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OT: long cell phone greetings


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We all know how to leave messages right? Why the hell do they read the Gettysburg address on almost every carrier?


You call someone and it tells you that crap for 10 secs. "press 1 to leave a call back number." is usually the culprit. We all know when we are in a hurry and hear that stupid message its annoying.


I would be in a favor of, "please leave a message after the beep--BEEP!" (spoken quick)


I think a cell provider would do good if they just said, "leave a message after the beep" and then it beeped. It is in the same school as pumping gas and then it stalls 60 cents from the dollar and you wait in the FREEEZING cold while it dilly dallies to the dollar amount.


Nobody has ever mentioned this but in Northern states you would think that they would. If a gas station or company makes a commercial like, "you wont freeze your ass off with " " because we know its 0 degrees outside." They would win business. Here in Michigan it is a pet peave. I happen to live near the best gas station on the planet for this. It slows down 10 cents from the dollar amount.


None of that 40 cents and you wait while it slowly moves up..


Ok sorry for the rant, but I have a feeling others have the same feeling about this.

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Or the peron who calls you and askes you YOUR name


A favorite. A call on your HOME phone and the caller asks "where the hell are you"


Voice mail is an evil that some folks have to have. Call me and get mine, it is short and sweet. "I can't answer right now, leave a mesage."




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Unless it's an emergency that I need to explain, I just call, when the answer service comes on I hang up. When the person I called checks their phone they will see they have "Missed 1 Call". They usually dial me back... The phone companys seem to keep you on JUST over one minute so they can charge you for that next minute... It's a communist plot I tell ya'... Just like the "Win a PRS" or "Win a set of Humbuckers" or "Win the Clapton Signature Model Strat...

I gotta' go... gotta' get my lotto tickets... :laugh:

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It's a communist plot I tell ya'... Just like the "Win a PRS" or "Win a set of Humbuckers" or "Win the Clapton Signature Model Strat...

It is a plot, but most of the world is blind to it. Don't you see? They're taking over the world!!!


:D I love conspiracies.


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Please don't tell me you click on those windows!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Yes ...Well gee whiz... It said "Click here to win"... It's like the lotto... I've been practicing winning the lotto so long now I don't know any better... Maybe that's why my spam folder is bulging like a pregnant sow... Oh well...

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Please don't tell me you click on those windows!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Companies I hate - Phone, Electric, Insurance and banks. Only in America do you wait in line for an hour to give someone YOUR money.




Insurance companies are THE WORST!!



"There once was a note, Pure and Easy. Playing so free, like a breath rippling by."






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Okay the thing that pisses me off the most, and I have even tried calling about it to GET IT STOPPED AAAaaaAAAARGh!!!


" You have two unheard messages, the following two messages have not been heard, first unheard message"....shoot me in the head now I cannot stand that. How many G-dforsaken times are they going to tell me the message is unheard????


The other one is the "You have reached a person who is not available...to leave a message, either wait for the beep or press one now, when you have finished your message you may press pound for more options, to page this person press star now, please start your message..."


Seriously a major waste of my time....I want "Hey this is Jack, I cannot get to the phone right now, please leave a message and thanks for calling" BEEP...recording...


Just like that fast and efficient. I do not need a recorded messsage telling me how to use my phone every dadblasted time for Pete's sake. Are people so stupid that they actually need this. I mean how about an option to turn that off, like turning off the info windows on a computer? All that other stuff is eating up airtime and is really annoying considering how efficient it could be so easily.

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The thing that gets me, is with the network my work cell is on. If I am in the middle of something, like on my knees under a desk or up in a roofspace.. or whatever and my phone goes off, I can't always answer it. So it goes to voicemail, fine. Then the voicemail service rings me every 5 minutes to tell me I have a message. Now that is annoying.
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Voicemail all around has gotten worse. We use the Audix system where I work, and it starts out with 'your call is being answered by Audix'... and goes on for so long telling you about your options that you forget what you wanted to say in the first place. It is just as bad retreiving messages. I have to listen for 5 minutes of going through passwords and prompts, when the call came in, how long the call is, if you want to listen, press... and then after all that, it's 5 seconds of breathing and click.


Technology at its finest.

"Political language... is designed to make lies sound truthful and murder respectable, and to give an appearance of solidity to pure wind"- George Orwell
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