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Guitar Store Carnage..


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I will try and keep this short because its a real sore spot with me.I have seen adults do alot more damage than kids who usually just whack a bongo or two.At ash we had a high end room and a pack of young ladies used to enjoy coming in thier to have a good ol'whack on some very expensive guitars.Pretty funny huh?They also did damage that wound up needing repairs from Sal the repair guy.Many times people will buy on the fly meaning they saw something and they want it NOW.Not an interstore transfer not driving to another store in the valley to do a drop ship but that guitar right then and there.The amount of high end models are usually limited from store to store.Because you have one on the floor dosn't mean you will have a fresh one in the box.If you don't have what they want they will walk.Guitar center is just down the street.Alot of times there are not enough sales people to police and keep an eye on the whole store.Weekends can be a cluster fuck of noise and running back and forth.Without cameras you are kind of limited in what you can say to someone that you think may be messing up gear just for the sake of it.Also the crews change ,meaning if you 86 someone they can come back latter and do the same thing.The person who gets screwed is the sales guy.He may lose a sale and as a result may loose his job.You can think what you want but ive seen it firsthand.Alot of people may not agree with a dont touch policy but I do.You can tell someone that wants to buy from someone that is just killing time before some independent film starts up stairs at the theater.I could almost deal with this kinda stuff if it was a kid but not from college kids with money.Ill stop but ugh.Dealing with the public is like an E ticket at disneyland where the fun rides never stop.
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Response to fantasticsound:

Well, I'm a parent of 2 daughters, thankfully they are grown up now, and have families of their own, but not keeping tabs on your children, especially what is going on in your own home? come on- if you care at all about your children, you should be able to spot the warning signs that something is wrong with them. Today's parents seem mostly concerned with themselves, and not what their kids are up to.

"Who's gonna teach the children about Chuck Berry?"
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Originally posted by Guitarzan:

i was bothered by the responses on the original link that wished harm on the child.

as well as the comments of the story teller.

maybe he was "lazy store guy" and the guitar tech was "in your face power seller".

we have no info.

bottom line the child was unhurt and that is good.

Got ya! I agree entirely.
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Boy...this thread is now generating it's own "carnage" :P


All these deeply philosophical/know-it-all perspectives on exactly WHAT happened and WHAT should have been done to prevent it and WHO'S to blame for it...and whats worng with kids in America today :bor:


Guys...it was a 5-year old kidwho got away from mom and from the eyes of the store salesperson. :eek:


No one was hurt...the damage will be covered by the insurance...and I bet after the racks are repaired and new guitars hung...

...even the store employees will be laughing about it when they recant the episode of the 5-year old kid using the guitar racks as a makeshift jungle gym! :D


Let it go already... :thu:


It was an ACCIDENT...

...and NOT "obviously bad behavior by the child, who should have been better trained by the uncaring, irresponsible parents"...yada, yada, yada... :rolleyes:

miroslav - miroslavmusic.com


"Just because it happened to you, it doesn't mean it's important."

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The real problem was demonstrated by mom, when she ran for the door. Had she acted in any more responsible way, you might be able to write it off to "kids do the darnedest things" or something. But how can you expect anyone to be a diligent parent who would do something as dippy as trying to escape from such a situation by running out the door, jumping into a car, and speeding away? Her kid got away from her and climbed on the display because she is irresponsible, not because the kid is anything out of the ordinary. She's the one who caused the problem, and she caused it long before she ever set foot in the store.

I don't feel too badly about the guitars being damaged; they'll make more. But that woman will likely end up spending some time behind bars, if not for that, then for something equally stupid or worse. Then in a few years, her kids will probably wind doing the same. That is the real tragedy here.

Always remember that you are unique. Just like everyone else.





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While I agree with the majority of your last post...

...your final comment:

...that woman will likely end up spending some time behind bars, if not for that, then for something equally stupid or worse. Then in a few years, her kids will probably wind doing the same. That is the real tragedy here.
is a bit over-the-top...and there many similar comments being made by other people!


My, my...how quick and easy it is to pass judgment AND to also project 20-30 years into the future!!!

You guys sure must have some crystal balls! :D


My folks were the epitome of responsible parenting (as they were both teachers, and new how to raise/deal with kids)...

...but even so...I ended up on occasion...doing something dumb that got me into trouble.

It wasn't my parents fault...

...it was MINE...

...BUT...thanks to my young age, I was not held accountable...other than a good whacking/counseling from mom and dad.


You know...sometimes it ISjust an accident.

Heck...we have adults crashing into each other on the roads...and many of those events are called "no-fault" accidents.


Why does this one HAVE TO HAVE some specific fault attributed to someone...???

miroslav - miroslavmusic.com


"Just because it happened to you, it doesn't mean it's important."

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Originally posted by HardTail:

Originally posted by caprae:

Unfortunately, the guitar store's insurance will most likely end up paying for them. They will have to take the lady to court. There'll be a lot of drivel about why no one stopped the kid before he got up that high. She'll counter sue because they weren't properly secured, and on and on. She ran because its the "no one is responsible for their actions" generation.


The headmaster at our school says, "We now have a generation of kids being raised by a generation of young parents who have never been held accountable for their actions."

Yep! Those parents need to be sent to Parris Island, right brother?
Now you're talking. No excuses. Take responsibility for yourself.
Raise your children and spoil your grandchildren. Spoil your children and raise your grandchildren.
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Originally posted by marvar:

Response to fantasticsound:

Well, I'm a parent of 2 daughters, thankfully they are grown up now, and have families of their own, but not keeping tabs on your children, especially what is going on in your own home? come on- if you care at all about your children, you should be able to spot the warning signs that something is wrong with them. Today's parents seem mostly concerned with themselves, and not what their kids are up to.

I'm very happy your daughters have grown up into adults you must be proud of. But I'd bet there are still things they did as kids you either heard about now that they're grown or possibly still haven't heard about. ;)


There's a difference between keeping tabs and constant surveillance, and I would suggest that only through the latter would you really know everything your kids have been up to. But it's just not practical, ethical or even a good parenting philosophy to attempt constant surveillance.


It's very likely an attentive parent will see warning signs of bad behaviour, possible drug use, eating disorders, etc. It's also possible for any of these examples to be well hidden from attentive parents until there is a serious problem.


I'm as upset about true instances of negligent parenting as you appear to be. But I take each case as presented. And I think the attitudes of no responsibility were always there. For some reason we marvel at them in the communication age. From expanded news to Jerry Springer we're barraged with trivial coverage of every stupid thing humans do. Is there really more lack of responsibility or has it just been swept back out from under the rug?

It's easiest to find me on Facebook. Neil Bergman




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Originally posted by Kramer Ferrington III.:

Originally posted by caprae:

The headmaster at our school says, "We now have a generation of kids being raised by a generation of young parents who have never been held accountable for their actions."

So what do the parents say?
They think their own kids can never do anything wrong. A first grader was just asked to leave the school (private school) because he had no control or sense of right and wrong. After disciplining this kid month after month, I believe he finally bit someone. The parents? Why it was the other kid's fault, just like everything else this kid has been guilty of. They have never disciplined this kid and always had the attitude that "it was cute". My sons are freshmen. If some classmates don't get A's, its the teacher's fault. Forget that its advanced algebra and is hard stuff to learn.
Raise your children and spoil your grandchildren. Spoil your children and raise your grandchildren.
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Originally posted by Geoff Byrne:

Don't get me wrong - I like kids, but I couldn't finish a whole one.......





Try more ketchup.
Raise your children and spoil your grandchildren. Spoil your children and raise your grandchildren.
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Yeah, I must admit, the music store I gave lessons from is one of the top 5 biggest music stores in Canada. They certainly don't have a whole bunch of classic guitars, all on the same stand and suspended in the air.


I also have to agree that having all of them break seems a little far fetched...

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Originally posted by Junior 1:

What store hangs 5 guitars from 1 holder!!! 5 worth 15K!!!!

It sounded like they were on hooks mounted to battens that were, in turn, mounted to the wall. That's pretty typical to have multiple hooks mounted to the same batten.

It's easiest to find me on Facebook. Neil Bergman




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The original thread wasn't started by me, but was pointed out to me by a friend who frequents it, since he knows I'm into guitars.


My take on this whole story is, it could have been much worse, and if a parent is going to take a small child into a store full of breakable expensive items, hold their hand the whole time.


I've got my ship, and all her flags are flying. She's all the I've got left, and MUSIC is her name!!

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I have my doubts the events as recounted are strictly true, and the alleged store employer sounds like a bit of a jerk (what, you have to know how to play guitar to buy one?). On the other hand, I know my sister strictly forbids my 5-year-old niece from entering her hometown's only music store ...
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Anyone who doesn't supervise their kids with a close eye deserves to have to pay any damages their kids cause. And they should also not be allowed to sue anyone because of their own negligence.


The story this post references may or may not be true. I don't know. It certainly sounds plausible.


A local computer store used to ban smaller children. If they couldn't see over the counter, then they couldn't come in the store. He had one of those things like they have on rides next to the front door.


I think Lu probably lost some business that way but he didn't have to deal with his merchandise being damaged by out of control kids anymore.


I really don't understand people who won't discipline their kids. I think they are setting them up for a lifetime of misery or at least a very rude awakening at the hands of other people who won't tolerate their behavior.

Born on the Bayou


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Originally posted by miroslav:

Boy...this thread is now generating it's own "carnage" :P


All these deeply philosophical/know-it-all perspectives on exactly WHAT happened and WHAT should have been done to prevent it and WHO'S to blame for it...and whats worng with kids in America today :bor:


Guys...it was a 5-year old kidwho got away from mom and from the eyes of the store salesperson. :eek:


No one was hurt...the damage will be covered by the insurance...and I bet after the racks are repaired and new guitars hung...

...even the store employees will be laughing about it when they recant the episode of the 5-year old kid using the guitar racks as a makeshift jungle gym! :D


Let it go already... :thu:


It was an ACCIDENT...

...and NOT "obviously bad behavior by the child, who should have been better trained by the uncaring, irresponsible parents"...yada, yada, yada... :rolleyes:

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Originally posted by Guitarzan:

Originally posted by ellwood:

I like to punch that kid out!!! little bugger!!

that is a nice jungle gym you have in your avatar. ;):D
You're onto something there Guitarzan!!


Hey Ellwood - you should let the hyperactive ADD kids in the neigborhood blow off some daily steam by sending out an open invitation for any of them to come on over anytime and goof around in that jungle gym room of yours! :D

Just a pinch between the geek and chum



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"Either a jungle gym or bowling pins.".... :confused: Maybe we have a regional misunderstanding going here?? I don't get what you mean? I'm looking close at the Avatar and I don't see one? is it in the Avatar in a little picture of one, I even walked back to the room and looked around at the pictures and I still don't see one! Where is it?EDIT: Oh do you mean that ash tray holder on the mike stand? :confused:
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