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Master P gets arrested for a non-crime

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Master P was boarding a plane in Newark with a firearm legally checked in his luggage. this was not a problem. Then the screeners found hollowpoint rounds in his bag, and he was arrested. Apparently hollowpoints, which are available at any gun shop, sporting goods store, or even Walmart anywhere else in the country, are illegal in New Jersey. P was arrested for - get this - "possession of deadly ammunition." As we say in the South, do what? First of all, can someone explain to me what constitutes NON-deadly ammunition? And are they aware in New Jersey that hollowpoint slugs, which mushroom more dramatically and transfer more shock into their target, are actually LESS dangerous (to anyone besides their target) than round-tip or jacketed bullets, which have a greater tendency to pass through the human body and into innocent bystanders? And are they aware that someone could buy round tip lead slugs, take them out to the car, and make them into hollowpoints with an icepick? These are the lengths to which zealous governments will go in order to infringe your Second Amendment rights any way they can. Deadly ammo. Puh-leeze. I don't care what your opinion on gun rights is - it's a short hop from outlawing bullets to outlawing guns, and neither is the solution to crime that the gun grabbers think it is. No hollowpoints? I'll make my own with that icepick. No guns at all? [i]I'll use the icepick.[/i] Ban icepicks? I'll grab a damn [i]rock[/i] off the ground and rob you with THAT.

"I had to have something, and it wasn't there. I couldn't go down the street and buy it, so I built it."


Les Paul

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[quote]Originally posted by Kcbass: [b]I was wondering if you could transport a firearm on the plane. Visiting my ex-home town without one is suicidal. Kcbass[/b][/quote]Uh...not in your carry-on, of course. Unloaded, properly packed and in your check-in luggage as long as it's registered. I didn't want to see a bad news story about you. :) - Jeff
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[quote]Originally posted by Jeff the Weasel: [b]Uh... not in your carry-on, of course. Unloaded, properly packed and in your check-in luggage as long as it's registered. I didn't want to see a bad news story about you. :) - Jeff[/b][/quote]Jeff is right, but you must declare it at check in, and fill out a form. It must be in a locked case inside you luggage, and there can be no ammo in the same locked case. The form is left inside the luggage, but outside the locked case. Should they try to put a sticker on your luggage declaring a firearm inside, remind that that that is no longer allowed. However, the gun does NOT have to be registered. Most states don't require pistol [i]registration.[/i] It all depends on your local laws. Here in GA, we don't have pistol permits [i]per se,[/i] just a "Firearms License" that allows us to carry concealed. People here are allowed to carry in their car, or on their property openly without any type of license. I have several pistols that were bought privately, and the Government know nothing about, but are completely legal. Only the ones I've bought at a gunshop have a 4471 (the National Instant Check System form) submitted on them. Jersey is known for its prohibitive gun laws, and do everything they can to make it hard. The "Deadly Ammunition" law IS a joke; as posted above, all ammunition is deadly. Many times in friendly debate about pistol caliber stopping power, people will say anything less than 9mm isn't enough. I'll jokingly tell them that I'd be happy to place a couple of .22's between their nipples to see if it stops them or not, but no one's taken me up on it yet. :D Laws like this make me even happier that I left NY, which has the same stupid type laws. California and Hawaii are just as bad. ..Joe
Setup: Korg Kronos 61, Roland XV-88, Korg Triton-Rack, Motif-Rack, Korg N1r, Alesis QSR, Roland M-GS64 Yamaha KX-88, KX76, Roland Super-JX, E-Mu Longboard 61, Kawai K1II, Kawai K4.
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Master P is a stupid idiot. In these times with the fear of terrorism so great, you can't even get on a plane with a cigarette lighter or a Swiss Army knife with a 1' blade. Why should an exemption for ammunition be made? Everyone knows how much searching goes on getting onto an airplane. And what about his prior record? Of course he's going to come under extra scrutiny, he deserves it. He deserved getting arrested for intense stupidity.

"The hottest places in hell are reserved for those who in a period of moral crisis

maintain their neutrality."


[Dante Alighieri] (1265-1321)

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My understanding is that hollowpoint bullets do so much internal damage, the chances a gunshot victim will suffer fatal damage is almost assured. While this seems logical as a plus for self defense, I believe their arguement is that you can injure and incapacitate someone without killing them with a round tip bullet. A far preferable outcome in the eyes of the law. I'm not agreeing or disagreeing with the law. But I can see why they would prefer to reduce fatalities except in situations where the shooter INTENDS to kill. For law abiding gun owners, in subdueing an attacker, you can still kill someone rather easily with round tips. But for those instances where the shooter is not right to kill, hollow tips make the choice shoot & kill or don't shoot. There's little room to simply stop the attack without killing. None the less, this is no more idiotic than Virginia, et. al. criminalizing radar detectors. The fact remains, if you, unknowingly, posess a radar detector in Virginia and get caught, you've committed a crime whether it is on or not. As a responsible gun owner, [i]you[/i] need to be aware of federal, state, and local laws wherever you transport and/or use your firearm. If Master P is too stupid to check out the laws, that's his problem for actively staying ignorant.

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