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The Davo Scale of String Life


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Bumpcity has got me thinking.


String Dullness Scale or the Davo Scale for short:


10/10 = Way too much zing to handle - the damn string won't even stay in tune.

9/10 = Wicked brightness for Stanleyesque chords or a bit 'o slap.

8/10 = Perfect recording brightness, completely controlable and can be tamed with the tone control.

7/10 = Maturing tone, having lost initial youth still good bright tone if tone control full on.

6/10 = Matured, ready for drinking in wine parlance, no zinginess left but still good mids available.

5/10 = Dull but not dead, some half decent tones can be dialled in but they are limited.

4/10 = Over the hill, lifeless, full of DNA of questionable origin. Wash your hands afterwards.

3/10 = An embarrassment if someone else picks up the bass, you find yourself apologising for the strings. In the hospice.

2/10 = Last legs, no mids articulation - nothing left.

1/10 = Dead as a dodo or a Norwegian Blue.


So, where on the scale are your current strings on your favoured bass? Does the Davo scale have merit?



"We will make you bob your head whether you want to or not". - David Sisk
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Davo, how did you find the strings on my Wal when you played it as the London Lowdown get-together because they were some nasty old strings. (And I didn't even apologise - hope you washed your hands afterwards.) Still sounded great though. I guess the DRs are long-lasting and fretless boards don't wear the strings like frets anyway.


Great scale - I would probably go for a 4 or 5.

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Great scale.


I like my P-bass with Ernie Ball Hybrid Slinkies between 6 & 8 on the scale. It is currently around 6, slipping towards 5. I hate new "zing" on the strings though... so they will probably slip farther towards 4 before getting replaced.


The strings on my ABG are currently a 1. Phosphor bronze just doesn't last due to the environment. I'm probably getting a set of Fender Tapewounds which supposedly last forever.


I haven't really played my Warwick much in a couple of years. The DR coated strings last a really long time and the environment doesn't seem to have an effect on them. They are probably around a 6/10. I have a set of replacement strings (DR Red Devils) ready to go if I start using this bass again.

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I like my Hybrid Slinkies to be an 8. Takes a couple of weeks after putting them on to get them just right. Unfortunately, they only stay that way for about a month.

I usually change them (if I'm gigging regularly) after about 3 months or so when they get to be a 5.



OT - OK Geoff, I've tried holding off from asking for the longest time, but who is that in your avatar????? :love:



"Paranoid? Probably. But just because you're paranoid doesn't mean there isn't an invisible demon about to eat your face."

Harry Dresden, Storm Front

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I changed strings on my JPJ last night. By your scale they are 8/10 right now because that's how Bootzilla's sound out of the box and will continue to sound that way for weeks - with hours a day of playing time I might add. They'll eventually migrate to 7/10 and stay there for roughly a 4-6 weeks. Then they die. Quickly. They'll go from 6/10 - "wouldn't 'voom' if you put four million volts through it" in a matter of a day or two.
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Hmm, I've been thinking about that scale. There's definitely something missing.


11/10 Really loud deafening zing.

Feel the groove internally within your own creativity. - fingertalkin


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My Elites seem to have stuck at 7 for an awfully long time. Much longer than the Rotosounds ever did. I'm betting I'm going to get a year out of them.

Feel the groove internally within your own creativity. - fingertalkin


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I tend to think that DR Hi-Beams and Sunbeams don't go much lower than 7/10. Especially if you have a low DNA/sweat index.


Phil: LOL I didn't wash my hands afterwards. I guess they felt like 5/10 to 6/10 to me.


Tim: 10/10 is The Zing, ie you've just put them on.



"We will make you bob your head whether you want to or not". - David Sisk
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Tim: 10/10 is The Zing, ie you've just put them on.




Ah I see! It's a relative scale, dependent on your bass and your strings.

I still think there might be room for an 11. What about after boiling ;)

OK nevermind...


I think we need an absolute scale though. Some strings are a 5 when you put them on compared to others. We could have a standard 5 as a Fender Jazz strung with new DR, any suggestions as to what a 10 and a 1 would be then?

mmm do you think I might be taking this a bit too seriously....

Feel the groove internally within your own creativity. - fingertalkin


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I prefer mine between 7-8 but mine are about 4-5 now adays, the elixir are looking pretty old. :)




"And then the magical unicorn will come prancing down the rainbow and we'll all join hands for a rousing chorus of Kumbaya." - by davio



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