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Dream Theater without a bassist on 7-28!


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I saw Dream Theater in Berkeley on 7-28. It was a drive there and drive home affair and regretably I did not get to hook up with our esteemed Jeremy Cohen. :(

We arrived at the tail end of the opening act who, I'm guessing, was a local group. Lots of shrill screaming, speed metal riffs and twirling hair. My girlfriend loves music, is a great sport (and a Depeche Mode diehard) but had never heard DT before. She looked at me like "3 hours of this? Really?".

At any rate, when DT hit the stage naturally the small, seated venue came unglued. We had good seats (row 20, slightly left of center stage) but it seemed like the sound was just . . . wrong? I couldn't hear John Myung at all! I could clearly see his fingers flying but could not feel or hear the bass with the exception of his short solos - and even then it was vague. I took a walk to get my "G" some water so I cruised downfront and still nothing. Plenty (and I mean plenty) of kick but no bass. I was very disappointed.

But! They did put on a great show playing for 2 1/2 hours and covering everything from their days as Dynasty right up to present day efforts. My favorite was "Lines In The Sand" - extremely well played with an amazing guitar solo in the slow middle passage - I actually got misty. Great job with material selection and Petrucci and Portnoy amazed as always. There is never enough to be said for Jordan Rudess' keyboard talents and even LaBries voice seemed good to me but, no John Myung.

I do have to comment on one other thing. The very last note of the show was the absolute highest I have ever heard on a guitar! I was amazed as he kneeled down over a stage monitor and rang this note for probably 30 seconds while the crowd went bananas and Portnoy beat the crap out of his set. Great ending to a great show and my Bjork-Madonna-Depeche Mode fan? She admitted to being amazed at the talent and diversity. However, I do owe her a concert of her choice now - lord help me.

"He is to music what Stevie Wonder is to photography." getz76


I have nothing nice to say so . . .


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Actually, lately John has been playing a 5-string Music Man Bongo. But, yeah, he is who influenced me to buy my 6-string.


I have a ticket to see them on Aug 10 in Chicago...bought my ticket the morning they went on sale and managed to get a great seat...CAN'T WAIT! Will be the 4th time I have seen them live. AND, I am going to a meet and greet with Portnoy the day of the show!!! :D


On a side note about Myung...I read that he actually "warms down" after each show?!? Very interesting...

My doctor says I'm A.D.D. - I just like to think of it as "multi-tasking"...


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Not hearing Myung live is a pretty common thing with that band. I've seen them (I believe) three times and only once could I actually hear him. The rest of the times it was like you describe - only hear him when the little solo bits pop out and even then it is still lacking. That one time that I actually could hear him was pure insanity. He had great tone and was doing insane things all night long.


On a side note about Myung...I read that he actually "warms down" after each show?!? Very interesting...


My bass teacher in college always told me to do that. I rarely do. Sometimes I will after a 3+ hour practice session. It does help.

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In the article it stated that JM spends a total of 4 hours each show just on warm up and warm down...yesh!

My doctor says I'm A.D.D. - I just like to think of it as "multi-tasking"...


Ibanez SR-505

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argh I don't want that. I seeing the in october, hopefully the sound tech will be a bass player and boost myung




"And then the magical unicorn will come prancing down the rainbow and we'll all join hands for a rousing chorus of Kumbaya." - by davio



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One of my favourite tracks along with solitary shell




"And then the magical unicorn will come prancing down the rainbow and we'll all join hands for a rousing chorus of Kumbaya." - by davio



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that sucks. I saw them here in atlanta when they came through with megadeth and they made everyone else look stupid.. DT is one of my favorite bands.


Myung and Petrucci made a pact back in the Majesty days, or even in college, I can't remember right now, to practice for 6 hours every day.


As far as I know, Myung still does. And yes, he warms up and down, before and after each show.


That is a dedicated bassist!


Edit: As another aside, my wife took me to see Rush on the vapor trails tour, but I later had to pay the price by taking her to see Bon Jovi..


It's give and take man..

Feel free to visit my band's site

Delusional Mind

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I'm seeing them in Boston on August 21st and there'll be riot if I can't hear John Myung.



ooOOOH maybe i'll go too.

"My two Fender Basses, I just call them "Lesbos" because of the time they spend together in the closet."-Durockrolly


This has been a Maisie production. (Directed in part by Spiderman)

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Dynasty, Majesty, Blasphemy, Insanity . . . Thanks John.


Yeah, this was my third time and the previous 2 shows I could not so much hear Myung as I could feel him and audibly pick him out of the mix. Particularly the Metropolis 2 tour - he was very present in the mix at that show. This time he just wasn't there.

I'm not sure if they had a good tech - or at least not their usual. Whoever was running the board was missing mic cues and solos all night long.

Warming down? Hmmmm. Interesting theory. I'm guessing you're referrring to the equivilent of "walking it off" after a sprint? Is there some medical advantage or it this strictly an adrenaline thing?

"He is to music what Stevie Wonder is to photography." getz76


I have nothing nice to say so . . .


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Warming down? Hmmmm. Interesting theory. I'm guessing you're referrring to the equivilent of "walking it off" after a sprint?


Yes. After prolonged periods of ripping notes off like there's no tomorrow your fingers get quite the workout. The idea of warming down is playing a lot of slower/longer notes. Honestly I've never noticed a difference on occasions where I did or didn't warm down.

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I've seen DT many a few times and alas once in a great while I could hear Myung through the chaos but not too often. But still always impressive!


I am guessing that a finger exercise warm down for Myung is like an athlete's post stretching regiment. It would help with cramping and releasing lactic acid in the muscles.


One quick note. I saw DT in Boston with Queensryche a few years back. Both were coming back for the encore but with the outdoor (music tent) noise restriction DT time was running a bit over. So what do they do?

1. Cut their last song? (Learning to Live)

2. Invite QR out to finish it with them instead of play Won't Get Fooled Again?

3. Play the entire song in double time to get the encore in under the curfew?


A: #3 It was one of the craziest things I have seen. It seemed LaBrie was having the most trouble keeping up. John John n Jordan were nose deep in concentration while Portnoy is laughing away watching from his throne.

Great Band!




Don't have a job you don't enjoy. If you're happy in what you're doing, you'll like yourself, you'll have inner peace. ~ Johnny Carson
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I don't recall there ever being a problem with teh mix at any of the shows I have seen...I will definitely be paying close attention.


I have to warm up before a show, at least 2 hours. I did make the mistake once, early on, of warming up/reviewing songs for 7 hours before a show...big mistake. Doh! We play 4 hour shows with only two 20 minute breaks...half way into the first set I started losing hand strength...needless to say the rest of the show was a huge struggle.


Brocko...that is friggin' funny what they did.

My doctor says I'm A.D.D. - I just like to think of it as "multi-tasking"...


Ibanez SR-505

Ibanez SRX-595 (sold...)

Peavey Tour 700

Hartke 8x10

Boss GT-8 multi-effects board

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He has a Bongo 6 stringer now.


I think that he is a very talented bassist but it's pointless for him (or any bassplayer) to be in that band.

Nothing is as it seems but everything is exactly what it is - B. Banzai


Life is what happens while you are busy playing in bands.

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He has a Bongo 6 stringer now.


I think that he is a very talented bassist but it's pointless for him (or any bassplayer) to be in that band.


I don't know about that. On the albums his bass is pretty killer, he always gets a great tone, and you certainly hear him. And those unison lines he does with the guitar and keyboard...wow.

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There is no such think as a 6 six string Bongo.


He uses a 5 string bongo, in grey with black pearloid pick guard.






"And then the magical unicorn will come prancing down the rainbow and we'll all join hands for a rousing chorus of Kumbaya." - by davio



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There is no such think as a 6 six string Bongo.


you're a 6 six string bongo.




Excellent, I thought those comments were only going to stick to the original thread, but it seems it has infiltrated other threads as well, just as planned...

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There is no such think as a 6 six string Bongo.


He uses a 5 string bongo, in grey with black pearloid pick guard.




Oh ye of little faith :grin:



Nothing is as it seems but everything is exactly what it is - B. Banzai


Life is what happens while you are busy playing in bands.

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Please forgive me. My bad.


Nice pic BTW

For penance (sp?) you can send one to me (any color, I am not picky).

I am liking that 6 a lot... gas pain rising....



Oh, You're a BTW, BTW. :)


Don't have a job you don't enjoy. If you're happy in what you're doing, you'll like yourself, you'll have inner peace. ~ Johnny Carson
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