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found my stolen guitars


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so last Christmas my 2 Guitars got stolen.

A gibson les paul and a G&L ASAT.

so my friend went to this music store about

90 miles from where i live to check on an amp

that he has for sale there and the sales guy

say "hey your not going to believe the guitar

that I got in this weekend on trade.

A G&L ASAT." My buddy says "wow my friend got

one stolen last year"

"really where is your friend from"


"Dude the guy who brought in this guitar was from Lexington"

wah la my guitar has been found the numbers match.

I go there tomarrow to positivly Identify it.


the cop got a lead and as soon as I identify it

they will get a search warrant where they alraedy have a

report the my Gibson is in this 17 yr old named Bobby's



now here is the BS part

I have to buy my G&L from the store to get it back

because the store owns it (some weird law to protect pawn shops).

after a confiction I will get the money form the

fine and restition or something like that.

already called my lawyer and that part is true

nothing i can do.


right now I don't care cause I'm getting my Guitars Back


Kick ASS

Why do you lay down? I say that it beats standing up! whats got you feeling so down? I hold up my empty cup!
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GREAT about getting the guitar back.


WEIRD about having to buy it back.


That'll be cool though when you get refunded from the fine. They definitely oughta throw in a few grand extra for your trouble.

Just a pinch between the geek and chum



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AWWWW-RIGHT! Sad about having to buy your guitar back, but it doesn't always happen that you get one back atall after it's stolen.


Bobby better learn how to sing "Like A Virgin", his cellmate will probably want to hear it a lot...

Always remember that you are unique. Just like everyone else.





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AWWWW-RIGHT! Sad about having to buy your guitar back, but it doesn't always happen that you get one back atall after it's stolen.


Bobby better learn how to sing "Like A Virgin", his cellmate will probably want to hear it a lot...


Nah, his family will probably have to pay a big sum along with him doing community service, that is if things go in his favor.

Never argue with an idiot. They'll bring you down to their level and beat you with experience.





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I'm curious...did you know this 17-year old kid "Bobby"...?


Have you any idea how he would have gotten into a position to know you had those guitars, and also to be able to steal them...?


Not sure of the exact percentage...but I believe the cops say how most times with these types of thefts...it's done by someone who knows you or knows of you, and the items they steel.


Do you think this kid "Bobby" was ever in your place...or was it just a random "accident" that he stole from you...?


Its great it will all work outand a whole year later! :thu:


miroslav - miroslavmusic.com


"Just because it happened to you, it doesn't mean it's important."

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I hope the Gibby does not take a walk between now and the time the warrant is served.


Glad you found them.



I would do things by the book and hopefully by the time it is all said and done you will not be out of pocket.


When I was a kid we were caned by the cops if we could not be tried as an adult. You did not want to be caned.They had a physician there that would check your vitals between each swat....it drew blood and you did not sit on your ass for a week after. While I was caned in school all the time I never had a cop caning, never got in trouble outside of school because I was afraid of the police caning.It was a great deterrent. We are too lenient now, nobody fears the consequences anymore.


This kid needs to get the shit kicked out of him....teach him a lesson he will never forget so he thinks twice before he go's in someone's house again to steal.


BTW, thanks.....I have been meaning to put extra locks on my studio and put up camera's and upgrade our alarm system. Costco has a nice camera set for $144 but I am not sure it records...the nice one's record to a hard drive.

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That's why some Middle Eastern countries have lower crime rates, because if he had been caught over there, he would be missing a hand.


Yeah, it's quite yukky because traditionally, you're supposed to eat with your right hand and wipe your butt with the left. Traditionally, they eat with their hands, and traditionally, it's the right hand they cut off. Yukky yews. :P



Fumblies: I had no idea the cops used to cane people. We used to get the cane at school all the time, but never from a copper. Wow...

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Glad you found your guitars, sorry that the laws are so screwy. Protect the pawn shops? Screw that- they should try to be more careful about buying STOLEN FRIGGIN' GOODS! Any shop that'd make you buy your own stolen guitar from them, law or no law, should be BOYCOTTED, if not caned along with the rotten $4!+$ that stole the guitars! :rolleyes: May they go belly-up, and badly. That's absolutely ridiculous. :mad: They deserve to have their stock stolen and turn-up for sale at an auction so that they have to bid highest to buy it all back...

Ask yourself- What Would Ren and Stimpy Do?


~ Caevan James-Michael Miller-O'Shite ~

_ ___ _ Leprechaun, Esquire _ ___ _

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they should try to be more careful about buying STOLEN GOODS!


My thoughts also....they should get in trouble for fencing stolen goods. THEY should have to reclaim the money they paid the thief, out of the restitution settlement and give the guitar back to the rightful owner.


That is totally screwed!!

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Hey you guys dont know me but I am a friend of bennyguitfiddle and he wanted me to let you know that the POlice recoved the Les Paul tonight and he is going to get the Asat in the morning!!!!!!!!!! Unbelivable that after a year he is getting his main squeezes back
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Wonderful to hear that you got them back - especially the LP.



This is just further proof to me that the laws in this country are engineered in such a way that those who try to do things the right way end up getting screwed, no matter what they do.


It's always your problem if somebody steals from you. Banks tell you it's not their fault that checks came in that obviously didn't match your signature, it's on you to recoup your NSF fees from the person who forged the checks. A pawn shop accepts stolen property, but it's on you to recoup from the thieves whatever the shop wants to charge you to buy back your own damned instrument. Um, hello? Accepting stolen property is a federal crime?

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Wonderful to hear that you got them back - especially the LP.



This is just further proof to me that the laws in this country are engineered in such a way that those who try to do things the right way end up getting screwed, no matter what they do.


It's always your problem if somebody steals from you. Banks tell you it's not their fault that checks came in that obviously didn't match your signature, it's on you to recoup your NSF fees from the person who forged the checks. A pawn shop accepts stolen property, but it's on you to recoup from the thieves whatever the shop wants to charge you to buy back your own damned instrument. Um, hello? Accepting stolen property is a federal crime?


+100 :thu:

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It is a wierd law. In the UK, if you buy stolen goods you have to give the item back to the police so they can return it to the owner. The money you bought the item with, you have to try to get from the theif... So the person who got his geet stolen is never out of pocket.
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:thu: Cool you recovered both instruments!


That is the most ridiculous law... protect pawn shops? :rolleyes:


If the police determine the item is, in fact, stolen then it should be immediately confiscated and reunited with the owner who reported it stolen. If there is a question whether they are, indeed, the legitimate owner then it should be impounded by the police pending the outcome of the investigation. But to make the legitimate owner pay to recover stolen items? That's simply unbelievable.


In most jurisdictions the pawn shop would have to relinquish the stolen item upon discovery it is stolen.. and private citizens would be lucky to not be charged with receiving stolen goods let alone get reimbursement from the owner. They could go after whoever sold them the item if they have information about them.

It's easiest to find me on Facebook. Neil Bergman




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I have been meaning to put extra locks on my studio and put up camera's and upgrade our alarm system. Costco has a nice camera set for $144 but I am not sure it records...the nice one's record to a hard drive.


Sorry to hijack here, but you should get an IP camera and have it send pics to your FTP server when it detects motion. That's what I've been setting up here for the guy that owns those DVD rental kiosks and they work great. I'd be happy to help you set things up if you wanted to go that way.

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Thats just awesome. I had my place broken into in 03 and they stole my guitars (and alot more). Anyway i gave the serial numbers to the police and they put it in their system, apparently when a pawn shop here in canada accepts something they have to run the numbers to make sure the item is not stolen. But if it was found in a pawn shop i would have to buy it back like you. Anyway i hope you can stick it to this kid, i would be looking for some serious revenge.
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I have to disagree dead mike, I had a guitar stolen in Canada 3 years ago that turned up in a pawn shop right away and it went like this: because the pawn shop diligently made the thief show picture ID before they would deal with him, and they wrote down the vitals, I was handed my guitar charge free that day. At that point it was up to the pawn shop to file a victim report that would eventually see them re-imbursed through the legal system. Like used CD stores, pawn shops here have to follow this protocol or they lose the item and the money, plus they can be charged for possession of stolen goods. In this case they even had video of the guy and they picked him up the next day. I also got back about 60 CD's the same way that this guy had taken and sold to a used CD store. The premise is, if the seller is willing to show picture ID the items must be really his to sell. When the cops busted him they found a couple more of my things that I didn't get back right away because they were evidence.



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Wonderful to hear that you got them back - especially the LP.



This is just further proof to me that the laws in this country are engineered in such a way that those who try to do things the right way end up getting screwed, no matter what they do.


It's always your problem if somebody steals from you. Banks tell you it's not their fault that checks came in that obviously didn't match your signature, it's on you to recoup your NSF fees from the person who forged the checks. A pawn shop accepts stolen property, but it's on you to recoup from the thieves whatever the shop wants to charge you to buy back your own damned instrument. Um, hello? Accepting stolen property is a federal crime?


+100 :thu:


OMG, you guys are actually agreeing on something? :o

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Wonderful to hear that you got them back - especially the LP.



This is just further proof to me that the laws in this country are engineered in such a way that those who try to do things the right way end up getting screwed, no matter what they do.


It's always your problem if somebody steals from you. Banks tell you it's not their fault that checks came in that obviously didn't match your signature, it's on you to recoup your NSF fees from the person who forged the checks. A pawn shop accepts stolen property, but it's on you to recoup from the thieves whatever the shop wants to charge you to buy back your own damned instrument. Um, hello? Accepting stolen property is a federal crime?


+100 :thu:


OMG, you guys are actually agreeing on something? :o


I know, but only on two things ...this subject and support of our troops! two things out of possible millions of subjects is not a bad ratio!

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Sorry to hijack here, but you should get an IP camera and have it send pics to your FTP server when it detects motion. That's what I've been setting up here for the guy that owns those DVD rental kiosks and they work great. I'd be happy to help you set things up if you wanted to go that way.


Craig...I haven't looked into IP cameras at all...so if you could answer a couple of questions, as this is interesting.


Is it a standalone camera that you assign a Static IP to, or does it work off a Dynamic IP, and then connects directly to the net, via your typical home/commercial ISP...or does the camera need a host computer, and the IPs are handled by the computer which then connects to the Internet?

Also...how secure is it?

In other words...if you had even a semi-smart thief, could he not just kill your Internet connection by cutting the phone/cable line coming into the house...?

I really like the camera approach...but do you also support that with a nice, loud, internal alarm that can't be easily cut outside the house?

And, what is the cost of the IP camera...and do you have any good sources of info/sales?




My "dream" anti-theft device is something that will first release a fast acting, benign, temporarily paralyzing nerve agent or sleep inducer...and then an alarm.

That way...the thieves can't get away. :)

You then have time to call the cops...and even help them fall down the stairs 2-3 times before the drugs wear off and the cops arrive! ;)


But kidding aside...a smart thief will find a way...so the next best thing is...INSURANCE!

I know a lot of folks have something they could never replace...but about 99% of the "stuff" we own...is replaceable, as long as there is insurance to cover the full value of the item. :thu:


miroslav - miroslavmusic.com


"Just because it happened to you, it doesn't mean it's important."

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