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Grammy Tribute to Sly....I don't really know what I just saw.

Hound Dog

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That was the only 5 minutes I happened to catch of the Grammies...

...and yes, quite bizarre!


Sly looked almost medicated (I now he's gettin' kinda old)...but he wouldn't even look up at the crowd...just kept his head down...and then he just waves and walks off while the band is still playing...???


I turned the channel after that and never checked back in.

miroslav - miroslavmusic.com


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Sly said a few things into the mic, but he didn't really sing. He hit a few keys on the keyboard (looked like he was totally concentrating on what he was playing), but he didn't appear to really be playing anything. He looked like the Creature from the Black Lagoon with Mohawk. I'm not really trying to dis the guy but I was totally confused. Even when Steve Tyler and Joe Perry were playing, they looked like they didn't really know what to do.
Yum, Yum! Eat em up!
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Thanks for the sweeeeeeeet pic, Lava! Made my morning. Glad I caught U2, missed Senor McCartney 'cause we were watching Lost. Saw a little bit of this "tribute" , looked like your classic too-many-people-playing-at-once crappy jam session. I used to like watching the Grammys but IMO it's just a bunch of polluted rap/hip-hop fill a dumpster with it crap any more.
I was born at night but I wasn't born last night...
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Originally posted by LeftyBlues:

Thanks for the sweeeeeeeet pic, Lava! Made my morning. Glad I caught U2, missed Senor McCartney 'cause we were watching Lost. Saw a little bit of this "tribute" , looked like your classic too-many-people-playing-at-once crappy jam session. I used to like watching the Grammys but IMO it's just a bunch of polluted rap/hip-hop fill a dumpster with it crap any more.

Im with this guy.



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Forget about the attention hogs...


Did anyone see if they awarded the Best Children's Album Grammy to my friend Dennis Scott on air? :confused:


I didn't watch. Outside of my connection to this wonderful man, musician and producer, the Grammy's generally make me want to scream at my tv like the testosterone fueled football couch potatoes watching their favorite team's quarterback, etc. do something really stupid. :D

It's easiest to find me on Facebook. Neil Bergman




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Sly looked like an extra from the "Alien" movies. He was extremely uncomfortable. It was way cool to see him, though. The rest of the "tribute" was a total trainwreck. Everyone seemd very confused (especially Steven Tyler). It could have been a great moment...oh well.


The best performances IMHO were:

- McCartney doing Helter Skelter

- Herbie Hancock and Christina Aguilera

- U2

- John Legend

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I had to wonder about Sly myself, how many people his age would feel comfortable dressed like that, especially knowing they have to go in front of this big audience plus the tv cameras....I don't know. The commercials I saw leading up to the show had clips of him and his band from back in the day, I would rather have seen more of those. And I also thought the music leading up to(and during)his appearance was iffy at best. On the guitar front I think Kieth Urban played the best, both acoustically on his solo song and when he grabbed a tele and joined Faith Hill. I'm by no means a country/Kieth Urban fan but there you have it.



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Originally posted by Fingerstyle_Jim:

...On the guitar front I think Kieth Urban played the best, both acoustically on his solo song and when he grabbed a tele and joined Faith Hill. I'm by no means a country/Kieth Urban fan but there you have it.



I didn't see the show, but Keith is a fantastic guitar player.


When I mixed a short, acoustic set for Keith, just him and his guitar, his manager told me to push the bass on his acoustic channel just as far as it would go. I fully expected to, at least, have to dial it back, and at worst get popped with an unattractive, low end thump. Instead, it was spot on, from start to finish, no sound check. He really knows how to coax what he wants from an instrument. :thu:

It's easiest to find me on Facebook. Neil Bergman




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Originally posted by Squ:

John Legend once recorded some vocals in my Dad's studio, in our basement. True story. Just think, a few years ago he was here and last night he was at the grammys. WACKY!

I have a similar story...early 80's, the light man for our band always complained that he wanted to do sound...we said "Shut up and do the lights, Tom". Fast forward to about 1987 when I saw Tom Lord Alge collect his first Grammy for engineering Steve Winwood's "Back In The High Life", one the best sounding records ever!
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I missed the segment with Sly, although I did hear about (if I had seen it, I probably would have gone, "What the..."). Actually, the only part of the Grammies that I did catch (right after I got home from Wednesday night church service and right before my wife changed the channel on the TV as I went upstairs to check email before getting ready for bed) was the duet performance of Faith Hill and Keith Urban; Keith was playing what looked like a Nashville Tele (with three single coils), and I must say that I was quite impressed with his guitar work on that song. :thu: Keith is one of a number of performers in modern country music (Brad Paisley is another that comes to mind) who are known primarily for their songs and perhaps their appeal to members of the opposite sex, but who also happen to be right exceptional guitar players.

Robert J. ("Bob") Welch III


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Originally posted by LeftyBlues:

Thanks for the sweeeeeeeet pic, Lava! Made my morning. Glad I caught U2, missed Senor McCartney 'cause we were watching Lost. Saw a little bit of this "tribute" , looked like your classic too-many-people-playing-at-once crappy jam session. I used to like watching the Grammys but IMO it's just a bunch of polluted rap/hip-hop fill a dumpster with it crap any more.

Hip-hop sells. My impression of the Grammys is that mostly whatever sells gets the award. Hip-hop sells a lot. The Grammy people like it a lot, so obviously, you're gonna get a lot of that. I don't know when the Grammys were interested in music as an art form...

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I watched the Grammys for the first time in many years and really enjoyed it. Like most here I'm sure, I'm not the biggest fan of award shows where the industry players get to promote and give themselves awards BUT this year's seemed a little different.


Its seemed to me that the emphasis was on the evening's performances more than the actual awards.


In the span of 3 hours we got to see some of music's biggest players perform...


I loved the Paul McCartney set, especially when he rocked out! U2 was really good... who doesn't like their song Vertigo??? Bruce Springsteen did his Dylan/Neil Young-style song. And yeah, Keith Urban played a good acoustic song followed by an electric backup/ duet with Faith Hill.


I even liked the Sly Stone/New Orleans tribute jam at the end... Declan McManus (Elvis Costello) palyed some pretty cool guitar next to the Edge, Tyler/Perry popped out for a while.


Some guitar observations...


Keith Urban played his tele through 2 Marshalls... One head w/ a 4x12 Marshall cab and the other head through a Bogner cab.


The Edge played through a "stack" of combos... I think primarily Vox amps. Looked like there were about 6 of 'em, stakced 3 high in 2 rows.


Elvis Costello played through a small BadCat combo.


Joe Perry played through a half-stack... I forget which brand.


Sir Paul played through about 6 Mesa Boogie cabs.



Didn't Coldplay sound like U2???

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The Grammies to me are always BS.


All these bands and artists that annoy me always win a bunch of them.


Led Zeppelin never won one. Has Van Halen ever won a grammy? What about Jeff Buckley? Has King's X ever won one? What about Hendrix? Alice in Chains?


They always give them out to people like Kenny G or U2, or Mariah Carey (ops I have to puke). Not to say U2 doesn't deserve them, but so many other bands have given so much also.


I hate those awards.

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I agree that the Grammys is full of shit.


With all the great bands that flagshipmile mentioned, what kind of people do you have winning Grammys? Kelly freaking Clarkston!


They can keep their stupid Grammys and their stupid sterile pro-tools music. I'll crank up "Dark Side of the Moon".

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I am not saying that some of the people who get them don't deserve them, but so many of them are just the product of succesful marketing. Like Mariah Carey. Of course I know she is a talented singer. She can practically whistle with her voice (which is really annoying). It is just the contrived BS music that other people write for her. (my opinion)


I wouldn't attribute it to liberalism really, I am quite a liberal thinker and I am against the grammies. I am not someone who thinks democrat or republican. To me both parties are equally full of shit depending on what you are talking about. All an illusion for big money anyways.


I hate it when an actor or musician tries to get all political. It always seems so self indulgent. And here I am preaching!! Maybe I will get a grammy next time.. :o )

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Originally posted by flagshipmile:

I am not saying that some of the people who get them don't deserve them, but so many of them are just the product of succesful marketing. Like Mariah Carey. Of course I know she is a talented singer. She can practically whistle with her voice (which is really annoying). It is just the contrived BS music that other people write for her. (my opinion)


I wouldn't attribute it to liberalism really, I am quite a liberal thinker and I am against the grammies. I am not someone who thinks democrat or republican. To me both parties are equally full of shit depending on what you are talking about. All an illusion for big money anyways.


I hate it when an actor or musician tries to get all political. It always seems so self indulgent. And here I am preaching!! Maybe I will get a grammy next time.. :o )

And the feeling that there is absolutely NOTHING behind the voice. She is about as vapid a person as you could find. Comments she has made, stories about her, and just...her. Yuch.


I don't care how high her voice physically goes, she's GOT nothing. No heart, no soul in that singing. She has a technically great voice. Don't know how much she works at at, but am reasonably sure that the goal for her is to use it to be loved by her fans, to be a pop star, instead of a need to make music


I know, none of this (well...the vapid comments are hers) is provable, and I could be wrong. I don't usually get all that judgemental, but in her case I can't stand anything about her.


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