the Lakers?



ORLANDO, Fla. -- Orlando is evaluating All-Star point guard Jameer Nelson for a possible return to the Magic lineup for the NBA Finals that begin Thursday night in Los Angeles.


Magic spokesman Joel Glass said on Sunday that Nelson's rehabilitation from a shoulder injury is ahead of schedule but that his status remains uncertain.



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A Laker haters news flash just in....


Add an all-star PG to the Magic and what does that spell for the Lakers?



ORLANDO, Fla. -- Orlando is evaluating All-Star point guard Jameer Nelson for a possible return to the Magic lineup for the NBA Finals that begin Thursday night in Los Angeles.


Magic spokesman Joel Glass said on Sunday that Nelson's rehabilitation from a shoulder injury is ahead of schedule but that his status remains uncertain.



I hope he plays. He ought to be really sharp out there. :rolleyes:

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I hope he plays. He ought to be really sharp out there. :rolleyes:


He's playing against Derek Fisher. How can he not look sharp?


I'm sure he'll be wearing a nice suit to the games. But it won't cover up the rust.

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Wait a minute, there's no NBA today/tonight? Whaddamygonnado??? :eek:

"I'm so crazy, I don't know this is impossible! Hoo hoo!" - Daffy Duck


"The good news is that once you start piano you never have to worry about getting laid again. More time to practice!" - MOI

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2)I'd have to take a close look at their payroll and salaries, but I think LeBron is gone--actually, I'd need to know how long Szerbiak, Wallace and Smith are signed for.


Szerbiak is up this year and Wallace next year.


Szerbiak is a hefty 13 million dollar contract. Wallace 14 million.


The Cavs could land Ben Gordon this year (at a decent price) to go with Moe Williams and Delonte West in the backcourt and go all out next year to land a Power Forward/Center to replace Wallace and play alongside Zydrunas Ilgauskas. Otherwise Lebron's off to New York.


They've got the 30th and 46th picks in the draft and I wouldn't be surprised if the move up to get a good PF in the draft. The 30th to 46th range is where the Celts got Big Baby and Leon Powe. They can get solid off the bench guys in those positions and spend the last of their money next year on a free agent PF.


Update: Wallace is considering retirement. Along with Szerbiak that frees up 27 million to rebuild the front court in the offseason. With Ben Gorodn and Carlos Boozer avialable and a host of others (and a mid-level salary exception) the Cavs could be a decent club next year :>


Bad news for us Celts fans.







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Carlos Boozer will NEVER be a Cav again. If he had never left, they might have a ring by now. But that was a very acrimonious departure. He screwed the Cavs, as I recall.


I would avoid a max-type salary for Ben Gordon at all costs, but that's just me. He's a small two, he needs too many shots to get his points, and streaky doesn't even begin to describe his shooting. You've already got an undersized backcourt that includes your second and third best players.


I see the Cavs getting worse before they get better, but only for one year. The next year, you resign LeBron, and you sign Chris Bosh. LBJ might have to take a pay cut to bring in the James Posey type role players that you need. Will LeBron, who makes more off endorsement that his salary I bet, be willing to do that, or does he need, like A-Rod, to be the highest paid player?

Check out the Sweet Clementines CD at bandcamp
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Right now, any true student of the game knows that Kobe is the most knowledgeable, fundamentally sound, overall talented basketball player today. It's a no-brainer IMO.
Heh - come to Indiana for a few years. You got some basketball learnin to do...


These days, I think you'd learn more from a year in Croatia or Lithuania. Not that corn fed ball doesn't still have a place in the world...

Check out the Sweet Clementines CD at bandcamp
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Steadyb, I need some advice.


See, after the Lakers' initial loss against Utah in the first round, I realized I'd been wearing my favorite Lakers cap during the game, and vowed not to wear it again during the playoffs. However, after they had a loss to the Mavs, I put the hat on the day of the next game, but took it off before gametime. Result: huge win for the Lake Show.


I tried this same pattern which worked well for most of the Nuggets series, but forgot to put it on at all the day of Game 6, and yet they won.


Now I have this terrible dilemma, since I've fallen out of any type of discernible pattern, and obviously my choice to wear the hat (and when) completely influences the outcome of the entire NBA Finals at this point. I'm thinking, no hat now through Wednesday, with a brief wearing on Thursday morning, and then put it away in the back of a closet where I'm not tempted to put it on.


I have yet to tell you that on at least one occasion, I wore it with the brim facing toward the back, but for the life of me I can't remember if this was during a win or loss. So, I'm really concerned. Please let me know what you'd do under these circumstances.

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Ben Gordon had to go crawling back to the Bulls last year.


No one picked him up when he explored the market as a free agent. Chicago paid him the 6.5 million on his player option. If the Cavs can get him for that price then it's a good deal for the backcourt (putting Delonte West as the combo guard off the bench. He played quite abit of point for the Celts as well as SG). The Bulls occasionally play Gordon as a three to fill some minutes and with Lebron the three that position isn't critical to the rebuilding efforts.


Boozer's the best of the big men available -- he wants out of Utah bad. I don't think Odom's going to be available but who knows?


Otherwise they have to wait a year or pick up some of the usual journeymen that aren't long-term answers to the 4/5.

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