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Informal Drop In OT Thread

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"Haven't I seen your face before?" a judge demanded,

looking down at the defendant.


"You have, Your Honor," the man answered hopefully.

"I gave your son guitar lessons last winter."


"Ah, yes," recalled the judge. "Twenty years!"

If you think my playing is bad, you should hear me sing!
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1) That price will not stay that low.

2) It praobably weighs 87213649876345 lbs.

3) Meh... :P


Does someone need a Midol?

"He is to music what Stevie Wonder is to photography." getz76


I have nothing nice to say so . . .


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Oh. Well, look on the bright side. My life really rocks right now and it's my birthday. Is it you're birthday? No,I think not, so be nice.

"He is to music what Stevie Wonder is to photography." getz76


I have nothing nice to say so . . .


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Found on Fark:

Bar owner sued by music publishers for letting bands play cover songs by artists like Tom Petty, Bob Seger, and Stone Temple Pilots. "How does this little place do irreparable damage to some Joe Blow who wrote a song 20 years ago?"


Acticle here

If you think my playing is bad, you should hear me sing!
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Legally, yeah. Morally, what the hell?


What about all the songs that were played that night that were covered by BMC, etc. A tiny biker bar that probably doesn't even have their own PA has to pay $1500/year to ASCAP and who knows what to other organizations...if they carry this further the only place to hear recognizable songs will be big venues.


Then again, maybe this is a good thing in that original bands will once more have a shot at being heard...?

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Brings to mind a quote. I watched Sin City again last night and the crooked Senator Roark said "Once you got everybody agreeing with what they know in their hearts ain't true, you've got 'em by the balls."
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Pretty quiet around here now the kids have gone home, and so, since tomorrow is Saturday here is a couple of 'tubes:


love this - in more ways than one:


This is the original - got all weepy hearing it again:


enjoy ... (I'm just going to watch them again)

Epi EB-3

G-K Backline 600

2 x Eden EX112


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Man, I am soooo steamed!


I'm trying to get back into the whole classic rock thing. So, I grab a clipboard, some paper and my Millenium V and head on out to the local watering hole that sponsors a jam nite on Thursday.


I know the guy running well enough and he's usually pretty cool about letting me spell the bassist for the house band for a song or four. Problem is, I don't want to smell up the joint and at the same time I want to look good for the other musicians in the club that may be contemplating a bassist.


The goal here is to get a song list for the house band, go home, download some MP3's onto the MP-BT1 and do some woodshedding. So I'm getting ready to leave and my son wants to tag along. But first he has to misplace his cell phone (which I find out later was at some friend's house). He's been gone for three days and has been sleeping on the couch for the last three hours and blew off dinner.


Problem #1 - good friend and drummer from the ex-jazz band is havinga B-day at another bar and grill on the other end of town. Not that bad I figure, I'll miss the house band's first set, get there about 9:30 when the first of the jam bands are winding down and see whats up.


That pretty much goes according to plan. Good friend drummer is lamenting that his 80's project isn't gelling like he had hoped. I finally conceded that I would chair if he wanted until he could find a bassist or as long as it didn't suck too bad. I'd been praciticing some 80's dance crap for another audition that kinda puked out, so I figure I spend $8.56 at Amazon for the MP3, why not, right? Then my son partakes in some hot wings and makes himself sick.


Problem #2 - I get to the jam nite bar, order a beer and put my bass up against the usual spot on the wall behind me. Goth-Chick barmaid runs me up my usual (I tip VERY well). Then asks my son for ID. His reply is "I'm not drinking tonight!" Odd, I thought, since I usally pay. She ask for the ID again stating that whole state law thing. During the course of looking for his cell phone, he removed the wallet from his pants and left the house without it.


So I slam the beer, leave a $1 tip for a $3.50 Lite, storm out of the bar (with my bass) and procede to "F#$k! F#$k! F#$!" to the car. That, and coupled with the fact that he can't locate his house key (the dog sitter locks the house up after she visits) so he's been entering the house via the back bedroom window (evidenced by the fact that the screen is STILL laying on the ground next to the garage). I'm blaming it on the fact that this must be the responsibility of the mother's half of his genetic material.


Problem #3 - I'm doing RadCon training to a bunch of demolition workers. One of the guys has longish hair; similar in length to mine. After catching some light hearted greif about getting a respirator off with long hair, the subject of my not getting it cut after I quit my band was broached. Turns out long-haired D&D worker is a drummer in a local band and they were playing yet another watering hole tonight. Drove out there to see him play (and hopefully get some networking done). Turns out the out of town band flaked, so the owner shut downt the whole show.


Two nights of fun, frolic and frivolity involving music and I'm home by 9:30 both nights.


My life sucks. Thank you for listening to me whine.


Sorry about the anal leakage, Moot.


Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn


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Wow, what an exciting life you have my friend.


Nothing like that here. Oh! My son won a scholarship to an Engineering/Technology school and moved an hour and a half away so there is nothing holding me here any more - unless the fishing picks up. My son is 12 BTW. I had no idea he was so bright.


The band i didn't like is headlining a 6 band show July 11th and i've decided I like them.


I am almost done moving, I have plenty of work and my dog loves me.

"He is to music what Stevie Wonder is to photography." getz76


I have nothing nice to say so . . .


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Mine's 22. He has a DUI, a child out of wedlock, didn't finish college and is habitually underemployed. I'm not bragging ...


Are you opportunist or just fickle?


I'm not moving ever again, I've plenty of work and my girls love me, too. Guess it's not all bad.


Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn


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Oh, I'm plenty fickle my friend. My life has been in flux for 4 years and I've just learned to laugh and accept it.

Truth be told I would trade with ya big guy.

You've got it all over me.

"He is to music what Stevie Wonder is to photography." getz76


I have nothing nice to say so . . .


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Well, I am almost done moving and now I can seriously shop for a cab. I've settled on Avatar and am thinking the neo 212. Dave assures me this cab will get lower and louder than the 410 - naturally he suggested I buy both.

The 112 is attractive too because of the size/weight ratio and i have heard they are very loud for their size - kinda like Davio.

"He is to music what Stevie Wonder is to photography." getz76


I have nothing nice to say so . . .


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I vouch for Avatar's 2x10, the added oomph from the 2x12 should be splendid. I was thinking of picking one up before the price increased, but it's still not terribly out of range.


The 112 is attractive too because of the size/weight ratio and i have heard they are very loud for their size - kinda like Davio.


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I played a blues jam several months ago where the house bass player used a nice powerful Carvin power amp and a Demeter VTBP-201S pre through an Avatar 212 sitting on an Avater 112. Dumbest setup ever when you think about how hard that single speaker was working. The house guy made it sound pretty nice (could've just been all the money he threw at the top of the stack...and the sweet bass he was playing) but it sounded like poop for everybody else that played through it.


I don't know if that has to do with the speakers at all. Just an observation. Like when I say moot is fat and ugly.

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You've got it all over me.

Not gonna ask...


I just wonder when the mods are going to get around to locking everyone out of this thread but us.

They don't have to. Nobody else bothers to check this thread anymore.

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You've got it all over me.

Not gonna ask...


I just wonder when the mods are going to get around to locking everyone out of this thread but us.

They don't have to. Nobody else bothers to check this thread anymore.

You are correct sir! Have another donut.

If you think my playing is bad, you should hear me sing!
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