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d halfnote

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Everything posted by d halfnote

  1. [video:youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cJepRNpaNz8
  2. In ref to another thread, I rediscovered this, which came w/the surprise of a "secret" clip the comes on aft the main clip freezes---don't miss it ! [video:youtube]
  3. Today, investigating a MidEastern duo, Red Axes (yawn) I came across this...Kinda spacey, kinda melodic, lightly jazzish. What do ya think ? [video:youtube] Here they take a completely diff tack...at least at 1st...before settling into some B'S BREW-era Miles Dewey Davis territory. I like how the drummer sometimes actually duets w/ the leads. Gtr solo = 5"30~7:47 / don't miss the upwward swipe he ends with ! Haven't been able yet to get accurate info on IDing the 2 guitarists. [video:youtube]
  4. Reminded of this in a diff thread. Cheap Trick goes simultaneously rock-rough & arty on a classic track from John Lennon's dark daze... Catch Neilson's intro starting at :30 + / his frenetic soloing in Lennon's trademark, repeat-the-lick style (see next vid) & his too-cool-fer-skool pic flip @ 3:00 [video:youtube] Lennon, w/his once best bud... :idk... In regard to that rpt-the-lick thang mentioned above, dig the solo JL plays at 3:30. Seems bonehead simple...'til ya try keeping the rhythm exact throughout. [video:youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fj4aJ8R0k2Y Time-lapsing to a track done to fill time while making a promo vid for Lady Madonna [video:youtube] [video:youtube] [video:youtube]
  5. Just listlessnin' to Fish's "Man N D Street W/A Stick": Now I'm sittin' bolt up right & STANDING !! ... Wow... the mix starts SO weirdly unbalanced !!!! The purr-fect match to the lyrix ! GREAT ! That's ART ! That's a cool track, !!!! Makes me wonder why anybod' even cares abt them crackers from Vermont....[PFish, if ya gotta axe. ] ...but, Dang...it was followed on YT by [video:youtube] Did "They do it w/out knowing" ?
  6. Didya notice how YT put the cue point exactly over Gal's eye ?!
  7. Man, thanks for adding to my already-over-extended list, Danz ! I just broke into the newest DownBeat & am still tryna prioritize that ...but reading there abt Brazilian guitarist-composer Caetano Veloso's new work put me in a retrospective mood & I dug these things out... Gal Costa doing one of Veloso's prettiest tunes Dig the gtr /synth bit that crops up near the end (3:05+ ) [video:youtube] Veloso & band doin the same tune [video:youtube] Back to Gal / here she clears the air abt the sometimes bittersweet taste of love while the band funks it up like they're auditioning for Mr James Brown [video:youtube] Which leads me back to wondering abt whatever happened to that nice McCartney kid
  8. Working my way backwards through the list... The Sea / Ashes For me the playing's better than the song; I liked the drum work (Marco Minnemann) & it's recording (both v.crisp) & the gtr solo starting at 2:50 (Roine Stolt ? Daniel Gildenlöw ?) is interesting, particularly in the way it's phrased. However what really sets this apart for me is the kinky bass line & sax solo (Rob Townsend) that starts @3:20 ! Oh, & the vid itself is , too. Little Village - She Runs Hot / Don't Bug Me When I'm Workin' Thanks, Pjr ! I'd never actually seen them---Hiatt's hilarious ! Have ya seen this ? [video:youtube]
  9. Proteje's not the only update on reggae, not even the most modern. Elsewhat... This morning I learned abt a band I'd heard of before but had never actually heard. Guess what ?! They are cool! At least some of the time...much of their stuff is a bit too blatantly punk in sound for me but some of it's really well arranged w/multi-layer vox & catchy melodic effects. Here's the 2 best trax I found so far---you make the call. This has a great swing feel combined w/vox that carry a slightly diff feel---together there's a swirly, syncopated feel that reminds me of a Zappa gtr solo. Also catch the classic pop FX that crop up (like the cheesy combo organ timbre at 1:35+ ) [video:youtube] This one's a bit rough on dainty sensibilities (hey, I warned ya) but is both as catchy a pop track as I've heard since M's "Pop Muzik" & lyrically hilarious. [video:youtube] Reference shelf This is "Pop Muzik", the song Frank Zappa & David Bowie didn't write together [video:youtube]
  10. Just heard of this cat, Proteje, today here's he's rocking w/ one of Robert Nesta Marley's kids They'll break ya into nu-reggae mild stylee [video:youtube] This one's a bit more modern [video:youtube] Extending our trip into BassLand perhaps I'm not the only one to like this / violinist Jerry Goodman rips a gtr solo starting 1:36 [video:youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DJJNkeBnN28 Here's a version of same tune but featuring Mr Geoffrey Arnold Beck, who, as you might guess makes the tune all his own [video:youtube] Otherwise, in checking out the new Paul McCartwheel alb EGYPT STATION, It seems that 1/2 a century aft Lennon broke the F-word barrier on his 1st post-Beatles solo record, Pauly's gone nasty himself / 1st one's a double entendre perhaps, 2nd's flat-out rude dial up 1:20 + if ya can't abide the sorta boring song [video:youtube] [video:youtube]
  11. Been digging his new stuff ? (Gotta admit, kinda like his old stuff but deeper) Here's a song he virtually created Keef R's persona w/via his participation in the PERFOMANCE soundtrack w/Randy Newman [video:youtube] BTW, dig this old track [video:youtube] Ryland's a real traditionalist but he's also one of the best players & interpreters. What can we do to make his place in history more correct ?
  12. +1 DBM, here's a sample (for d et al) I posted in the Birthday Thread about a week ago: [video:youtube] [/quote Way cool larryz, I was away in Southern California again for the first part of the week camping on the Ocean Front. So I missed this one until today. Maybe cause it didnt fit the right time frame ? /
  13. Normally, Im always on the hunt for new stuff. I found Brian Eno by listening to what the bus driver on my route was playing. Ive found others from commercials, recommendations, etc. But I havent had the chance to listen to the unfamiliar in this thread- trying to hit the road to Houston, soon. Yeah, of course nobody's gonna answer my Q or know if they really dug any of this in an instant. I just wondered if there was any recognition or interest being stirred up or if I'm constantly looking for new or different stuff, myself. Going through and listening to the things posted here that I haven't heard (will post some vids, myself). When the Guitar mags arrive every month I sit and read them while listening to a track or two by whoever is being profiled... I'm not much of a metal fan, but I check out Gus G or whoever to understand them.
  14. Normally, Im always on the hunt for new stuff. I found Brian Eno by listening to what the bus driver on my route was playing. Ive found others from commercials, recommendations, etc. But I havent had the chance to listen to the unfamiliar in this thread- trying to hit the road to Houston, soon. Yeah, of course nobody's gonna answer my Q or know if they really dug any of this in an instant. I just wondered if there was any recognition or interest being stirred up or if
  15. Just from that track, kinda makes me think of Seattle poprockers from the end of last C but a bit more polished. They are good arrangers in a v.classic rock manner. I do find a whole slew of Beatley stuff they do/did. I like this one best so far, mostly for the gtr work & the shifts in the arr. (overall kinda mid-period FMac). Drummer varies his stuff interestingly, too. [video:youtube] & what a great message of welcoming reinforcement---he don't mind if yer around !
  16. Q for all... Has yer curiosity been piqued by what someone has posted ? Or y'just in there cocooned w/what ya heard from the herd y' been riding ? Ya in for the new or just for what y'knew ? :idk :steve:
  17. Details, DBM, details....?! Here's some of what I listened to tonight... Ray Davies takes the story-telling aspect of rock music that Chuck Berry commanded unto us in a peculiarly English direction Magic moment = the mélange of piano styles deployed behind the final verse [video:youtube] AK sings so lovely she almost makes me forget ReRe's fade Magic moments = the melismas at 1:33 & 2:45 [video:youtube] Hometown hero Donnie Glover takes us back to some place near home Magic moment = 3:20 / "no sound" [video:youtube] Gary Shider recounts tales of a ghetto childhood while George Clinton celebrates getting his 1st video budget [video:youtube] Magic moment = when we shift to the uptempo 2nd recorded version featuring a searing gtr duet between Eddie Hazel & Michael Hampton [video:youtube] Don Van Vliet channels the ghost of Otis Redding Magic moment = 0:57 + wherein guitarist Bill Harkleroad shows his stuff [video:youtube]
  18. Anyone can do a spot chk of posts here to chk out my listening but here's something new I just heard (at least in this version) [video:youtube] It reminds me of this long time fave, though the reasons may notbeas obvious as they seem Pali Gap / Hendrix < https://vimeo.com/204090437 > I must also say that these young cats Surfer Girl hipped me to have impressed me greatly. I really think they go far beyond their early hype. [video:youtube] but on Tal Farlow, P90 & thx for the tip on Sloan ! If I may, "Punk Byrds" [video:youtube]
  19. So for 7th Of, who's actually the main cast ? Gtr/composer, vox, bs ...?
  20. Taking the easy way in, I'm checking the "Listen", uh, list a few at a time. Enemy : the staggered bit that starts at :40 is my preferred section (FWIW ). All well played & recorded but I really like the drum-work---the rolling thunder of what seems the intro, the tripping roll at :21, etc. Does that person devise their own parts ? An axiom from one of my past cohorts is that the drummer can do more to control the perceived quality of rock ensembles than other members, even though that's often a subconscious perception. Tangentially, the site's impressive at 1st visit. I may try to steal some of yer ideas ! You mentioned other projects. What ? More later if ya want to hear it (or via PM ?). Thanks ! Oh----& v clever titles !
  21. You do play kboards, though, right ? Allswhat, great work !
  22. We're talking abt "Lost Within", right? Great gtr work, Skip, esp the faster lines that occur in spots [1:38; 1:54; 2:00; 2:12]. Did you do the chordal beds, too ? Much diff from the kinda folkish stuff I heard before, which was also good but didn't suggest this aspect of yer range. Nice jazzy vibe (kinda like some stuff I heard by Mike Stern last year---not imitative but offbeat melodically for EDM & such, IMO). From yer OP on the main page, I wonder abt the stuff w/kb...or were you playing gtr sounds via kb ? Depending on the goal of the actual artist, I'd say the gtr might be just a touch higher in mix or maybe variable in loudness at spots but that kick is really just a bit too strong...& I'm listening on gear that doesn't even emphasize low end the way a lotta stuff does. Good on ya, SC !
  23. Yes, I just read of this today myself. I must say that I found him to be the most soulful member of that the Mac (sorry, Xtine McVie fans ). Young Danny Boy Comes Yer Way [video:youtube] Raving it up w/ Petey Green Kirwan solos 1:22~1:45 & 2:08~2:35 [video:youtube] Going in a new direction / "live" on TV color film DK solo = 1:25~2:22 [video:youtube] Doin' that proto-Little Feat thang [video:youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wONRlMK8C6A 2 trax that are welded together...& some special film [video:youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6SUbloyGsgw [video:youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LxVZ61oTZts Lest we get too seriously sad here's our ever-young hero singing maybe the most surprising country-rock-reggae track you'll ever hear/ gtr solo = 1:40~202 [video:youtube]
  24. Let's see Davey Gilmour do this ! 2 classic feed back moments highlights intro / PT shannels his inner JH / 0:00~1:05 2nd solo / 1:55~3:15 / note esp the section 2:53+ 3rd solo-finale / 3:20~end starting @ 4:00 mark Pete illustrates his classic "D shapes up the neck as jazzy chord extensions" technique building to a classic feedback moment before he calms back down for an even hipper illustration of that technique [video:youtube]
  25. That one was so sly I missed it back in radio days ! Here's one that's more overt...though not as overt as Chris Robinson's multi-channeling of PeeWee Herman & Bob Plant. A couple times, just before the vocals [1:09] & just before his solo [3:50], JP let's the lion roar for a moment. If you can ignore Chrissy, check how well structured the 3 gtr architecture is & & the wonders that the Orange amp brings forth @ 2:10 & 3:29. &, while JPage has never been my fave guitarist, the lick he unreels at 4:05~ ~4:10 is phenomenal, which, followed by the climactic ritard he does w/the drummer, makes this the best music I've heard in the last hour, at least ! [video:youtube] Non-pertinently but relevantly [ ], here's a point abt the long shadow some musical forms can have. [video:youtube]
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