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Invite to GP Focus Group

Editor Boy

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Hi Forum Cats...


2007 mark's GUITAR PLAYER's 40th anniversary, and the staff is currently involved in a brand audit to determine how we should evolve the magazine and plan content next year.


If you think it would be fun to sit in a conference room for a couple of hours and launch your opinions, comments, and suggestions at the GP staff, I will happily invite you down to our office in San Mateo, California this August (date and time will be posted in a later e-mail) to listen to our tentative plans and share your thoughts.


This is a total volunteer gig -- There is no pay other than a reasonable lunch with the GP staff and our sincere appreciation and thanks for helping us guide the next evolution of your (hopefully) favorite guitar magazine.


Of course, forum members who do not live in the Bay Area are welcome to post comments and wish lists in this forum, or in the GP Editors' Office.


We respect your opinions and experience -- So do you want to sit face to face with us and share your likes, dislikes, desires, and disappointments?


Post your wishes here, and I'll contact you. Conference roon space is limited, and we can probably only accommodate ten forum members, so the first ten who raise their hands are IN.


What say you?




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I think that is a very generous offer, and I think it is a very smart move. For us (the consumer), it is an opportunity to help make the magazine what we want it to be.


I wish I were in the Bay Area. I would certainly participate in that.

"And so I definitely, when I have a daughter, I have a lot of good advice for her."

~Paris Hilton




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I would love to be there, too. But I live in NYC, and if and when I get a vacation, I have a wife who might not want to sit there listening to me discuss guitar issues....


But in the aftermath, once you issue the points discussed, I will be happy to comment.


Off the top of my head, I can't think of a lot to criticize. Perhaps the artists you feature this month are not at the top of my hit parade, but there's always next month... and you guys DO make sure past masters are not forgotten, and give a shot to the up-and-comers!


As long as you provide good instructional material, even if I think each and everyone of the featured artists SUCKS, it's still money well spent! (I'm a lot less likely to use that word now than I used to be!)


I would like to see more classical and fingerstyle material/interviews, but I guess that's what FRETS is for!

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I can't be there, but I have two ideas.


First, take a bunch of guitars, stock, vintage, and modified (like, non-stock pickups). Tune them up. Cover the headstock with a black plastic bag or something. Take a player into a room and have him play them, and comment on the sounds. Do this with several guys,,, doesn't matter who, but staff or known players would be better. Reveal the guitars, and take the comments then. Should be interesting.


Similar idea. Boutique amps are all the rage. Invite a handful of boutique manufacturers to provide amps for a test. Put all of the amps behind a black screen, feed the inputs to a switching system, and allow the players to switch between them and comment.


The important factors in both cases is that there is only one player in the room, to try to get each players unvarnished comments, uninfluenced by the others. (It might also be interewsting to then bring in the whole group and have them discuss nuances as they pass around the guitar.) And that there is no way for the player to accurately identify the amp or the guitar.



"I believe that entertainment can aspire to be art, and can become art, but if you set out to make art you're an idiot."


Steve Martin


Show business: we're all here because we're not all there.



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Originally posted by Bill@Welcome Home Studios:

First, take a bunch of guitars, stock, vintage, and modified (like, non-stock pickups). Tune them up. Cover the headstock with a black plastic bag or something. Take a player into a room and have him play them, and comment on the sounds. Do this with several guys,,, doesn't matter who, but staff or known players would be better. Reveal the guitars, and take the comments then. Should be interesting.

Excellent idea! Bravo!
What a horrible night to have a curse.
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Originally posted by Xplorer:

Originally posted by Bill@Welcome Home Studios:

First, take a bunch of guitars, stock, vintage, and modified (like, non-stock pickups). Tune them up. Cover the headstock with a black plastic bag or something. Take a player into a room and have him play them, and comment on the sounds. Do this with several guys,,, doesn't matter who, but staff or known players would be better. Reveal the guitars, and take the comments then. Should be interesting.

Excellent idea! Bravo!
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Originally posted by TheOtherLee:

Originally posted by Xplorer:

Originally posted by Bill@Welcome Home Studios:

First, take a bunch of guitars, stock, vintage, and modified (like, non-stock pickups). Tune them up. Cover the headstock with a black plastic bag or something. Take a player into a room and have him play them, and comment on the sounds. Do this with several guys,,, doesn't matter who, but staff or known players would be better. Reveal the guitars, and take the comments then. Should be interesting.

Excellent idea! Bravo!
This is a great idea.

Never argue with an idiot. They'll bring you down to their level and beat you with experience.





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Originally posted by Eric Iverson:

I would love to be there, too. But I live in NYC, and if and when I get a vacation, I have a wife who might not want to sit there listening to me discuss guitar issues......

(Looking skeptical) This is one of those time share deals, isn't it. You'll get me to the Bay Area, Editor Boy, and get me all excited, but in the end I'll only get to play the guitar and amp one week out of the year! ;):D


Like Eric, though I'd love to join you, I don't think we'll be able to afford a vacation to San Francisco next year. Maybe I can convince her to visit my best friend in Palo Alto..

It's easiest to find me on Facebook. Neil Bergman




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Originally posted by Eric Iverson:


Off the top of my head, I can't think of a lot to criticize. Perhaps the artists you feature this month are not at the top of my hit parade, but there's always next month... and you guys DO make sure past masters are not forgotten, and give a shot to the up-and-comers!


As long as you provide good instructional material, even if I think each and everyone of the featured artists SUCKS, it's still money well spent! (I'm a lot less likely to use that word now than I used to be!)


I would like to see more classical and fingerstyle material/interviews, but I guess that's what FRETS is for!

I'd fall into line pretty closely with Eric's comments (although, why should I have to buy an extra mag to get the content I really want? :mad: ). The most important feature of the magazine to me continues to be the instructional stuff which has, imo, greatly improved over what was included a few years ago.


Given that the vast majority of us won't be in attendence, arrangements should be made to have the discussion streamed live. That way our insightful comments and collective wisdom will be more to the point and on subject.

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Cool idea about the "blindfold" testing of guitars and stuff Bill.


But..but but what if the guitar loses it's tuning when it has a bag over it's head? I guess the player could kind of slip his/her hand inside the bag and feel around for the right tuner heh.


But then they might try to sneak a Braille type reading of the logo while they're in there! :D

Just a pinch between the geek and chum



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Originally posted by Justus A. Picker:

Given that the vast majority of us won't be in attendence, arrangements should be made to have the discussion streamed live. That way our insightful comments and collective wisdom will be more to the point and on subject.

Another good call.
What a horrible night to have a curse.
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Originally posted by Bejeeber:

...what if the guitar loses it's tuning when it has a bag over it's head? ... :D

Two options.... I suggested a bag, because you could tune through the bag without getting into it. Oh, but being an old sound guy, I should have suggested a Crown Royal bag, and the odl sound guys will know what I mean. Option 2.... if the frigggin' &^%$^$^&*&&&&&!!!!!! guitar won't stay in tune, yank it. Gone from consideration, with prejudice.




"I believe that entertainment can aspire to be art, and can become art, but if you set out to make art you're an idiot."


Steve Martin


Show business: we're all here because we're not all there.



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Originally posted by Bill@Welcome Home Studios:

Originally posted by Bejeeber:

...what if the guitar loses it's tuning when it has a bag over it's head? ... :D

Two options.... I suggested a bag, because you could tune through the bag without getting into it. Oh, but being an old sound guy, I should have suggested a Crown Royal bag, and the odl sound guys will know what I mean. Option 2.... if the frigggin' &^%$^$^&*&&&&&!!!!!! guitar won't stay in tune, yank it. Gone from consideration, with prejudice.




I've got an idea, instead of a bag use a skirt.



No, wait... that would probubly be hard to keep our hands out of.

What a horrible night to have a curse.
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Are there NO Bay Area based forum peoples who want to help the GP staff evolve this fine magazine.


I dig the comments -- thanks tons for all your ideas -- but I want to meet you cats face-to-face.


Save me,


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Wanna come over to my house? I'll give you lunch and dinner. Hell, you are welcome to stay over! Lets make it a weekend. :D


Seriously, I'll contact my brother, who lives in Mill Valley, and is a pretty serious guitarist, who I'm pretty sure does read your mag. Perhaps, he'll be interested.


I don't get all the guitar mags. I don't read music, and many of them have a lot of music, that I'll never be able to benifit from. I do like Vintage Guitar Mag's interest in vintage equipment. Perhaps you could cover that vintage stuff (guitars and amps) more frequently. Also, a column about current acts that our sick radio/music industry do not support, but who are really good, would be cool. Radio used to serve this function, but today fails miserably. Your mag could review new albums that we'll never hear on radio, but that are worth our interest.


I would love to be there, but the distance, and the proximity to the actual time you will have your meeting is too close. Sorry.


Kudos to your for the invite. :thu:



"There once was a note, Pure and Easy. Playing so free, like a breath rippling by."






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Originally posted by Editor Boy:



Are there NO Bay Area based forum peoples who want to help the GP staff evolve this fine magazine.


I dig the comments -- thanks tons for all your ideas -- but I want to meet you cats face-to-face.


Save me,


I am from the L.A. area but I am taking a trip to the Sacramento Delta next week. Could easily swing west to the San Mateo area if the dates coordinate!!!



If you can't say it in 12 bars... then it can't be said!

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Sorry, please disregard the bable that goes beyond this and carry onto the next post after this one.. thats what I get for not reading through all the posts first before commenting. sorry :)


This day and age, for those that may not be able to travel.. would more then likely love to have say.... Interent conference View with the rest of the board members? say Locked video conference. I'm sure there's a network connection in the board room.. and someone has a laptop they could donate to the cause to have say.. a select 10 online members to be able to join in the discussion =) there fore allowing an additional 10 to attend and voice thoughts and opinions as well.. mind you they miss out on the Fine Food Spreadout Luncheon.. but at least they get to brain bash with the rest =) just an idea? :D .. Sure there's a couple of Mod's that would love to join in but travel might be out of the question?


The above comment is ment to all the forums.. I know that there's no other forums other then guitar.. but just incase the idea spreads to them as well and this idea carrys further?

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Originally posted by Editor Boy:



Are there NO Bay Area based forum peoples who want to help the GP staff evolve this fine magazine.


I dig the comments -- thanks tons for all your ideas -- but I want to meet you cats face-to-face.


Save me,


Well, I'm from NYC, too, but I'm in Monterey this weekend for the vintage car historic races and the Pebble Beach Concours d'Elegance, so if you can do something tonight or toworrow, I'm in....
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Good idea Bluesape, theres really no way I could get out there unless it was winning a contest.

Maybe after the focus group you could take some of the main ideas and points that were brought up and share them with the forum, so all of us that can't get out there can still have their opinions heard.

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Originally posted by Eric Iverson:

I would like to see more classical and fingerstyle material/interviews, but I guess that's what FRETS is for!

"FRETS" suggests all fretted instruments. The name "Guitar Player" suggests GUITARS, which is what classical and acoustic GUITARS ARE! GUITARS! REAL GUITARS! Not planks of wood w/ strings and magnetic pickups plugged into amplifiers, going through a thousand pedals (J/K!) :P . Now seriously, think what a "guitar" is, and its types and variations. And before anyone gets defensive: Some people think when I say comments like these that I'm being "snobby". I'm not, and I don't see why anyone should think that way. Just call things by their name! I love some wild screaming electric guitars through cranked stacks. I love me some delay and chorus, etc.


I really think Guitar Player should try to appeal to MORE guitarists. Over the past year or so you've done articles on John Williams, Badi Assad, Pierre Bensusan, Tony Rice, etc. That's awesome. I think I've been reading the mag for almost three years now and I get the impression I've seen more attention to acoustic, fingerstyle and classical players around the second half of that period. Is that a coincidence? Is it really a wrong impression? I still think you should touch those acoustic worlds/circles in every issue, not every once in a while.


Also, I'd love to see more transcriptions or publication of inspiring/challenging/innovative guitar music (be it rock, fusion, jazz, blues, bluegrass, Brazilian pop, classical, etc.) complete with comments of what makes those tunes so special, and if necessary an analysis on the techniques/theory involved. Maybe transcriptions of stuff unlikely to be seen transcribed in other mags? "Zabareth" by Allan Holdsworth, maybe? Wayne Krantz stuff? Transcriptions of "classical" music originally written for other instruments (think outside the box!... in other words NOT Bach, Paganini, Vivaldi, etc, but maybe 20th or 21st century stuff like Sax, flute or violin solo etudes, etc.)?


Who's gonna buy a mag like this? ME! And a bunch of other hobbyists/educators/musicians!


I actually like the inclusion of indie-pop profiles, even though in these circles many of the players can't even play as well as some of my students that have been playing for less than 2 years. What I wouldn't want to see is the whole "guitar" factor suffer b/c of the need to include this profiling for "cool" or "hip" bands especially when some of these seem to see the electric guitar as an excuse to use effects pedals.

"Without music, life would be a mistake."

--from 'Beyond Good and Evil', by Friedrich Nietzsche


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So...just Mr. Gug is taking the challenge to put the GP editorial staff in its place??


He MIGHT need some backup. Any co-conspirators out there? Anywhere?


Sheesh, I feel like I'm begging a girl for a date or something!




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