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Official NFL 2008-2009 Thread

Dave Bryce

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If your a player like Randy Moss, and you truly wanted to win a Superbowl, why wouldn't you sign with Dallas?


I guess he feels more comfortable in a "gangsta" environment (Belicheat).




The Black Knight always triumphs!


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Glad to hear Michael Turner got picked up by another team that may be willing to let him start. Still has to beat out Norwood.


I'm curious to see how Assante Samuel does against the NFC East WRs. Don't think he is the 2nd coming of Champ Bailey.


Big Ben picked up a nice payday. Hopefully the Steelers will spend some money shoring up the O and D as well.


It certainly doesn't make sense for the Packers to not have considered Moss. Sounds like Favre didn't like their chances of winning the big one without a big play weapon. Can't say that I blame him.


The off-season movement did not take long at all. Need a spreadsheet to keep up with the players. :laugh::cool:



"The greatest thing you'll ever learn, is just to love and be loved in return."--E. Ahbez "Nature Boy"

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Until the rumors started leaking out this week, I really thought he would come back for one more year. :(


At least Brett went out near the top of his game -- if not with another Super Bowl title. He'll always be one of my favorite quarterbacks of all-time.





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At least Brett went out near the top of his game -- if not with another Super Bowl title. He'll always be one of my favorite quarterbacks of all-time.


Man, I think it's GREAT that he's choosing now to retire, as opposed to the vast majority of guys that hang around too long and tarnish their image with a couple of useless seasons (or worse, go to play at sub-par perormance for another team, i.e. Jerry Rice the Seahawk or Emmitt Smith the Cardinal).


Last year was great way to remember Favre. Brett, you did it right!

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It certainly doesn't make sense for the Packers to not have considered Moss. Sounds like Favre didn't like their chances of winning the big one without a big play weapon. Can't say that I blame him.


I think he was aware that -- even without Moss -- Green Bay had a realistic shot at winning the big one; but so do a number of other teams. Having Moss would have given Favre the edge that Brady enjoyed last season, leaving his talented, young receivers that much more open for big plays. Of course, Brett is saying that his decision to retire has nothing to do with the Packers not having signed Moss; but reports are that he would have returned if they did.


I'm not surprised that coach McCarthy didn't go after Moss. He hasn't wavered in his choice to rebuild the team through draft choices ever since he took the helm; and so far it's paid off surprisingly well. But now, he'll have to finish rebuilding without Brett.


Aaron Rodgers looked good against Dallas last year; and with any luck, he'll be Steve Young to Brett Favre's Joe Montana. But few teams are lucky enough to have one Top Five quarterback in franchise history and none have done it twice. I can't imagine that Aaron Rodgers will ever completely fill Brett's shoes.





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At least Brett went out near the top of his game -- if not with another Super Bowl title. He'll always be one of my favorite quarterbacks of all-time.


Man, I think it's GREAT that he's choosing now to retire, as opposed to the vast majority of guys that hang around too long and tarnish their image with a couple of useless seasons (or worse, go to play at sub-par perormance for another team, i.e. Jerry Rice the Seahawk or Emmitt Smith the Cardinal).


Last year was great way to remember Favre. Brett, you did it right!


That's the upside to leaving now. It's the consolation prize for us disappointed Packers fans.





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Trust me man, it is by FAR the best option. I've watched too many of my heroes go out the other way.


Oh, no doubt. I agree with your viewpoint, Jeff.


Here's the thing though: Brett showed no signs that he was near the end physically -- in fact he's retiring to avoid the mental preparation, not the physical -- and I think he could have had another great year next year. The Packers were an overtime loss away from the Super Bowl last year and they might have won the Super Bowl next year, allowing Favre to really go out on top the way Elway did.


Then again, he might have finally fallen apart next year; and wound up tarnishing his legacy. I doubt it, but it's possible.


Anyway, it is what it is; so I'll try to look at the bright side.


Ok, my head is spinning from all the FA moves so far..


-Brett Favre retiring.. Wow, what a great one we had. Enjoyed every monute of the ride Brett! My condolences geoff, one more year would have been great. Farve to Moss would have been unforgetable!


Thanks, meccajay.





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A lot of the time, the backup RB is the backup for a reason... ;)




Yep, because if Turner wasn't the backup, LT would be the RB signing with the Falcons. And yes, there are some yahoos in Chargerland who wanted LT benched for Turner. :blah:


I think Turner has a good chance to compete with Norwood, who is kind of in a similar situation - unable to beat the established starter in front of him.

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Ok, my head is spinning from all the FA moves so far..


-Brett Favre retiring.. Wow, what a great one we had. Enjoyed every monute of the ride Brett! My condolences geoff, one more year would have been great. Farve to Moss would have been unforgetable!


-Crumpler to the Titans.. No need to worry about those knees right?! *snicker* Well if Crump can get out of his stance, then Vince Young should benefit greatly! After all, When you think Titans, you think Tight Ends!


-Turner to The Falcons.. Well it looks good on paper, but as db pointed out, these things go wrong more than they go right with RB's. On the other hand, with Turner and Norwood in the backfield, it's going to be one of the fastest backfields in the division, and possibly the NFC version of Taylor & Jones Drew!


-Dunn released.. Warrick Dunn is the personified example of class and one of the greatest men off the field, in the history of the NFL or any league for that matter. Word is Blank tried to reach him by phone before his release, but couldn't, and Dunn learned from seeing it on TV. Warrick is a true gentleman with class, and he deserved better! Would a personal visit have been too much to ask Mr Blank? Especially at a time when your franchise is at its lowest point ethically and morally, you treat its most moral player like a wet food stamp. Oh well, at least Tony Dungy will know how to treat a man of his calibre.


-Big Ben gets extension.. Ben got PAYDE!! Well he is one of the top 5 QB's in the league. 32 TD's is nothing to sneeze at!


-Moss re-signs.. Well, they may be cheaters, but the Pats ain't completely stupid!


-Griese to the Bucs.. Zzzzzzzz


-Faneca to The Jets.. What a contract! Me thinks they are making a run at McFadden in the draft if they paying a guard 'Tackle Money' to go along with the aquisition of Damien Woody.


-Vikings add Bernard Berrian.. Outside speed to along with the threat of Peterson. Slowely surely they're becoming the team nobody will want to play. How long for Tavaris Jacksons developement is the question.


-Donte Stallworth to Cleveland.. Lets see, Derek Anderson, Braylon Edwards, Kellen Winslow, Donte Stallworth. Hmm.. there some potential there to say the least! Watch-out Pittsburgh!



-Asante Samuel to the Eagles.. When the Eagles played the Patriots in what should be known to philly fans(like myself) as the "one that got away" game. Asante Samuel was the reason that game got away. He hurt us with a 'pick 6' early and he hurt us with another pick late. After a showcase like that, what else coule we do but MAKE HIM ONE OF US!! Unfortunately this may mean we lose Lito Sheppard.*bummer* Hey profd, Asante's NFC east work load is harder than it was in the AFC east, but easier than it was in the AFC playoffs, facing the likes of Harrison & Reggie Wayne, Hines Ward, Chris Chambers, Gates, and the occasional matchup with Ocho Cinco.


*more to come*



TROLL . . . ish.
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I'm sure Chicago could have gotten a similar or better LB for less than what they're paying Lance Briggs. Maybe he's better than what I saw on TV and at the game. Just don't get it.


Mecca, you are right about about Samuels' workload. I hope it works out for your Eagles. The NFC WRs are a lot more physical than AFC WRs with the exception of Ward.


In other news, DeShaun Foster got picked up by the 49ers. If he and Frank Gore can stay healthy, the SF running game could be very good. Otherwise, they'll have a 1k yard season. Combined. :laugh::cool:





"The greatest thing you'll ever learn, is just to love and be loved in return."--E. Ahbez "Nature Boy"

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Okay, after hearing some of Favre's voicemail to EPSN's Chris Mortensen, I finally get why Brett's retiring now.


By leaving now, Favre finishes having exceeded almost everyone's expectations last year and with the best regular season record of his career. After this year, expectations for next year were too high to exceed. Anything less than a Super Bowl victory would be a disappointment, and the odds of a Super Bowl victory would be less than 50/50. Considering that this is a guaranteed high point at which to exit, and there are no guarantees next year, he decided to get out while the getting was good.


That's understandable ... still disappointing, but at least understandable.





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After this year, expectations for next year were too high to exceed. Anything less than a Super Bowl victory would be a disappointment, and the odds of a Super Bowl victory would be less than 50/50.


Exactly. That's precisely what I'd read into it when I first saw the news. I don't think it's disappointing at all Geoff; at some point, the Pack would have needed to really start integrating a new QB (Rogers, most likely) into the system as Brett's physical skills inevitably diminished. Why wait a year?


Farve goes out with the highest level of respect and the best memories after a long and successful career. He's part of a tiny percentage of pro athletes who get to do that.


In related news, the Pack are gonna need a backup to Rogers... can you say "Culpepper"?

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Farve goes out with the highest level of respect and the best memories after a long and successful career. He's part of a tiny percentage of pro athletes who get to do that.

Well put, Jeff.


In related news, the Pack are gonna need a backup to Rogers... can you say "Culpepper"?

That would be almost as odd as Randy Moss in a Packers uniform. I wonder what my nephew the Vikings fan would think...


My condolences, Geoff. Thanks for 17 entertaining years, Brett!

Thanks, GovernorSilver.





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I've got a busy month ahead, so I don't know how much time I'll have to post. But I'll check in as much as I can and post when possible.


...or post more than I should when a big event happens -- like Favre retiring!


And now, back to busy mode...





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My family is from Chicago, and so not surprisingly, we're Bears fans. And so every once in a while, my Dad sends me Bears-related stuff. Here's his latest one:



Chicago Bears coach Lovie Smith's house was egged.


Chicago police reported that some individual attempted to "egg" Lovie Smith's house last night.


The report stated: "An empty egg carton was recovered at the scene. Two eggs hit Mr. Smith's house, three eggs went over his house and hit his neighbor's back door, two eggs hit the houses of each of his next-door neighbors, and the remaining three eggs were found broken on the ground near the carton from where the individual threw them. Looking at what was hit, police officials say they are considering Bears quarterback Rex Grossman as the primary suspect."

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So, the Raiders signed Javon Walker, and I'm not sure how to feel about that. I liked him on the Packers, but he was injured for most of last year on the Broncos, and giving a guy like that a six-year, $55 million contract seems like a gamble to me. But what do I know?
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So, the Raiders signed Javon Walker, and I'm not sure how to feel about that. I liked him on the Packers, but he was injured for most of last year on the Broncos, and giving a guy like that a six-year, $55 million contract seems like a gamble to me. But what do I know?



The bigger question for me is who the hell is going to throw him the ball? :idea:

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- Rush

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The bigger question for me is who the hell is going to throw him the ball? :idea:


I'm sure they're going to expect JaMarcus to jump into the starter role pretty quick. I think the other question is how is Kiffin going to do coaching after refusing Al's request to resign?


It's gonna be a weird one.

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So, the Raiders signed Javon Walker, and I'm not sure how to feel about that. I liked him on the Packers, but he was injured for most of last year on the Broncos, and giving a guy like that a six-year, $55 million contract seems like a gamble to me. But what do I know?


Well considering the contract they just handed their DT who blew an ACL last season, are you surprised?

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Quote by Jeff Klopmeyer:


"I think the other question is how is Kiffin going to do coaching after refusing Al's request to resign?


It's gonna be a weird one."


Weird? Come on, you're talking about Oakland California AND Al Davis. What do you expect, normal? Ha. :crazy:



Mike T.

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Chicago Bears coach Lovie Smith's house was egged.


Chicago police reported that some individual attempted to "egg" Lovie Smith's house last night.


The report stated: "An empty egg carton was recovered at the scene. Two eggs hit Mr. Smith's house, three eggs went over his house and hit his neighbor's back door, two eggs hit the houses of each of his next-door neighbors, and the remaining three eggs were found broken on the ground near the carton from where the individual threw them. Looking at what was hit, police officials say they are considering Bears quarterback Rex Grossman as the primary suspect."


2 of 12? That sounds a little too accurate for Grossman. My money's on Jim McMahon.




The Black Knight always triumphs!


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