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OT whats evryone doin for the summer?


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Well I have already done my stuff with family. Went to some caravan park then down to visit my grandma and granddad. Now I am back and off berry picking hopefully get enough money to go see my grand parents again or buy some wood. :)

Okay I got my hair cut! Its now this short *shows how short using hand*


Lets get down to business gentlemen! I want that bagel now!...Don't forget the lettuce!

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Work; family; gig; vacation. It's a way of life.


Working a standard 40 hours, business is semi-slow right now (thus I get to read & post!). But it pays the bills and most of the vacation.


Family likes to go to the pool (we belong to a swim club that's a block a way from our house). Two of my kids are in plays in local theater; last set of shows is this weekend. Very busy over the last two weeks (and this week) with full rehearsals & tech weeks. My wife is the costume manager, so she's had to be there a lot, too. Which means special time with me and my 5 year old. Take him to the pool, watch a movie (even if it's the same one he's watched 20 times in the last month- "Lion King II"), read with him (he's quite advanced at this)... and last night I "changed strings on his guitar". It's one of those guitar shaped electronic thingies with buttons on the neck that trigger sounds... He'd been asking for real strings on it, so I took it apart and strung some acoustic strings throught the holes on the speaker cover. He's in heaven now with his first "real " guitar... He's actually a great percussionist. very good sense of rhythm.


Gig: since our singer came back from maternity leave in June, we've had 3 gigs already; another one this Saturday at a retreat house/campground. Should be fun. Beautiful mountainside scenery, and a decent sized stage. Plus, we get free ice cream! What's not to like? I was hoping we'd have 2 new songs to debut at this show, but the rest of the band isn't as confident with them yet. But they will be ready for our end of August show; then we play 5 times in September (nothing like live playing to bring the songs to life). My hope is to record at least an EP in the fall; but that takes time & money, the two least-available assets right now. Hopefuly the full schedule of gigs will help alleviate one of those issues! For those who care, gig schedule available at www.Awestruck-band.com


Vacation: One big trip this year; going to Walt Disney World in mid-August. Really looking forward to it; its been 10 years since we last went there. 2 new children to introduce to the magic of Disney!





"Am I enough of a freak to be worth paying to see?"- Separated Out (Marillion)

NEW band Old band


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Well, I was gonna go on a mission trip to Hong Kong, but I didn't raise enough money to pay for the ticket, so I won't be going. Anybody need a flight case?

Always remember that you are unique. Just like everyone else.





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I have the opportunity to help build/organize a large stage/play/musical that will run hopefully 5-6 days a week. It will be mostly a tourist attraction and also aimed at conventions. If it goes forward, I will probably be spending 50 to 60 hours a week with it.


"Democracy is two wolves and a lamb, voting on what to eat for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb, contesting the vote."

Benjamin Franklin

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Staying in London...six weeks off work (day job) doing 'dad' stuff and encouraging my wife to finish her Masters thesis - she's a major procrastinator.

Getting my fretless fingerboard smoothed; practising like crazy; learning Cubase and some home-recording; lots of gigs and some new projects hopefully.

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Staying in London too, I don't get summer holidays this year co's I've just started a new job. My parents are coming over in August (god i miss them don't see them since xmas) Will be playing and that's about it.

Have loads of overtime to do so i can have a good holiday on the new year's eve time.


that's about it






"And then the magical unicorn will come prancing down the rainbow and we'll all join hands for a rousing chorus of Kumbaya." - by davio



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Pretty much the same old stuff as the rest of the year here as well. Mostly working and trying to gig once a month.


I did make it to the beach in Galveston and got back yesterday from a short trip to Florida. I'm also planning on going tubing in the Comal River near San Marcos, TX in the next 6 weeks.

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...and encouraging my wife to finish her Masters thesis - she's a major procrastinator.

Once again I was scanning too fast and got confused. Somebody trying to get their Masters in Procrastination will never get their thesis done. If they did finish, they don't deserve the degree.


For the first 10 years of my band's existence, we played a party at the guitarist's house. Both the band and the party got too big, and last year there was no party. This year the party's on, and the band will be playing mostly acoustic for a nice change of pace.


No real vacation planned, and I've been getting slammed at work. May try to steal a long weekend with my wife. I've been enjoying the landscaping that was done last year.


I don't get much more tan, but I burn well...




Acoustic Color


Be practical as well as generous in your ideals. Keep your eyes on the stars and keep your feet on the ground. - Theodore Roosevelt

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...and encouraging my wife to finish her Masters thesis - she's a major procrastinator.

Once again I was scanning too fast and got confused. Somebody trying to get their Masters in Procrastination will never get their thesis done. If they did finish, they don't deserve the degree.


For the first 10 years of my band's existence, we played a party at the guitarist's house. Both the band and the party got too big, and last year there was no party. This year the party's on, and the band will be playing mostly acoustic for a nice change of pace.


No real vacation planned, and I've been getting slammed at work. May try to steal a long weekend with my wife. I've been enjoying the landscaping that was done last year.


I don't get much more tan, but I burn well...




Acoustic Color


Be practical as well as generous in your ideals. Keep your eyes on the stars and keep your feet on the ground. - Theodore Roosevelt

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I too majored in procrastination. I am going to finish that thesis tomorrow, really!


For me summer is work, work, work. This year there is no qualified help to be had so it's just little old me.

Finishing up a kitchen addition and then starting a massive 2 story deck job that will take me through to mid September. Maybe a trip to Mexico after that to touch some ruins - or maybe a remodel and Mexico in November. Dunno yet.

I take every other weekend off to be with my son and try to fish when he is here. Juggling to find time to spend with my new girl Heidi The Nordic Princess, (who has an incredible voice and is an Abba fan?) gigging a couple times a month and working some more.


Pretty typical summer actually.



"He is to music what Stevie Wonder is to photography." getz76


I have nothing nice to say so . . .


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