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Overrated Bass players!!


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Well there's a list for underrated bass players, what about one for overrated.


I'm top of the list guys!!!




"And then the magical unicorn will come prancing down the rainbow and we'll all join hands for a rousing chorus of Kumbaya." - by davio



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TBH no bassist is as overrated as many guitarists and singers are.


VERY true!


I started to say Geddy Lee, because his lines used to be so difficult...now they seem to be very simple as I improve. That said, I cannot play and sing (I'm working on it though) so I have to give him props for doing both very well...thus removing him from the over-rated list.

All that to say...I dunno!

Love God...Love People!



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Dare I say and i'll be crucified...Vic Wooten, don't get me wrong I think he's a fantastic bass player, but I think he plays so much better in a band situation than on his own.


On his own he overplays very often. IMHO



Please don't hunt me down. :D




"And then the magical unicorn will come prancing down the rainbow and we'll all join hands for a rousing chorus of Kumbaya." - by davio



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Davo, I was going to say John E too but I was afraid of the flames and also I wanted to avoid being negative. I agree, not that he's not good, but that he's over-rated. David, Victor is a brilliant musician but by the nature of his publicity, then yes - he is overrated as are Flea, Paul Simonon, Les Claypool and other famous guys - fine bassplayers all! It's also true those guys are also under-rated by some people.


What does it really matter if someone is overrated though, unless they have your gig?

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Dare I say John Entwhistle.


Lots of notes. He can certainly play, but I would say overrated for his contribution/fame ratio.






I actually think Entwistle doesn't get enough recognition.


I'm sure that I'll get some burns for this one but Davo I feel the way about Jaco as you do about Entwistle.

There I said it! Burn away! :)




"Paranoid? Probably. But just because you're paranoid doesn't mean there isn't an invisible demon about to eat your face."

Harry Dresden, Storm Front

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Well there's a list for underrated bass players, what about one for overrated.


I'm top of the list guys!!!


um...better read up on this guy before you make such a claim.



You can stop now -jeremyc

STOP QUOTING EVERY THING I SAY!!! -Bass_god_offspring

lug, you should add that statement to you signature.-Tenstrum

I'm not sure any argument can top lug's. - Sweet Willie


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Les Claypool - he really does suck.


Flea - I love him anyway.


Rocco - only because he is so limited - ever hear him play a ballad? Fortunately, that is not why I have periods where I listen to him religiously.


Geddy Lee - I still love his playing anyway.


Anybody who has a better gig than me that I can out play. I would like to say that list is getting longer by the year. One day, if I am fortunate, people will consider me overrated.




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Tenstrum: Of course you are perfectly entitled to mention Jaco. That is how internet deomcracy works.




Ugly moi?




LOL! I know I know...the world revolves around Jaco... :)


Yeah, this thread is going to get ugly really quickly...


I just wish that I was good enough to be rated. Whether it is over or under is beside the point! :)



"Paranoid? Probably. But just because you're paranoid doesn't mean there isn't an invisible demon about to eat your face."

Harry Dresden, Storm Front

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Gene Simmons - all though I love early Kiss and I'm a fan of Gene Simmons in general, his ability to actually play this instrament is poor at best.


Lemmie - might as well be playing the guitar, does no justice to the bass. Just using it to get a point accross (which he does quite well but still sucks as a bass player)


Billy Sheehan - if you want to play lead then play the guitar


I don't mean to offend


Rob Robitaille


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Many bass players are recognized because of the popularity of their band, not for their particular talent. Some of the greatest bass players have never been recognized. The greatest bass player I have ever heard is totally unknown nationally.


"Democracy is two wolves and a lamb, voting on what to eat for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb, contesting the vote."

Benjamin Franklin

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Eh, I really don't care. I think thing about Entwistle is that he pioneered lots of rock bass techniques that we now take for granted. Back in the day (not that I was around then) I'm sure his ideas and techniques seemed way more groundbreaking compared to other bassists of the time.


The only bassist I know of that is grossly overrated is Flea. I'm not an RHCP fan though so don't hold my opinion to much (not that you should anyways).

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Great topic idea, for me it's all different for each style of music and playing type. I think some guys might be overated but mainly cuz im not a fan of that style of playing ex: Flea. I also feel that most of the time LESS is More. a band like Chevelle, the bass playing is almost painfully easy but the epic feel, dynamics and bass tone is undenyable (sp?) so that being said, less is more in my opinion making bass players who don't play a crazy lick get un noticed and are underated. what makes a great bass player anyway? I think Dean Bernardini of chevelle is just as good as Flea yet you guys probally had no idea who he was, and thats probally cuz he sits in the mix yet the music is awesome. in my opinion of course, which again is all subjective to everyones favorite style.

MY GEAR: Line 6 Bass Pod Pro Rack Mount, QSC Head, Ampeg SVT Classic 8x10 Cabinet,Korg DTR-2000 Rack Tuner, ESP F-404FM Bass


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Overrated? Overrated by whom?


What do you guys mean by overrated anyway? Are you saying that some nebulous groups of people's opinion of a bass player's talent is not as valid as yours?


Or do you mean your opinion disagrees with majority opinion?


I think Jaco overplayed and showed off. I think Jamerson's tone is dull. I think Fieldy is unique and innovative. I think Rick Savage serves Def Leppard songs better than anyone else could, and to me that is the definition of a GREAT bass player.*


By what standard are you (not anyone specifically, the general "you") going to tell me that I've rated something incorrectly? Let's set some baseline before making a list.



*I may or may not actually believe these things. I was making a point.

"For instance" is not proof.


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It seems that everybody in the mainstream media has the potential to be overrated, just because they are rated and sorted in all sorts of lists. Those that we don't know about are almost always underrated, because they have not yet been rated by the musical gurus, VH1 specials, and the like.


That being said, I like every bassist a little differently. Just because I like Cliff Burton more than Jaco, doesn't mean one is better than the other, or one is more overrated because a certain faction of a musical genre deems one more popular.

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By what standard are you (not anyone specifically, the general "you") going to tell me that I've rated something incorrectly? Let's set some baseline before making a list.


I think that the general, unspoken consensus is that you can only start to be overrated when you are either a household name (Lemmy, Sting, McCartney and so on) OR... you have been on the cover of some serious bass publication at least once.


So basically, the thread seems to be limited to people who have received acknowledgement either by the public in general or the bass playing public in particular.

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Certainly genre preferences will be a factor. Since there are so few solo bassists, though, most bassists will get knocked for their band's sound and/or the established techniques for a given genre. (Country root/5, blues 12BB, metal root 8ths, etc.)


Maybe in the privacy of their homes they are all jazz monsters. :eek:

Anybody who has a better gig than me that I can out play.

I think this is the first instinct most of us have, especially if we have ever been shown up in the past (on purpose or not). And that includes just about everybody except for the true virtuosi/geniuses.


Remember how badass you thought you were when you were growing out of the ugly duckling stage as a beginner and started sounding good on a couple of songs? (I was really good at "Wild Thing". :thu: ) Then someone would play something like "YYZ" for you and make you feel like a dolt all over again. So then you'd learn "YYZ" just so you could say you could play it and not feel incompetent anymore.


None of the guys playing gigs play "YYZ" (except Geddy), so I guess that means I can outplay them all now. ;)


Perhaps a better perspective is to realize that sometimes fame is more a function of who you know, being in the right place at the right time, yadda yadda yadda, than strictly being a function of talent.

if you want to play lead then play the guitar

I understand the sentiment here but there's no reason bass should be forever banished from the world of melody. The counter statement might be "if you want to play rhythm then play the drums".


But that's the beauty of bass; its versatility.


Entwistle played lead more often than not for The Who, just not in the Sheehan mold. The formula for '90s grunge seemed to incorporate rhythm-only guitar(s) and (sometimes) melodic bass lines that were, by default, leads.



I'll be honest and say there are a couple of bass players of whom I am jealous. I could just label them "overrated" but I think the little green monster is what's really yanking my chain.


Lee Sklar. Pino Palladino.


Why are they always the first call, in the studio or on the stage? Well, obviously they get the job done. And it's not like every gig can hold it's own "Idol" or "Making the Band" process to find a bass player.


Turn the tables and it's easy to see why you'd want to call these two instead of taking a chance on a total unknown.

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