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d halfnote

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Everything posted by d halfnote

  1. & some ppl think my clip postings lack context :idk
  2. That's good work , MoneyMan , & not just on a tech level...expressive & nuanced ! If other forum members haven't heard the original (as I hadn't) here's the raw material. [video:youtube] --------------------------------------------- There's a cliche that goes 90+ % of (fill in the art form) is crap. I think it applies. BTW & FWIW, although many try to deselect their fave music from the category of "pop", that term simply means popular. By definition most of the music we hear & discuss here is pop music &, as the mash of global musics (an unintended consequence of The Beatles) creeps ever closer, diffs between genres lessen. Some will try to argue that point but that attitude generally betrays one's lack of objectivity or a hope to remain distinct from :the masses". Modern country music, for ex., is & has been for decades the same as country-rock from the 1070s. Modern rock, regardless of specific style, is an amalgam of the primary time periods LarZ just cited. Dig: A message from The Wayback Machine https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QnH1ChxE7ZI [video:youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QnH1ChxE7ZI
  3. That's v. cool, COS ! Beautiful, in fact. The harmonic drift in the final 20~30 secs = Salute to producer Craig Street !! Has anyone ever tracked some vox w/ feedback ?
  4. Nice evil-pop track---but not as evil as that Clarkson thing !
  5. Here's one w/ multiple iterations SRV , as they say, pulls out all the stops (& all the stomps, too) [video:youtube]
  6. [video:youtube] [video:youtube] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2Sh9cezHNec [video:youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2Sh9cezHNec
  7. Well, yer right abt that (along w/ the less stable Brian Jones). He also produced records for several other acts. What's most interesting in one way is that Bill Perks (real name) was many years older than the others but remains the youngest looking of any of them, even Ron Wood, a decade his junior.
  8. Hey, never noticed that thing at the end before (!)---but it's a solid pop track. Wish there was a version by P!NK instead
  9. DY is cool but as was often the case Pete Anderson (master guitarist & producer) upstages him, before even starting the tune, in this clip. DY does dance well, though ! & dig Will Lee's bass parts ! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h8-lHMzSmV8 [video:youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h8-lHMzSmV8
  10. 2 werdz = Elvin Bishop.....hint = he's an actual guitarist
  11. Good reminder ! Those cats did so much that was better than that "Free Bird" noise. BTW & FWIW [video:youtube] Did I bring this one up already ? end of solo [1:00~1:40] [video:youtube]
  12. Is there like a moratorium on gtr players here ? This cat not only plays this way [video:youtube] He plays this way [video:youtube] He explains it this way [video:youtube] & he does much of it on a gtr he helped design [video:youtube] But back to twisting (in the wind) w/Chumpy Checker....
  13. How abt a freakin gtr player, such as Trey Anastasio [9/30/2K17]?!! [video:youtube] [video:youtube]
  14. Link took me to a mag spreadsheet but what page(s) am I looking for, Hugo ? Oh, just found the article ! [back aft I read it in next several daze.................. / note how elipsis stands in fer infinite sustain ? ] ---------------------------------------------------------- Grumble ! It's one of those sites ya can't cut/paste from [ ], which I guess is why ya didn't do that for us in the 1st place .... Hate having to sit here reading tiny type when I could be doon that elsewhen !
  15. All the dead guys & gals [why's there never any discussion of he ppl's talents or 'tever ? Maybe ya'll can't discuss ?]
  16. Excuse my intrusion. Yes, I guess I did get the date wrong. Can only say I've been a bit, um, distracted this past month. Thank goodness you were able to figure things out! As I said last year, PRN was prolly the best combination of talent that we've ever seen: composer, singer, multi-instrument talented (still tryna find a clip of him & his fave concert trick of simultaneously playing RH kboard & LH gtr), arranger & producer. More than 1/2 his finished tracks are only him. Plus he tripped the light fantastic as a dancer in ways that went beyond his obvious influence from James Brown into an arty choreography that didn't just fill rhythmic space (as in most stage dance) but served as another interpretation of his tunes. Beside the 1 above, look at this clip [video:youtube] Far as I'm concerned everyday's his BDay. I'll trade y' 1 PRN for abt seventy-leven of yer random who's-in-the-paper-today picks. [We now return you to yer regularly scheduled programming]
  17. I been kinda distracted & fergot the fact that On the same day as Ringo Starr was born another Star Why we dig him here [notice that when he did that hokey "fallback" schtick, at which many still sneer, Dhani H is all smiles, lovin' it] [video:youtube] Burnin the house UP w/ Sheryl Crow [sparks sstart flying at 3:30] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pHG5_QEAb8s [video:youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pHG5_QEAb8s He gon(e), make it funky gtr solo improv https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JFSmI3IxV30 [video:youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JFSmI3IxV30 What he mighta been like sittin 'round the house w/you [video:youtube] Why they dug him airwhere ? B/c he was COOL & he WORKED [no gtr content but y'gotta see this to believe it b/c it's unbelievable !] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jF49nZ1ydJg&list=PLzIFpUA0Ox0JUKyEXSY6Ni_MyHYbeaiss [video:youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jF49nZ1ydJg&list=PLzIFpUA0Ox0JUKyEXSY6Ni_MyHYbeaiss
  18. http://www.onthisday.com/today/birthdays.php
  19. [video:youtube]] [video:youtube]] [video:youtube]] [video:youtube] F & T you
  20. FWIW, most PF records thoughout their career were recorded in Detroit's United Sound Studios. GC himself lives in a rural area NW of the city. Unawareness is ongoing. As some say, "Pizza out'
  21. Geo Clinton ,beyond Berry, was / is the major music force outta DT.
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